Oh no! the situation is getting worse!!! What r thouse things called??? I think Chickazillas!
*Mint gets out from under the fridge*
Look out Huffleduck or that Strawberry Chickazilla is gonna get you!!!!!
*Mint bumps into a Huffleduck and then they both land into a green goo.*
Oh what is this? is it a weapon against chickazillas?
*Mint puts green goo into a glue gun and starts shooting. But because she has no aim goo goes all over the place and patches of gue stratch around McWizards like long green vines. Water from the hose causes electricity to go out. There is an increasing sound of water comming from a water hose that sounds more like a little river now. Customers that r still alive make weird noises. McWizards starts to look like
Jungle at night . *
Oh boy!
*Mint runs to the cupboard under the sink where Holly is hiding, dragging Huffleduck with her*
Holly, you here! Get up!! get up!!!
man, I can not see anything!!! We must make some light!