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highsorcerer wrote:It was during the scene were she handed out the fake galleons to D.A. She revealed the charm she put on Harry's (so he could set the time / date of the next meeting), and it was noted it was NEWT level magic. One of the Ravenclaws asked her why she wasn't in their house because of her brains. She revealed the sorting hat had seriously considered putting her in that house, but ultimately she was placed in Gryffindor. The real question is why. The simple answer is that she, like Harry, asked the hat to put her in that house.
I had rather expected a scene after that where Ron would shoot his mouth off about her near-sorting experience, state the hat didn't consider him for another house, then ask Harry about his sorting. Harry might have had to come clean on one of his few remaining secrets (he kept Neville's, and I suspect the secret of his wand was published by the Quibbler, but his sorting is something he's never revealed, except to Dumbledore).
BTW, I didn't see an inconsistancy with Harry being selected for Slytherin; he's technically pure-blood since both his parents were wizards. It may not be as strong as others (Longbottom, Black, Malfoy, and Weasley), but it's there. Of course, the lineage of Potters and Evans isn't fully known, though there is the very interesting fact they are both missing from Sirius's tapestry...
AccioNiffler wrote:I can understand why Lily wasnt on the tapestry, you know, the muggle thing. But why not james?I mean there were lot's of other familys on there, like the malfoys and such. i guess maybe james isnt pure blood then, i mean we dont know anything about harry's family besides his parents (and we dont even know that much about them!
Ju-DedoH wrote:what about tom riddle, he's not pure blood, but still ended up in slytherin..
AccioNiffler wrote:I can understand why Lily wasnt on the tapestry, you know, the muggle thing. But why not james?I mean there were lot's of other familys on there, like the malfoys and such. i guess maybe james isnt pure blood then, i mean we dont know anything about harry's family besides his parents (and we dont even know that much about them!
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