ok, so my friend (and i really do mean my friend, this isn't one of those things where you say it's your friend but in factit's really you) who is not a harry potter fan (actually he hasn't read any of the HP books -or many other books for that matter- I am working on that by the way) has this thing wit htis girl. ok, so theres this girl, just graduated high school, one year older than my friend, we'll call him pete, and the two of them dated for a little more than 4 months during the school year, then she, we'll call her victoria, broke up with pete, well, sort of a mutual thing pete says (he's watvhing me type this) and in petes year book she wrote that they needed to talk and they hadn't been talking much so pete was a little curuis as to what it meant. (naturally he came directly to me) anyway, his questions were answers soonly when they did in fact talk. she said she wanted to have some fun this summer before she went to college and she had the most fun with him. so they got back together, well not really, more like friends w/ benefits if you know whjat i mean, and they've been "together" for about a month now and pete is looking for a little comitment. the problem is however, they had sort of agreed ant the beging of all this (and i heard this personally as i was listening to the phine call, only petes end of course) that they would see waht happens for the two months before victoria had to leave and then break it off. they went into it knowing this so the theory was that neither would be too dramatically hurt, of course there would a little hurtfullness as could only be expected, but that still hasn't happened yet so anyway... so now, as i said before, petes looking for some commitment between them and doesn't know how to bring it up in conversation. (and either do i, well, actuall i told him she'd bring it up but he's not the most patient guy in the world.) any ideas would be greatly appreciated by both pete and I. (mostly so he quits bugging me about it.) he's also looking for an answer in his favor, but you can't ever really garentee (sp?) anything. any incite would be the coolest!
oh, and one more tiny itsy bitsy little detail. the college she's going to is out of state and i'm guessing about a 4 to 5 hour drive. pete says he wouldn't mind driving there, i don't know, he thought you guys needed to know that.