Harry's Career Options

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

Moderators: Nightcrawler, Mint, Simatra, Asphodel, Athena Appleton

Postby Gypsy » Monday 14 July 2003 7:05:57pm

I dont think it would be that much of a miracle for Harry to get an O in potions. Doesnt it say that things went much better than expected during the exam, because Harry was more relaxed without Snape breathing down his neck. Harry only got bad marks in his homework because of all the detentions with Umbridge, and got zero marks in class due to Snape's unfairness (if that's a word, which I dont think it is).
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Postby ElijahRain » Monday 14 July 2003 9:35:51pm

Well, I guess we'll just have to wait a couple more years to find out. :D
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Postby highsorcerer » Monday 14 July 2003 10:22:13pm

Harry will need 5 NEWTS at E level or above. He will easily get one in DADA. That leaves Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, as important for an Auror, plus at least one other subject. Care of Magical Creatures is the most likely, though it could be Herbology (I doubt he did well at OWL tests in Divination or Astronomy). Plus, he could probably get an O in Muggle Studies without even trying.

We will have to see where he ends up.
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