Harry a Prefect?

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Will Harry become a prefect in Book 6?

Yes, of course he will
No, not a chance
Total votes : 28

Harry a Prefect?

Postby Holly Golightly » Wednesday 16 July 2003 11:20:53am

So, does anyone think that DD might change the rules a little, and allow Harry to become a Prefect in Book 6?

I'm hoping that it doesn't, but as we all know, many rules have been bend for the famous Harry Potter? (H rmm, sounding a little like Draco there! ;) )

So basically, I'm heading in the direction of, yes, I think that it will happen, but I'm hoping not!!! I like it that Ron is able to have something that Harry doesn't!

So, what's everyone else's opinion?

Holly ;)
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Re: Harry a Prefect?

Postby Gwared » Wednesday 16 July 2003 11:28:49am

Holly Golightly wrote:So, does anyone think that DD might change the rules a little, and allow Harry to become a Prefect in Book 6?

I'm hoping that it doesn't, but as we all know, many rules have been bend for the famous Harry Potter? (H rmm, sounding a little like Draco there! ;) )

So basically, I'm heading in the direction of, yes, I think that it will happen, but I'm hoping not!!! I like it that Ron is able to have something that Harry doesn't!

So, what's everyone else's opinion?

Holly ;)

Why would he be changing the rules? I don't understand where it is stated that you can't be made a prefect in your 6th year. We did that at my school. We had several batches of prefects throughout the two sixth-form years.
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Postby Violet » Wednesday 16 July 2003 1:02:18pm

to be honest i dont think that he will. As was illustrated at the end of bok 5 harry has a lot to deal with now, and the added responsibility may be too much for him. i think that dumbledore will recognise this and mayb let harry have a more prominent role in something else, like continuing with Dumbledore's army.
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Postby Fafnul Black » Wednesday 16 July 2003 1:29:04pm

"Not a chance" might be a bit harsh, but anyway for me Harry becoming a prefect would spoil the point made in book 5. After all, Ron and Hermione were fine, unbalancing Harry's behavior, although strictly speaking they did not appear to do much regarding their prefect's duties.

As for the rules, they are a bit blurry, to me at least, on the Prefect business. If they are chosen in their 5th year, then at the time Ron and Hermione are made prefects, there should be two more in Gryffindor, namely the two 6th years chosen the previous year. Er-, well, you get the idea ... :grin:
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Wednesday 16 July 2003 1:30:13pm

In a way, I hope Harry doesn't become a prefect...Harry's got to get used to not having everything simply because he's Harry (what someone mentioned about bending the rules)...I don't want him to turn into a Draco, and I don't think he (Harry) does either! :eek:

What if Harry replaced Ron as prefect? What message does that send? That Ron was just a substitute for Harry as Dumbledore thought Harry had too much to handle? I feel bad for Ron because that's essentially what happened...Ron wasn't Dumbledore's first choice...once again, Harry eclipsed Ron. Only Ron (to my knowledge) doesn't know that...yet. I sort of hope he'll never know...why not let Ron have something that Harry doesn't have? Don't get me wrong, I love Harry, and I think he's a great kid, but I think there are other ways for Harry to shine (being Quidditch captain eventually, for instance, or letting him continue with the D.A., as someone mentioned). Just my opinions, of course, and nothing against Harry, it would just be a shame for Ron to feel second best yet again...

Then again, on the other hand, if Harry truly is worthy of being a prefect over Ron, then I suppose Harry shouldn't be cheated either. Considering Harry breaks more school rules than Ron does, I'm surprised Harry would be a prefect, but then, Harry's really excelled (in his service to the school with all his showdowns with Voldemort), so perhaps he is deserving. I'm rather confused now! :-? ARRRRRGGGGGGGGGGH! :o :lol:

~ Lizzy :angel:
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Postby Holly Golightly » Wednesday 16 July 2003 4:15:58pm

Well, I was just assuming that there wouldnt' be any more prefects chosen in 6th yr, based on stuff like Mrs W commented on F&G not making prefect in yr5, but not again in Yr6, which I would ahve assumed taht she woudl ahve done if more prefects were chosen in yr6..

And what I meant by bending the rules was, assuming that the 2 chosen in 5th yr remain prefects till the end, and no more are chosen, DD will allow ther to be 3 from griffindor, and have Harry, Ron and Hermoine...

But now that people have mentioned it, I think it more likely that they will choose another 2 from each yr, so that Harry can be a prefect too... after all, he does get everything eventually... and no, I still dont' like it, but I do think that it will happen...
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Harry the Prefect

Postby highsorcerer » Wednesday 16 July 2003 11:26:19pm

I vote NO, but it has nothing to do with Harry's ability as a wizard, or whether he's capable of handling the responsibility. Dumbledore pretty much admitted he would have made Harry a prefect if he didn't have enough other responsibilities to deal with.

Now that Harry is aware of his destiny, he needs the prefect job even less. Occlumency, independent DADA studies, nightly coaching from McGonagall, plus Quidditch again is going to keep him pretty busy without the extra duties.
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Postby LaceyCrane » Thursday 17 July 2003 10:59:30pm

I think Harry should be a prefect (if there can be different ones each year) because he deserves it more then Ron and certainly more then Draco. The question here is who decides who becomes a prefect anyway?
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Postby redhead2531 » Thursday 17 July 2003 11:10:38pm

I agree with everyone that said no. Ron should get to be able to beat Harry at atleast one thing. Also I do think that just new 5th years will be chosen not 5th and 6th too. And to anwser the last person's question Dumbledore picks the prefects.
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Postby redhead2531 » Thursday 17 July 2003 11:12:43pm

Mistake- meant to say 6th and 7th.
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Postby fra-sirius » Friday 18 July 2003 10:37:11am

i don't think harry should be a prefect
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Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 19 July 2003 6:57:33am

I certainly hope that Ron doesnt' loose his prefect badge and Harry gets it :( I think that would be so hard on por Ron... And I do think that ROn deserves the prefect badge more than Harry does... after all, he's not exactly a rule-follower, is he... I suppose Ron isn't either, but it's usually because of Harry that Ron breaks them (since the story is pretty much about Harry after all!!! ;) )

But I so thinkthat Harry will become a prefect... I still dont' like it, but I thnk it'll happen!
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I agree with Violet

Postby Lolita Banana » Saturday 19 July 2003 11:05:16pm

DD said that Harry has too much going on in his life to be a prefect. Also with everything he has to deal with he has to break the rules once in a while. Therefore he cannot be a good prefect and DD knows this. Besides, there are plenty more of conflicts that JKR can use other then Harry being a prefect. In my opinion, I think that would be a boring conflict.
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Sunday 20 July 2003 2:00:20am

no way, i can't see JKR doing somthin like that, it would just be too stupid and out there, she won't do it
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Postby Gwared » Monday 21 July 2003 11:43:41am

I would like for Ron to superseed his brothers, and the only way he can do that is by becoming Headboy and quidditch captain. Harry can still become a prefect mind.

Also, thinking (yep, I do sometimes), Fred and George were not made prefects. Yet there are, on average, 5 males/year at Hogwarts. Therefore one student could be made prefect in the 6th year for each s*x.

Last thing I would want is for Harry to get Ron's badge, that would be so unfair!
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