by Meg Boyd » Tuesday 15 July 2003 3:25:01am
i don't think Percy will come back to the order anytime soon. I don't recall which book it is from, but i remember Percy buying a copy of "Hogwarts Prefects Who Gained Power." I remember him telling Harry that if he watched himself he could be a prefect and in turn be very successful. Percy wants power and that obviously has taken its toll with his family. He doesn't care about his family, only his own personally gain...or maybe is it that he does care about his family, but in his fury for power and success has he forgotten the true meaning of family??? Perhaps in the end he will have to bear a trial with turning in his family or even his love...Penelope? Perhaps a love triangle with Penelope and some other boy will cause a laps of blind jealousy causing him to go to the dark side...with the dark side LV promises power, and that's just what Percy wants...