Favorite/Least Favorite Actors for the HP Movies

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Favorite/Least Favorite Actors for the HP Movies

Postby Lizzy Bennet » Tuesday 10 June 2003 4:31:29pm

I was just thinking how certain actors really fit what I envisioned certain characters to act, be, and look like! Others were ok, and I can't think of anyone, off the top of my head, who are totally wrong in the part. I thought I'd open this up to see what you lot think! :D

Since I'm not a young teenage girl :lol: (teasing!!! :razz: ) this really won't be about who looks good and not . . . it'll be more about talent. :-) I think Maggie Smith is brilliant as Professor McGonagall as is Alan Rickman as Professor Snape. I love how deep Alan Rickman's voice is and how they 'made him up' to look like Snape (a great departure from his look in 'Sense and Sensibility' with Emma Thompson and Kate Winslet! :eek: ). Maggie Smith is just a fabulous actress, and she brings a wonderful understated quality to any role she plays, in my humble opinion. :)

I also think Tom Felton is wonderful as the nasty Draco . . . not only does he have the little snarky vampire look I envisioned, he brings a lot of personality to the role. I don't feel this yet (though, I did more in the second movie) with Daniel Radcliffe as Harry. Harry has some intense and heartfelt moments coming up in movie three, so I hope he's able to be a little more expressive.

I love the faces Rupert makes as Ron, and perhaps, even though Daniel seems a little flat, Rupert seems to make up for that, so in scenes together, it actually works--I *love* the car scene in the second movie! :razz: Emma Watson is how I imagined 'know-it-all' Hermione, and switching back to professors, who couldn't laugh at Kenneth Branaugh's portrayal of Professor Lockhart?! :lol: I will say a lot of these characters, though, are much funnier and outrageous in the books!

It'll be interesting to see how the new Dumbledore does . . . on the whole, I prefer Dumbledore in the books. Love Robbie Coltrane as Hagrid, and though I love to hate the Dursleys anyway, they did cast them well! :lol: What are your thoughts on the actors who play the HP characters? Whose portrayals do you like and dislike and why? :-)
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Postby Broken Machine » Tuesday 10 June 2003 6:52:07pm

Rickman is great and Smith does a wonderful job bieng the old and edgey McGonnagal. Richard Harris, who unfortunatly is no longer with us, played the exact DD I thought should have been portrayed. I dislike Daniel Radcliffe because he just doesn't put enough effort into the character of HP but he does happen to have some luck sometimes when he does certain scenes (deleted scenes are actually his fortay). Rupert Grint plays without flaw Ron Weasley. If they ever replace him it will be the death of that character. I thought that the original casting of Hugh Grant as Professor Lockheart would have been an excellent choice. Branghan was just silly. I liked him best in Hamlet. They definitly should have gone with a comedian on Lockharts part. Robbie Coltrane is the perfect Hagrid and Draco is played excellently also. Lucius was also an excellent character portrayal. Finally I think they could have done no better of a job then when casting Neville. He is well played.
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Tuesday 10 June 2003 7:34:57pm

Broken Machine wrote:I thought that the original casting of Hugh Grant as Professor Lockheart would have been an excellent choice. Branghan was just silly. I liked him best in Hamlet. They definitly should have gone with a comedian on Lockharts part.

Hmmmm, interesting. :) Branaugh certainly LOOKED the part of what I imagined Lockhart to look like. I did enjoy his scenes with Alan Rickman. Though, I confess, I did not know Hugh Grant was thought of for the part . . . that would have been hysterical! :lol: As for a comedian, again, interesting thought. A lot of the 'comic relief' characters (the Weasley twins, Lockhart, etc.) seem to be played down in the movies consistently. Not sure why . . . perhaps it's a choice of what they can focus on in a short time. :)
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Postby Holly Golightly » Wednesday 11 June 2003 3:15:26am

DD was totally like I pictured him inthe movie, and so were Neville, McGonagall, Snape and Hagrid! :grin: Oh, and I also loved the Weasley twins! they are soo damn awesome! Even though the boks says that they shouldn't be so tall etc, I that they, and Ron too are just pefect for the roles!!!

Daniel Radcliff looks the part, but isn't he best actor int he world, but he will improve! He is much better in CoS then PS, and in PoA he wil be even better!
I do think that Hugh Grant might have been better for Lockhart, but someone like him who wasnt the big star would have been better I think! Someone without the huge name, after all, while the other actors have been in other thngs, they dont' exactly have the rep of Bruce Willis or Brad Pitt of something. I quite like they they aren't huge Hollywood names too, and I think Hugh Grant might have sorta wrecked that...

I wasnt' all that fussed on Kenneth Branaugh. And I always locklhart having longer hair... ?? He was funny though!
Also, with Draco, Tom Fleton is excellent, awesone actor, but he's kind of got more of a baby face than I imagined Draco having... And H'e sjust soooo nasty!!! I love it!

The characters that I'm really not that fond of was Seamus Finnegan and Justin F-F. For starters, I didnt' think that SF needed to be in the movies so much, and Justin is just... hrmm, dont' know, seems strange there... and hte boy has such a huge chin!!! I dont' know, he just didnt' fit my impression of Justin FF... maybe he sounded too pompous? :-?

There's my thoughts anyways!
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Postby Broken Machine » Wednesday 11 June 2003 6:13:43pm

It was probably the usual directors choice like Speilberg and Hanks or Scorcese and DeNiro. Grant and Columbus have worked a few times together (nine months). I think the real problem was that Kenneth B. as Lockhart on my part was just to serious an actor to play opposite kids. Hugh Grant is so comedic and yet would really portray a character that feels so much more superior to kids as well as easily portraying a snob type. I believe he declined the part due to a contract he was already engaged in for Two Weeks with Sandra Bullock. What a career choice huh?? :lol: J.K. also said she would have loved to have Grant in the movies so I assume he may pop up sooner or later, although Grant has mentioned that he was thinking about giving his acting career a rest and settling down to have a family. Sounds like a whole lot of Micheal Jordon talk to me but we'll see. Hopefully he'll come into play as a new character or perhaps an old one that re-emrges later on in the series that didn't get that much attention in the start.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 14 June 2003 12:52:59pm

Well, he might be looking to taper off his career for a while, but something like a small part in HP is kinda something that you would kick yourself for giving up! Especially if you are going to have a famliy! Imagine finding out about HP and watching all the movies *cause by the time his kid is old enough, they will all be out* and then finding out that your dad said no to a role! I'd kick him!!! :lol:

also, it's practically a guarenteed sucess, which will endeer you to people! Very good career choice! :D
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Sunday 15 June 2003 8:26:48pm

Definitely Alan Rickman. He is exactly how I imagined Snape to be, right down to the horrid hair! His voice and mannerisms are absolutely perfect for Snape. I think that Philadelphia Inquirere summed it up when they said:
"If velvet could speak, it would sound just like Rickman!"

Lol, think that's about as Snapeish as you can get.

Rupert Grint, because he's hilarious. He's a blundering idiot as Ron, but a hilarious blundering idiot.

Tom Felton, because he's perfected the Draco sneer. I was serisouly worried that the character of Draco would be destroyed, but he definitely pulled off both the brattish and pitiable aspects of Draco's character.

McGonnagal, DD, Hagrid, and Lockhart are also commendable, but other than that the other characters were just decent. Dan just doesn't seem believable and his acting is a bit strained and Emma speaks like a ventriloquist. Seriously, watch the movie again, she speaks as if the audience is deaf and needs to read her lips. Grr, Emma Watson.
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Postby Hermione » Monday 16 June 2003 12:49:03am

I must admit, I never thought of Kenneth Branaugh for Lockheart, and I didn't think he was . . . well, silly enough. But otherwise, he was pretty good.

Snape was perfect for me- like, his appearance, the way he talked, everything matched what I imagined him to be.

I was only disappointed with Daniel Radcliffe.
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Postby Hermione » Monday 16 June 2003 12:49:52am

Wait . . . I thought Tom Felton was Tom Riddle!!

Who plays Tom Riddle, then?
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Monday 16 June 2003 1:38:24am

Yeah, Tom Felton definitely plays Draco. A guy named Christian Coulson plays Riddle. I forgot to mention him before! Aside from the fact that he's damn beautiful, I thought he did the evil thing excellently. He could've just stood there and stared at Harry and it would've been creepy. And I thought he did a terrific job of showing the true cruelty of LV, while allowing us to recognize that Tom Riddle was still only a seventeen year-old boy. Mmm, Christian Coulson...
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 16 June 2003 6:29:07am

Blaise Zabini wrote:Emma speaks like a ventriloquist. Seriously, watch the movie again, she speaks as if the audience is deaf and needs to read her lips. Grr, Emma Watson.

I liked the way that she does that ... I thnk that it just seems to help portray Hermoine's perfection~ism... maybe just because I used to know someone who was a little along the lines of Hermoine who used to talk like that!!! :D

Mmm, Christian Coulson...

I totally agree!!! hehehe!!! He did look completely evil, didnt' he... he just seemed to ahve a very chilling thing about him! totally awesome!
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Postby Nothlit » Tuesday 24 June 2003 4:08:57am

Daniel Radcliffe could use a bit more emotion and/or enthusiasm in many scenes. He does well enough with action, but becomes very flat when it comes to serious or emotional scenes.

Rupert and Emma are amazing, in my opinion. The play Ron and Hermione exactly as I picture them in the books.

I'm pleased with Robbie Coltrane as Hagrid, although I always imagine him as bigger than the movies portray him. Maggie Smith as McGonagall is also an excellent choice, although for some reason, I never imagine her voice as quite so high-pitched when I'm reading.

While I can't really criticize Richard Harris's acting, especially now that he's no longer with us, I can't help but notice whenever I see the movies that Dumbledore seems a bit older and more frail than I imagine him in the books. His voice comes across as too timid. Maybe we just haven't seen him in a forceful situation yet in either of the movies, but I hope we get to see his full might soon. :)
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Postby masterofsparks » Friday 11 July 2003 2:32:15am

Agreed on Snape. Although does anyone else think he looks like a wizened version of Trent Reznor?

Emma Watson does an OK job as Hermione, though my main complaint (which isn't really her fault) is that, IMO, she's too cute for the part. I'm not saying I imagine Hermione being ugly, but mention is made of frizzy hair, bad teeth, etc.
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Postby HuffleDuck » Friday 11 July 2003 6:59:06am

My least favorite actor is whoever playing Harry's parents( even though they dont have a line) b/c it's so not true the image of Lily and James Potter. James is surely not bald and Lily and him not old either. it says in the book that they both died while still young.

Harry stares at the picture of his parents' wedding and their young faces were staring back at him.
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Postby gecko » Friday 11 July 2003 9:52:45am

I think my favorite actors are Christian Coulson for Tom Riddle, he was scary in his coolness, just like I'd imagined him to be. Furthermore, Jason Isaacs as Lucius Malfoy was perfect! 'And I thought youre family could sink no lower' was brilliantly spoken and 'Avada..', he was so angry when he was about to say the AV curse. Brilliant : ) !
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