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Postby Holly Golightly » Wednesday 16 July 2003 3:40:16pm

Hey, whattcha talking about..

:chicken wizard: can take on the toughtest of customers!!!


Or employees for that matter...
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Postby Mint » Wednesday 16 July 2003 4:46:03pm


Loose chicken in the McWizards, Loose chicken in the McWizards!!!!

*Mint runs around and eventually crashed into a fries stand. All the hot oil spills all over, customers start to run and scream*

Ohhh, Look even our customers know what the chicken can do, Look at them panic! :evil: :evil grin:

*Hands over potato chip bags to Holly, Huffleduck and Hire*

Try to lure the chicken away to the door!!! :evil:

*Hides under the refrigerator* :eekie:
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Postby Holly Golightly » Wednesday 16 July 2003 5:05:43pm

Here chicken chicken chicken...

Holly starts throwing chip crumbs at the chicken...

:eek: DAMN IT MINT, these are chicken flavoured!!! :eek:

Holly runs to grab a broom...

Better get these out of the way before the chicken eats any...

OH NO, too late!!!

:o :o :o :o :o :o :o

:chicken wizard: starts breathing fire over Holly...
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Postby Gwared » Wednesday 16 July 2003 6:29:47pm

*Hears commotion and wanders out of his janitors closet in time to be given a pack of crisps. Starts to eat crisps in bemusement but then sees Holly heading for one of his precious brooms (my preeeesscious, my ooonly...!).*

Accio broom!

*broom flys into Hire's hand along with several burgers!*

Are you guys making burgers out out brooms again?

*starts to pretend to clean the mess up whilst actually making it worse deliberatly to stop customers from being able to leave without paying or to seek medical attention...whatever!*

Accio chickens!

*puts chickens in the processor for milkshakes!*
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Postby Mint » Wednesday 16 July 2003 6:56:37pm

*Mint takes a peak from under refrigerator*

Uh, did you get rid of them..?.... :(

*Sees Holly on fire*

:evil: This is no time to be playing with fire Holly! Back to work!

*tries to poor some soda on Holly*

Wait let me cool you off with a milkshake

*goes over to the processor*

Strange noise starts comming out of the grows louder...and louder....customers become very quiet and concern

eh.. :o ....its ok...*grabs a broom, not noticing an evil stare comming from Hire and smth about precious*....its just er...broken ....

The processor ExPloDes and Huuuuge Slimy Chicken-like things, covered in milkshake stuff, in Red, Green and Blue colors come out.

:eek: Ahhhhhh!

*Mint runs towards refrigerator dragging Hire's broom with her while Chicken thing proceeeds to swallow one of the customers*

What Are they?!?!? :eek:
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Postby Holly Golightly » Wednesday 16 July 2003 7:02:50pm

Ahhh, I'm getting out of here!!!

Holly goes to hide in the cupboad under the sink...

Hrmm, nap time!!! ;)
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Postby HuffleDuck » Wednesday 16 July 2003 10:00:47pm

OmG.. chicken everywhere.. eeww..

Gets a hose and starts firing water around the restaurant

Uh oh, the water hose is broke and it won't turn off

Oh no it's gonna get flooded....

Runs around screaming :eek: :eek: :eek:
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Postby Mint » Thursday 17 July 2003 3:43:48pm

Oh no! the situation is getting worse!!! What r thouse things called??? I think Chickazillas! :eek:

*Mint gets out from under the fridge*

Look out Huffleduck or that Strawberry Chickazilla is gonna get you!!!!! :eek:

*Mint bumps into a Huffleduck and then they both land into a green goo.*

Oh what is this? is it a weapon against chickazillas? :evil:

*Mint puts green goo into a glue gun and starts shooting. But because she has no aim goo goes all over the place and patches of gue stratch around McWizards like long green vines. Water from the hose causes electricity to go out. There is an increasing sound of water comming from a water hose that sounds more like a little river now. Customers that r still alive make weird noises. McWizards starts to look like Jungle at night . *

:o Oh boy!

*Mint runs to the cupboard under the sink where Holly is hiding, dragging Huffleduck with her*

Holly, you here! Get up!! get up!!!
man, I can not see anything!!! We must make some light! :evil:
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Postby Gwared » Thursday 17 July 2003 4:56:29pm

*Meanwhile Gwared aka Hire decides to swim lengths as excersise up and down the restaurant*
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Postby HuffleDuck » Friday 18 July 2003 5:18:36am

*Feels something wet around the leg while Mint draggin*
The water has flooded the whole place.. Oh no Oh no we are gonna sink.
*stands up and the water was around her waist* :eek: :eek: :eek:

*runs around screaming while Mint trying to wake up Holly*

Any minute now, our restaurant gonna be "The McWizard the lost Restaurant".
And and and We are gonna be merpeople. :eek: :eek: :-)
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Postby Wilwizard » Friday 18 July 2003 2:28:25pm

(sorry i havne't been on for awhile but i have been really really sick)

*puts a piece of paper on the anouncement board*

Official anouncement:

1) The president statement: "this place is weird" was meant as a compliment.

2) Do to the internal chaos (soon to end :grin: ) Lizzy huffleduck and Mint will all share the manager position. Lets just say as a going away present forn chaos.

3) According to the rule book (section 94532 chapter 420001 paragraph 9954.5 C) If a McWizards ends up completely underwater, the entire staff there for shall lose their jobs!!!. We suggest that it does not come to this.

4) Pending notice there may be a few changes in policies in the next while

5) According to the rule book (section 84654 chapter 4401 paragraph 79004.5 C) Any Mcwizards employee without an official rule book will be on mop duty for a week.

6) Have a nice day :D !
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Postby Mint » Friday 18 July 2003 2:33:02pm

Merpeople eh?

You know may be we will atract more cutomers that way!!!! "The McWizard the lost Restaurant" sounds great!!! $_$ :evil grin:

U sure we are gonna turn into merpeople though? Better first test it on you two, since Mint is Indispensable. :evil:

*Mint finds a bucket and poors water on Holly and Huffleduck. Suddenly they hear a war cry from Chickazilla.*

:o Oh yeah....forgot about them.
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Postby HuffleDuck » Saturday 19 July 2003 2:27:40am

No i still wanna walk.. :eek:
Running around trying to avoid Mint....
OOh i have to share the position eh.! :-?

:-? Too many rules.... and we already have a janitor.. so he'll mop for us :P

Hehe i guess the chickazilla is drowned.. :-)
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Postby azn wizard » Saturday 19 July 2003 3:02:56am

good thinking mint....merpeople should be good customers... :D
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Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 19 July 2003 8:01:47am

:eek: :eek: :eek: Ahhhhhhh, Holly looks down, andfinds that she now has a tail...

Oh, this is not good, THIS IS NOT GOOD!!!

Hrmm, finding it much easier to swim though...

Maybe I could get used tot his, she ponders...

hey Wil, what's the policy on employing mermaids??? :grin:
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