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Postby gecko » Saturday 28 June 2003 9:59:57pm

What I'm wondering is, if Voldermort marked Harry as his equal, and you interpret it in the way that the mark is Harry's scar, would Voldermort also have the same kind of scar? Perhaps from the spell, which indeed hit him also, because it backfired. Well, maybe that's a bit far-fetched. : )
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Postby Holly Golightly » Sunday 29 June 2003 2:54:12am

Hrmm, i think that you confused me a little there gecko... why would Voldie have to have a scar??? The curse kinda killed his body, didn't it, so there would have been nothing to leave a scar on, no???

*Holly is confused, yet again*

I'm really making a habbit of this, aren't I??? ;)
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Postby gecko » Sunday 29 June 2003 11:25:48am

Yeah, I'm confused myself now that I reread my post : ) ! But I could try to simplefy it.

Voldemort marks Harry as his equal. The mark is Harry's scar. If they are now equal, you could say that Voldemort also had a similar scar. But then, he of course lost his physical form, so then maybe he lost it or something..
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Postby Malachim » Sunday 29 June 2003 3:03:00pm

Voldy doesn't need a scar.

The prophecy says the that Voldy would mark as his equal. Not that they would both be marked. I dont see any rational from the prophecy wich would assume to state that Voldy would also be marked.
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Postby gecko » Sunday 29 June 2003 3:16:04pm

Yeah, it was pretty far-fetched as I mentioned in my original post, not to mention I was pretty sleepy when I wrote it : ) !

I think they'll both, Harry and Neville, have great power, but Harry is 'the chosen one' because LV chose him; of course that's been mentioned before, but just to show I agree with you ! :-)
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Postby HuffleDuck » Monday 30 June 2003 11:00:50pm

The Prophecy: that none can kill Voldy except for the one in the prophecy. IF you see it the other way.. none can kill Voldy b/c he's powerful and that DD might be the only one that can killed him, but DD says so himself that killing Voldy does not satisfy him and there are things that are worse than death.... And Harry alone might be able to do it cuz of probably revenge(opinion) for his parents and he in the future is powerful enough to duel Voldy equally. In GoF, Harry first time dueling Voldy but he's still too weak to dueling him equally. In his coming future, he will find that new power inside him and Voldy will try to kill him before that happens. :razz:

Harry can be killed by other causes and Voldy can be killed by DD. :eek: Many people have thought the same way that Harry can't be killed by others nor can Voldy.. But if you think about it. It means the other way.Prophecy like this i have read before in many fantasy books...
WEll anyway i might be wrong as well :razz: . Hope we can ask JK about it :grin:
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Postby Enchanter » Monday 30 June 2003 11:07:23pm

i think dumbledor could kill LV but he doesnt want to.Dumbledor said that killig LV wouldnt satisfy him. Also in the prophecy it says that the one with the power to VANQUISH the dark lord doesnt say kill
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Postby Meg Boyd » Tuesday 1 July 2003 2:43:59am

This is in the thoughts of whether or not LV regards Harry as an equal...I think LV does regard him as an equal competitor...I mean he did duel with him in the grave yard at the end of # 4. Why would LV duel with some one of lesser status, wouldn't he just blast him to infinity? Plus they do have many of the same qualities. Perhaps LV did not give Harry these powers, but saw them in baby Harry as a threat to his power? Kinda biblical, huh?

However, if Neville was not indeed the "Chosen One", why would JKR choose to place it in the story at all? It has to have something significant. Yet, maybe there is something only LV knows on why he chose Harry to kill over extra twist for the end of the series, who knows.
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Postby Professor » Monday 7 July 2003 11:03:43pm

I feel certain Neville is not part of the prophecy (he handled the prophecy, but he did not remove it from its place on DoM shelf-- only Harry of LV could have done this).

I feel that both Harry and LV can die in other ways. I don't think the prophecy was speaking in absolutes. Rather, I think it foretells that Harry and LV will end up locked in a situation in which one must die (some sort of final battle that involves only Harry and LV). Remember in bk4 when Harry and LV were locked in their duel? I envision something similar, only a situation where others may look on but be unable to help in any fashion, and that Harry and LV will remain locked in the struggle until one dies. Since this is a children's series, we can all guess who that will be...
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Postby Gwared » Tuesday 8 July 2003 10:26:08am

The propecy is so open ended it could mean that Harry and Voldermort end up locked in a room for a month with only enough food for one to live!

The prophecy CAN be handled once removed from the pedestal as why would Lucius be able to take it from Harry? Therefore Nevilles handling of the prophecy is not a sign of his inclusion.

Voldermort is becoming more and more wary of HP, as you would if he continued to foil you...Lucius comments that "the dark lord knows HP is not unintelligent...". And we already know that Harry and Voldermort can't duel with wands so....
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Postby Albus » Tuesday 8 July 2003 10:22:56pm

Well, I think I agree most of all with Malachim: the fact that Voldemort attacked Harry and that Harry got the scar (the mark, you see) implies - directly from the prophecy - that Harry is the one.

Then we can anyway wonder what would have happened if the Dark Lord would have chosen to attack Neville instead - or before - Harry...
Either he would have killed Neville - just because Neville's not the one of the prophecy, so he could nothing against the power of Voldemort - or he would have marked him ???

Personally, I'd prefer the first explanation (it sounds better) but in this case the problem is that Harry survived for the prophecy and not for his mother's love... Help !

JK, hurry up with the sixth one...

Sorry if my English is not good enough, I'm Italian...
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Postby Mint » Thursday 10 July 2003 9:13:29pm

Im finally done reading all 4 pages of this post. phew

Neville - I think that may be Harry at one point will think tha Neville is the one (for that extra twist that many of you want) But at the end - its gonna be Harry. Why? Because if its neville than the book would be anticlimactic.

DD said that HE awoke the ancient magic of love after he gave him to his sister, and he did say that he was not telling Harry the truth his first year.

Soo - that means Harry survived byhimself, and his mom's love is what kept him surviving while he was growing up.

So, Voldie is that powerful that DD can't kill him? Is it cause DD doesn't have a heart to kill him?
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Postby highsorcerer » Friday 11 July 2003 1:45:53am

Since Dumbledore knows and believes in the prophecy, he knew attempting to kill Voldemort would have been futile. Besides, I think Dumbledore would prefer for him to suffer a worse fate, such as a demenator's kiss.

Dumbledore know exactly how to get under his skin as well. Calling him Tom might have been the worst insult Voldemort could think of.
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Friday 11 July 2003 3:52:04am

true, that would be a big insult, calling him by the name of his muggle father
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