How did you feel about the 5th book overall?

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

Moderators: Nightcrawler, Mint, Simatra, Asphodel, Athena Appleton

How did you feel about book 5 after reading it?

Best book ever written!
Great! My favourite book in the series!
Good, but not my favourite book in the HP series.
Disappointed. Did not meet my expectations.
Total votes : 149

Postby Gypsy » Wednesday 9 July 2003 1:30:41pm

My order is: Order of the Phoenix
Prisoner of Azkaban
Philosopher's Stone
Goblet Of Fire
Chamber of Secrets
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Postby Mint » Wednesday 9 July 2003 3:00:13pm

Loved this book, but book 3 is still my fav!!!!!
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Postby Charis » Wednesday 9 July 2003 7:11:02pm

Gwared wrote:I've re-read every HP book apart from CoS at least three times and as book 5 was the first one I bought I re-read it more (5). Sadly I enjoyed it the first time I read it but it gets more disapointing every read to the point where now on my fifth read through I am extremely dissappointed with it as nothing really happens except Sirius dies and Harry learns his fate. That could've been done in a much shorter book in my opinion.

maybe you should leave book 5 be for a while... i mean, give it some space. just enjoy it as a story...not analyze it. (not analyze it?!?! I must be insane :razz: ) don't read it too much, ot else you'll just get too dissapointed to read it for what it is: a book. well, there we go, my words of wisdom for the day.
:razz: hehe
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Postby TheAmazingBouncingFerret » Wednesday 9 July 2003 9:25:31pm

Personally the book was pretty good, I had lot edge and I like that but book 3 will alway be my fav. I miss good ole Padfoot...and I like how JK portrade James, stuck up yes...but human.
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Postby Gwared » Wednesday 9 July 2003 10:18:49pm

Charis wrote:
Gwared wrote:I've re-read every HP book apart from CoS at least three times and as book 5 was the first one I bought I re-read it more (5). Sadly I enjoyed it the first time I read it but it gets more disapointing every read to the point where now on my fifth read through I am extremely dissappointed with it as nothing really happens except Sirius dies and Harry learns his fate. That could've been done in a much shorter book in my opinion.

maybe you should leave book 5 be for a while... i mean, give it some space. just enjoy it as a story...not analyze it. (not analyze it?!?! I must be insane :razz: ) don't read it too much, ot else you'll just get too dissapointed to read it for what it is: a book. well, there we go, my words of wisdom for the day.
:razz: hehe

I am currently letting it lie, I onlt pick it up now when I want to reference something (how Hermionish :-)). In fact I shall be reading PoA next as I've just finished CoS for the second time.
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Postby Charis » Wednesday 9 July 2003 11:10:32pm

i do exactly the same thing! only i just finished PoA an am now proceding to CoS again. :D
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Postby MissGranger » Thursday 10 July 2003 11:22:27am

The Order of The Pheonix was fantastic! I liked it the best out of them all but I'm a bit disappointed because Harry was basically angry all through the book which was a bit depressing. :-?
I must say, it is so long! (That's another thing I liked about it) Usually, I get bored with thick books but have you ever had the feeling that just when some event has happened and everything is going to get a bit boring but suddenly, something else comes up? I have, with the books!
I heard some say that Umbrige is really nasty... I agree, I'd hate to be in detention with her, but she makes the book a whole lot more exciting!
One last thing- I still don't get what's behind the veil?
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Postby Charis » Thursday 10 July 2003 9:43:07pm

the veil has caused alot of discussion, but i think that the "other world" is whats behind it. when u go through the veil, you die and leave this world. (i think.)
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mirror , ghosts *SPOILER*

Postby Elektra » Sunday 13 July 2003 1:45:40pm

I gave a good rating, however, well let's say the Prisoner of Azkaban is still my favourite.
While reading Order of the Phoenix I thought wow fantastic, but in the end, there was a little logical mistake, a superfluent element, I am of course speaking of THAT MIRROR! How can it be that both, Harry AND Sirius forget about this mirror, that would getting into contact make so much easier - less dangerous than speaking through Umbridge's fireplace??? Could somebody please explain, perhaps I am mistaken.
This is the one non-realistic element that I don't like about the book.
Oh and also the explanation that ghosts leave, during their lifetime, a trace so that afterwards they're able to come back - so what about Myrtle? I don't think SHE was planning to "come back" ...
So many explanations ... for things, we just accepted as magically normal during the 4 previous books.... Explanations that are not always necessary.
But besides this ... it's still a great book !
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Postby Gypsy » Sunday 13 July 2003 1:59:43pm

ive changed my mind now. Ive just read OotP for the 2nd time, and ive now decided that PoA is still my fave. Just. I think its a bit more fun.
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Postby Kaizer » Sunday 13 July 2003 4:07:08pm

best book tied with PoA
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Postby littlemissy » Monday 14 July 2003 11:37:50pm

Re Myrtle: didn't she deliberately come back to haunt some girl? I'm sure I remember her saying so in one of the books.

I'd probably go for Prisoner of Azkaban (by far!), Chamber of Secrets (no one else seems to like it that much, but when I read it the second time (last year) I actually forgot what the twist was and was surprised all over again lol), Order of the Phoenix/Goblet of Fire, Philosopher's Stone.
I think my favourite bit (aside from Fred & George's now-legendary exit from Hogwarts) was the Snape's Pensieve bit, I just find the whole Snape/James/Sirius/Lupin/Pettigrew thing fascinating, and have done since PoA. In fact, I'd LOVE a kind of spin-off series of books about James & Sirius' schooldays. James, Sirius, Snape and Lupin are so dear to me! :D Anyway, I really hope we get some major James-era explanations in book 6, I don't want to have to wait til 7 to find out how James & Lily escaped Voldemort three times, or especially about Snape's Death Eater/spy past. Snape is to me the most interesting character even though he's not my favourite, because there's so much about him that is unexplained.
Also waiting for Ron & Hermione to happen!!!
Loved to hate Umbridge, loved Neville, loved McGonagall!
Didn't like uber-angry Harry, but he's never been my favourite! Sooo upset at Sirius's death, but agree with whoever said it would negate it to bring him back. Although, maybe at the end of Book 7 if he could make a little appearance, that would be nice!!!
My biggest wish for the following books is for Remus Lupin to remain alive and kicking :)
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Postby hoopsmaster88 » Tuesday 15 July 2003 5:31:55pm

i thought that OotP was great, the best in the series so far. the part where the weasley twins left was just awesome. the only thing that disappointed me though was that we didn't get too many things explained, if anything, we now have more questions and fewer answers. but overall i loved it.
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Some of my favs in OotP

Postby Elektra » Thursday 17 July 2003 4:34:37pm

It's ok if Harry gets angrier, that's human.

I definitely liked the scene where Luna tries to console Harry for Sirius' Death *sigh* ... that's a very intense moment in the book:
--I still feel very sad about it sometimes. But I've still got Dad. And anyway, it's not as though I'll never see Mum again, is it?
--Er is it? said Harry uncertainly
--Oh come on. You heaed them, jsut behind the veil, didn't you?

The image of that archway with that veil had a very deep impression on me. Does that come from mythologie or is it jkr's idea? She's so brilliant. It's definitely o.k. if she speaks of death in the book.

I also liked that there was a -however brief- romance in Harry's life. that shows that he's of flesh and blood, not like Peter Pan...
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Postby Marcus Baker » Thursday 17 July 2003 5:15:14pm

I loved the 5th book, however the harry becoming angrier was very disturbing, and people around here say that harry might have some of lord voldemort's evil in him, he is the most short tempered person out of all the griffendors. I think the goblet of fire and the prisoner of azkaban were the 2 best, and then the sorcer stone, however it was quite short and not as in-depth. In the order of the pheonix, i loved the twin's escape. that was the best part!
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