Question about Dumbledore vs. Voldemort Duel

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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Postby Ju-DedoH » Wednesday 9 July 2003 11:27:42pm

maybe VD does'nt apparate and disapparate, he probably moves very fast ?
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Postby gecko » Thursday 10 July 2003 12:31:22am

That seems like a real un-wizardlike thing to do. I mean, wizards almost never have any real physical exercise, like running, and Voldemort has only been 'alive' for a year now, so he'll have the stamina of a book.

I think it's some very difficult magic.
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Postby fra-sirius » Thursday 10 July 2003 9:13:53am

Gwared wrote:Well I was explaining DD's exit from Hogwarts. In the duel I believe them to be apparating and disapparating as per normal.

ok, sorry ... i haven't understood ... i thought you were talking about DD vs voldie duel ;)

i don't remember too about popping noises .... :-?
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Postby Gwared » Thursday 10 July 2003 9:49:43am

No, I don't remember popping either...hmm, I guess we won't know for sure unless JK tells us in the next book. Prehaps Harry'll get a decent DADA teacher and learn it.
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Tom or Voldemort???

Postby Hermy » Sunday 13 July 2003 2:45:59pm

OK, this is a little off the line of thought, but remember in the duel scene that DD refers to Voldemort as "Tom"? Well at the start of PS when he is talking to McGonagall he tells her that she should call him Voldemort. Why do you think he calls him Tom rather than Voldemort during the duel scene?
Any thoughts?
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Postby June » Sunday 13 July 2003 3:42:59pm

In Book 1, Dumbledore told McGonagall to call "You Know Who" by his name, Voldemort because it's the name most people are familiar with... after all, when he became the Dark Lord, almost everyone only knew him as Lord Voldemort and not Tom Riddle.

As for why he calls Voldemort by his real name during the duel... perhaps it's to show Dumbledore's familiarity with him? Dumbledore first knew him by Tom Riddle after all, and probably thinks the name "Voldemort" is an affectation, a symbol which Dumbledore didn't feel he wants to bestow upon Tom Riddle. By calling him Tom, he's calling out to Voldemort's true identity, an ex-student, a wizard who's gone to the Dark side, and not the monster who has killed hundreds of people. That's my theory anyway... someone suggested that it was meant as an insult, to call Tom by his muggle father's name... but somehow I just don't reconcile that with Dumbledore's nature... he's always reasonable, dignified and polite, even to his enemies... I just can't see him insulting even his deadliest enemy, Voldemort, in this way...
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Sunday 13 July 2003 5:33:38pm

gecko wrote:That seems like a real un-wizardlike thing to do. I mean, wizards almost never have any real physical exercise, like running, and Voldemort has only been 'alive' for a year now, so he'll have the stamina of a book.

I think it's some very difficult magic.

I was considering that he uses magic to do it, like a powerful spell that could slow down time for a short period
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Postby Voldemort » Monday 14 July 2003 6:50:19am

I think the DD calls Voldemort Tom because it is kind of saying that DD is above him. When he was know as Tom, he was a student of DD, therefore he was below him. DD is just saying that he is still the boss.
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Monday 14 July 2003 12:04:59pm

Voldemort also seems to think he is a different person, to call him tom reminds him he is a "mudblood"
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Postby Gypsy » Monday 14 July 2003 12:50:12pm

I think its partially what Vomldemort (the forum member) said, about recalling the days when DD had the power a teacher has over a student over LV, and to insult him by reminding him that he is not a pureblood, like Ju-DedoH said.
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Monday 14 July 2003 1:06:50pm

I agree, a mix of the two ...
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Postby Tuima » Wednesday 6 August 2003 6:59:07pm

Gwared wrote:I'm surprised that nobody remembers this part of the book. When Arthur is injured Fawkes (like the house-elves who can also apparate/dissaparate in Hogwarts) goes to Grimmauld Place instantly. When DD leaves he grabs Fawkes, so presumably Fawkes's pheonical magic can transport DD out of Hogwarts directly.

Therfore this sudden transportation is not linked to power but to Fawkes somehow.

Yep, have y'all read Fantastic Beasts? Phoenixes have the ability to disappear and reappear somewhere else in a flash of flame, that's how Fawkes showed up in the CoS. Fawkes delivered messages for DD and can be used to help DD "apparate" even inside Hogwarts. But DD doesn't use Fawkes during his duel, and of course Voldie doesn't either. Hmm.. Perhaps they're just going invisible afterall, y'know how DD says in book 1 "I don't need a cloak to become invisible". I wonder if the other order members could learn to do that....
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Postby highsorcerer » Thursday 7 August 2003 5:46:29am

Ah, but Fawkes did appear in duels. Twice. Once in COS, he helped Harry out of his loyality to Dumbedore (expressed by Harry himself). In OotP, Fawkes actively took place in the battle, dying for Dumbledore and being reborn. A pet Phoenix is a valuable ally and a faithful friend for life.

Fawkes also seems to be extremely careful about how he gives tail feathers for wands. He's only given two in his life, one for great evil, and one for great good. It would seem that Fawkes might be aware of the prophecy, and give a second tail feature knowing eventually Harry's power (transferred to him from Voldemort) would let him resonate with the wand, and give him extra protection.
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Postby Tuima » Thursday 7 August 2003 7:10:15pm

Sorry, I just meant, Fawkes didn't help DD disappear/reappear during the duel. He sure was helpful, though!
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Postby Meg Boyd » Tuesday 12 August 2003 2:42:05am

Perhaps Fawkes' power to disappear and appear and DD going along with it is much like the power of the yellow and green rings in The Magician Nephew. If one is holding on to another who is touching a ring, they too would be transported to another world...that is how the witch left her own dead world and into London and finally Narnia. Perhaps this works with Fawkes. If you are holding on to Fawkes, maybe the power surges through you too, and then you disappear?
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