The significance of Draco Malfoy

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The significance of Draco Malfoy

Postby tonksfan » Saturday 5 July 2003 9:13:52pm

I dunno about the rest of you but I got the feeling in the 5th book that Draco was very much shunted to one side. I hope it was a temporary sidelining because, as much as I dislike him, I find him really interesting as a character.

Maybe it was intentional - but I really believe that Draco has a major part to play in the grand plot.

Maybe he's the dark lord who the prophesy describes (altho i suppose he hasn't had a run in with harry's parents).
Alternatively, maybe he will somehow get really close to Voldie (which is hardly inconceivable) and then get in his way and lead to his downfall without meaning to.

Any thoughts?? :D
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Postby Gwared » Saturday 5 July 2003 10:43:39pm

I believe Harry and Draco will unite at the end to stand up to Voldermort, implying the uniting of the houses once again the importance of which has been continuouslly stated.
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Saturday 5 July 2003 11:39:55pm

he is not the prophecy, harry or neville is, and voldemort chose harry to be, and i don't think that they will unite, b/c of the thing that malfoy said about his father, and i think it means there will be a big fight between them
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Postby zledm007 » Sunday 6 July 2003 1:44:43am

yeah, i agree, a fight is very likely. nothing of the harry voldy caliber though, just a little scuffle at hogwarts which is stopped by a professor. maybe that happens in book six because i too think that draco will play a major role in the ultimit end (or not ) of voldy. whether it's on the side of harry or his father i don't know, but i do think that he will be importeant. he has been too big of a character in the series not to be in the conclusion.
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Postby Meg Boyd » Sunday 6 July 2003 3:49:42am

I think Draco and Harry might possible unite in the end, i mean the whole theme is chosing between what is right and what is is easy for Draco to join his father and the other DE, but he will probably face the crossroad of what is right in the unification between the houses, possibly symbols for all aspects of society...kinda in the line of united we stand, divided we fall...they can't defeat LV with out a unification of all of society...a unfication between Draco and Harry could show that the world was truly against LV and all his evil promises
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Postby English » Sunday 6 July 2003 10:21:18pm

Draco is a blood realtive- cousin - of Tonks. Their mothers were sisters.

Perhaps "blood may prove to be thicker than water?"

But I doubt it- Rowling has never been big on family love- look at Dudley and Harry.
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Postby Morgana » Monday 7 July 2003 5:36:30am

okay well heres what i think *should* happen (note: all this is based on the fact that i ADORE draco and that i read waaaaay to much in to simple things) the way i see it draco has to choose weather family loyatly is more important than...well the lives of thousands of innocent peole and he could go one of two ways: 1) he could join voldie become a death eater and contribute to the demise of harry thus destroying the current world but ultimitly making himself more powerful and insuring he gets left in the family will (malfoy name=loads of cash) or 2) he could relize that he himself is not the center of the universe, that others life are more important and that he doesn't have to live up to his fathersimpossible standards (i feel a majority of the way draco acts is due to his fathers influence b/c the only person draco ever truly obeys is his father) but in relizing this he would join the side of harry and dumbly and well hopefully he and harry will become friends now i like the second option WAY better but hey thats me
sorry for the Xtra-long mssge and the inevitable spelling errors :D
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Postby Devinci » Monday 7 July 2003 5:43:58am

I don't think Harry and Draco will join forces...that's too, cliche. The arch nemsis sees the light and betters his life through the guidance of the hero. Bleh! How tactless.
I think we should give JK a little more credit...the woman can think up something better than that.
Besides, What would be better than a tooth and nail blood boiling fight between everyone's favorite teen rivals??
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Postby Gwared » Monday 7 July 2003 11:16:15am

How about a better cliche, in the end Draco dies saving Harry's life? :o
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Postby zledm007 » Monday 7 July 2003 2:32:34pm

i like that one gwared. it's not too expected and yet, he does "see the light" in the end and, well sort of, join forces w/ harry, but not really. that's quite a possibility.
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Postby Enchanter » Monday 7 July 2003 4:51:54pm

Thats too goody goody. if that happened i dont know if i would continue reading. i want to see two enemies fight eachother not fall in love and save eachothers lives
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Postby Gwared » Monday 7 July 2003 5:21:21pm

However they series must end with some closure not with them still bitter enemies. Therfore they must become friends or one of them must perish.
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Monday 7 July 2003 6:48:23pm

i agree, too cliche, i don't think that it is in JKR's style to do that
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Postby tonksfan » Monday 7 July 2003 9:46:21pm

How about these random thoughts:

1) Harry kills Malfoy by accident
2) either harry or draco becomes indebted to the other by an inadvertent favour and so can't kill/do damage to them (a bit like Pettigrew is in the debt of Harry)

It would surely be to obvious for them to have a duel-to-better-all-duels situation where one or the other finally wins, and as some of you have pointed out it would be too cliched for malfoy to turn goody-goody after everything he has done.
Therefore, one of these two situations is more likely in my opinion.
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Tuesday 8 July 2003 12:50:52am

yeah, either of those would be possible, though i don't think it will be the debt one, cause it's overused
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