Remus Lupin

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Remus Lupin

Postby zledm007 » Sunday 6 July 2003 2:22:12am

you know, as i was reading lizzy's post in sirius' thread a thought came upon me. of the 4 marauders, sirius, wormtail, james, and Lupin, Lupin is the only one left, (well, except for wormtail, but he's really gone in a sense) i was wondering, how is this going to affect remus? how is he going to handle knowing that his best friends are gone?
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Re: Remus Lupin

Postby Lizzy Bennet » Sunday 6 July 2003 2:49:36am

zledm007 wrote:you know, as i was reading lizzy's post in sirius' thread a thought came upon me. of the 4 marauders, sirius, wormtail, james, and Lupin, Lupin is the only one left, (well, except for wormtail, but he's really gone in a sense) i was wondering, how is this going to affect remus? how is he going to handle knowing that his best friends are gone?

Lupin is probably my favourite character (though, that's not to say there aren't many that I love) because of who he is and how he treats people...he's always struck me as a sensitive person (note how he didn't join in with Sirius and James in 'Snape's Worst Memory', nor cheer them on as Peter did), and so I think he'll take it quite hard. I'm not saying I think Lupin would ever take Sirius's place, but perhaps the common loss he and Harry share will bring them even closer together than they were. After all, Lupin is the last person who was really close to Harry's Dad, James, AND Sirius (other than Peter, and he doesn't really count). I think for Harry to lose Lupin would be the straw that broke the camel's back... :o

Not to say Harry nor Lupin will relish losing anyone else, but I almost think Lupin's better prepared to handle it. He was a part of the first Order (if I'm not mistaken), so he experienced several deaths that time around...including those of Harry's parents and the 'loss' of the Longbottoms. Reflecting back on book 3, I wondered what it was like for Lupin (well, for all the professors, but particularly him) to teach class and see both Harry and Neville, having known their parents and remembering that loss, first-hand. :cry:

As I said about Sirius on the 'Sirius Black' thread, I think Lupin, like Sirius, knows the realities of this war...he's been through one before, and though that doesn't make it easier, I think his innocence has gone. Both Sirius and Lupin struck me as two people who lacked innocence--they lost one of their best friends (James) and his wife, not to mention a score of other people during the time of the first Order. Although any deaths (other people's and potentially, their own) the second time around wouldn't be easy, I think they knew this going into the Order. :-(

I could see Lupin being strong for Harry...acting as, not a Godfather replacement for Harry, but perhaps a mentor and the final link to his father and Godfather...which is why I will be devastated if Lupin dies in book 6 or 7. Don't get me wrong, Dumbledore's death would be quite hard, too (although, he is older, I think Harry is realizing Dumbledore isn't perfect nor invincible), but losing the final link to his parents and Godfather I think would be so sad for Harry. Lupin is truly a wonderful character...he is so much what Voldemort despises, and yet, despite all the prejudice and disdain Lupin has suffered in life, he never seems to come across as bitter, angry, or vengeful...just brave and determined to focus his energy on being the kind of person others should be, even when they are not. :D

We didn't get to see much of Lupin in book 5, but when we did, he struck me as the voice of reason and sanity when everything and everyone else seemed to be so chaotic and intense. It made me quite sad how he had to talk to Harry when Sirius disappeared into the veil...quiet, yet sad, acceptance. Lupin may be quiet and calm and pensive, but when he speaks, people listen, and whenever he is needed, he is there. He really is an amazing character...I daresay, like everything else he has faced in his life, he won't take Sirius's death in a stride, but with the same quiet thoughtfulness and determination to do what is needed. I really hope Harry does not lose this lifeline. :cry:

~ Lizzy :angel:
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Sunday 6 July 2003 11:23:04pm

That was an excellent post, Lizzy, and quite a testament to Lupin's amazing character.

As has already been said, seeing as how Lupin is now the only realy conenction Harry has with his parents, I definitely see him stepping up as ebing even more of a father-figure than he was before. More than any of the other teachers at Hogwarts, Harry has learned the most from him, both about DADA, and about things that matter much more than school.

What I find most ironic about his character is that of everyone in the books, I think that he's had the most to be angry about, and yet he's definitely the most reasonable of them all. I mean, he's faced persecution because of his being a warewolf, and now he's lost the last of his friends. If it were me, I can't say I'd be as calm and pulled-together as him. He's such an adimrable person, and I'm really looking forward to his role in the future books.
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Sunday 6 July 2003 11:26:50pm

Thanks, Blaise! :grin: I just had a thought: Lupin as an 'unsung hero'...that seems to fit him perfectly! :D A real 'Clark Kent' in disguise...a hero who doesn't feel the need to toot his own horn or shout to be heard. :angel:

~ Lizzy :jump:
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Monday 7 July 2003 3:18:33am

Yeah, that's a great description! I mean, he's modest, fair, compassionate, has overcome so much in his life, intelligent. Allright, I'm so going to start developing a crush on dear Remiekins. ;)
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Monday 7 July 2003 3:29:49am

Blaise Zabini wrote:Yeah, that's a great description! I mean, he's modest, fair, compassionate, has overcome so much in his life, intelligent. Allright, I'm so going to start developing a crush on dear Remiekins. ;)

Ooooh la la :razz: ...Snapiekins vs. Remiekins :lol: tee-hee-hee!

I miss having Lupin as the DADA teacher...I think someone else posted that, under his tutelege, Neville had opportunities to shine and they (the students) actually got to learn about all sorts of neat things (and, like another poster said, we got to learn along with them!), like boggarts. :grin:

I don't know if I've said it before or not, but one of the things I loved about Lupin (and I don't think we saw all that much of it in book 5) is his interactions with Snape...Lupin simply didn't blink an eye...unlike Sirius who was always rather hot-headed (and it fit his personality), Lupin always remained cool...and I got the feeling it wasn't an act...whereas we know Lupin isn't perfect and certainly has admitted to making mistakes and struggling in life due to things beyond his control, he genuinely doesn't seem mean-spirited...I don't think a lot of characters know what to do with that, like Snape or Draco. :lol:

Like Dumbledore, Lupin can admit he isn't perfect, and he seems to have a serenity to his countenance...yet somehow, he isn't boring, just like Dumbledore isn't boring...maybe Dumbledore and Lupin balance out people like Snape and Sirius and even Harry at times who seem more...explosive. :D I think we'll see Lupin develop a closer bond with Harry--certianly with the shared loss of Sirius--in future books. :-)

And now, I sound like Lunatech :razz: with his obsession with Luna...I sound equally obsessed about Lupin! :lol: hehehehe Oh well...Lupin rocks, and I love his relationships with Sirius, James, Harry, Snape, and so many other people...reading about the Marauders, in detail, in book 3, and reading about them again in book 5, rocked!! :grin:

~ 'Lupin-obsessed' :razz: Lizzy :angel:
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Postby zledm007 » Monday 7 July 2003 3:42:08am

you know i never thought of Lupin and DD as such similar characters before, but they really are. they are the calm and cool ones, the wise ones, and the ones who can't admit they're wrong. well, except for DD in his speach in OotP. i agree that they do balance out the other characters. w/out DD and Lupin, I'm not sure which one more, the books would almost have too much action! (and I'm a sucker for action in the HP books, so that's saying a lot!) Befroe now I never realized what a facinating character Lupin really is. I don't know if he'll replace sirius in harry's world, but he just might di the trick in mine.
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Postby highsorcerer » Monday 7 July 2003 6:13:57am

Lupin has been alone a long time. He was shunned by everybody except the Maurders and Dumbledore because of what he is (a werewolf). He's also long ago accepted the fates of his Maurder friends. James had been dead for a long time, Peter was believed to be dead as well, and Sirius responsible for those deaths. When Harry asked him about knowing Sirius Black at school, he was forced to admit he had known him - or thought he had. The re-emergence of Sirius in his life was probably a bright spot which has now died. Oddly enough, all the original Mauraders save James became outcasts; Peter's a death-eater, Sirius was an escaped Azkaban prisoner, and Lupin a werewolf.

Somehow I get the idea that when it's time for the final showdown, Lupin's target will be Peter (Wormtail).
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Monday 7 July 2003 4:45:52pm

Yeah, that's a great point. Lupin definitely has the most satisfaction to get from having a 'showdown' with Peter. Though it doesn't much fit with his character, I definitely could see him doing just that. I mean, it was this man that basically caused the destruction of his life. Sure, in the long run, Voldemort did, but Peter was really the human manifestation of the power that LV had. He caused the death of Lily and James, sent Sirius to Azkaban, and facilitated LV's second rise to power, which could v. well result in the deaths of the few remaining people whom Lupin cares for.
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Postby HuffleDuck » Tuesday 8 July 2003 4:06:43am

:-? I fear that Lupin might die in the next 2 books. :-? Well just hope it's not true. He's very good at Dark art too. I wonder what's gonna happen to Harry if Lupin is gone too. Death of Sirius had drove him to the point of break down. Imagine if lupin is dead, probably he's going insane with so many losses. :(
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Postby Gwared » Tuesday 8 July 2003 9:42:07am

I re-read the Sirius death chapter last night and Lupins reaction is so sad, I really hope he doesn't die but then he's lost his best friends in the whole world to Voldermort...I can see some real rage from him in the final couple of books. Not so sure it'll be towards Peter though as he's let him live once already.
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Postby Devinci » Wednesday 9 July 2003 5:08:22pm

I was actually a little sad at the lack of reaction time given to Lupin after Sirius' death. After all, as we've said, he's the last marauder left (scr*w you slogan) and the death, I think, should have been more symbolic. There should have been more time between Lupin and Harry, I think. Then again, the few chapters after the heartbreaking event were kind of blurry...I was in a daze... :rolleyes:
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Postby Fleurie » Friday 11 July 2003 11:28:01pm

Glad to see there's a thread about Lupin
Lupin is definitely one of my favourite characters and I do hope he will have a more important part to play in the next books.
I've got 2 questions about him and I'd like to know what you think about it(and sorry if my english isn't good and full of mistakes, I'm studying in Beaubâtons !!) :grin:
Lupin worries me a little bit as he keeps getting older too fast and often looks tired or sick. Do you think he's still having Snape's potion and if so, why doesn't he get a little better ? (I mean that should slow down a little the consequences of his being a werewolf, no?)
The second question is about his relations with Harry. I'm quite convinced he's gonna be a kind of new mentor for harry, for the same reasons that have been said before. But I was also thinking that harry would probably need for the next 2 years quite a strong training in DADA. He's obviously the best one in this class so that the standard lessons would probably not fit him, especially because he also has to learn more than the other students if he wants to fight (victouriously I hope) Voldemort. Couldn't Lupin give him some kind of private lessons, like he did in PoA? DD is of course also one of the most reliable to do that, but I still can't imagine well him giving private lessons to harry, don't know why...
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Postby han lin » Saturday 12 July 2003 12:13:04am

If all the werewolves are being called by voldemort, then Lupin must be getting weaker ad LV gets stronger. i can see him being close to the edge but coming back. and also if dd is struck down in some final battle. i think Lupin would make an excelent head. he has all the right values and is able to control his feeling really well.
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Postby Charis » Saturday 12 July 2003 8:13:28pm

oh, Lupin, Lupin! I love, admire, respect, trust, and sympathize with Lupin. I totally agree that DD and Lupin are alot alike, and, if DD dies (which I hope he won't!!) then Lupin would make a great head master.

One good thing, I think, that has come out of Sirius' death (not that I'm glad he died! It was heartbreaking), is the probablilty that Remus and Harry will have a closer relationship. I think, that no matter how much I (as well as Harry :razz: ) loved Sirius, Lupin is a better role model. Sirius was a great godfather to Harry, but, when he gave advice, it was harder for Harry to listen to it because Sirius himself had a hard time listening to it. Lupin, on the other hand, can show Harry the right paths by words, as well as actions. I really hope Harry and Remus become closer, and Harry will perhaps calm down a bit, seeing how Remus handles situations.

Lupin is incredible, looking at all he's gone through and seeing how he hardly ever gets angry, but always shows good judgement. Harry could definitely take a leaf out of Lupin's book, looking back at his actions on OotP.

~UhOh. I think its contagious. I'm developing a crush on Lupin, too! :razz: jk~
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