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Postby Holly Golightly » Sunday 29 June 2003 2:58:56am

Uhhh, I think that you might be over simplifying there just a little... after all, we have only heard of a few colours that spells come out as, predominately red, green, gold... I'm sure that there are some others, but hose are the main three, with red and green being mostly mentioned, so prob not everything that emmits green light is a AK curse...

But they did try to use AK a few times during he fight, someone tried to do it on Hermoine and Harry tackled him around he ankles before he could get it all out..

Maybe that's why they dont' use it all the time... it takes a long time to say, so you have more time to jump out of the way, *or tackle the guy!!!* ;)
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Postby Fafnul Black » Monday 30 June 2003 10:17:50am

True, speaking of spells' "incantation speed", some do take time ! Looking through the books, I think the best attack spell is Armchair Conjuring or other furniture-based effects. Saw how everybody seem to conjure lots of heavy stuff just with a flick of their wands ? Then, tactic for fast duelling is clear, you just have to burry you opponent under beds and pillows and such, and finish him off while he is pinned to the ground. Yeah, and try dodging a rain of four-posters beds :grin:
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Postby Meg Boyd » Sunday 6 July 2003 3:40:41am

The AK curse is not blockable by any normal means...however Lily's love (a method of magic so ancient that even muggles know it) was so incredibly strong that Harry lived to tell the tale. I don't want to offend any body but i see a bibical parallel. In the bible Jesus loved us so much that he sacrificed himself so that we may conquered the devil and all evil (voldy???) and opened the gates of pure and ever lasting life...think about it, even if you aren't's still a good literary parallel to think about
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Postby Gwared » Monday 7 July 2003 11:38:05am

Speed is often sacrificed for power, prehaps Avada Kedavra is slower and therefore is easier to dodge? It is blockable but not by any magic, it took physical objects to stop Voldermorts attempts at Dumbledore. Also as we know pronunciation is VERY important in magic and AK may require a lot of enunciation to get the effect right allowing sufficient counter time.
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