The Order

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

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The Order

Postby Lizzy Bennet » Friday 4 July 2003 5:28:02pm

What do you think of this group of people? What will we see them do in books 6 and 7? I suppose they won't be using Sirius's house anymore for headquarters :cry: , though, who knows? They might! :eek:

I'm trying to remember all the members of the Order, but I'm having a hard time, as I don't have my book handy, so if I leave anyone out, please post to this thread and add on the remaining members! :-)

I can remember (off the top of my head): Sirius (well, not anymore :cry: ), Lupin, Mad-Eye Moody, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Professor Snape, Dumbledore, Tonks, Kingsley, Fletcher, Figg, and who else? Will the kids join the Order in the next books? What did you think of this group of people? :???:

I found reading about the Order to be fascinating . . . especially so when Mad-Eye Moody showed Harry that picture of the first Order . . . it was tragic, yet spell-binding, also spookily ominous of what is to come . . . so far, only one of the Order has perished . . . I suspect there will be many more losses in the next few books . . . :o :-(

Unlike the first Order, I don't think there's anyone in the new Order that will 'go bad' like Pettigrew did, but then again, who knows? I still don't believe Snape is evil, but I don't think he's fully trusted either, not by everyone, at least. I also wonder if, now that Percy knows the truth about Voldemort, if he will ask for forgiveness from his family and join the Order? Will the Weasley twins join the order now that they are adults or would they not be allowed to because they didn't take their NEWTs?

Most importantly, I'll be fascinated to see what this Order has to do in order to fight Voldemort, his Death-Eaters, and the Dementors . . . what will the second war entail? The second Order has a wide variety of people will all sorts of different abilities and strengths . . . Lupin and Snape both proficient in the dark arts (Snape, particularly proficient in potions), Tonks with her ability to change her appearence at will (not sure how that'll play into things, but who knows?), Fletcher with his various sources of information (primarily in the criminal world), Figg watching out for Harry during the summer, etc. Definitely a motley crew! :o :grin:

What did you think of the Order in book 5? :D What do you think of the people who comprise the Order and what do you foresee them doing against Voldemort in future books, especially now that Sirius is gone? :???:

~ Lizzy :jump:
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Postby gecko » Friday 4 July 2003 5:51:54pm

I once again refer to this splendid website : !

More ideas on the order will be posted later, because I'm dead hungry right now!
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Friday 4 July 2003 7:57:47pm

gecko wrote:I once again refer to this splendid website : !

More ideas on the order will be posted later, because I'm dead hungry right now!

Thanks, gecko! :grin: What a great website :D . . . hope your food was yummy, and I look forward to hearing your ideas and everyone else's on the Order . . . happy Independence Day to all the Yanks (Americans) on the Forum! :-)

~ Lizzy :jump:
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Friday 4 July 2003 11:58:44pm

Ooh, the Lexicon rocks my HP world. So, so much.

As you said, Lizzy, I definitely think that the order was a 'motley' crew of people. From Diggle to Dumbledore to Mrs. Weasley to Snape, there were so many differences between all of them that it was highly ironic that they'd united for a common cause!

Furthermore, I'm really looking forward to seeing how they respond to the loss of Sirius. Actually, how all of the characters respond to it. We've seen a bit of Harry's initial reaction, but other than that, no one seemed to mention it.

And as for the Weasley's it'd seem natural for Percy to reunite with his family (whether because of his own guilt or because of his ambition) and thus, probably do some work for the order. But I'm not sure I'd really like to see the twins jion up as well. I mean, the two have their place in the book, and for them to join the order and make a constant joke of it (which is fine in some instances, don't get me wrong,) wouldn't fit with everything else. I'd rather tham continue with the joke shop and leave the more serious affairs to the more...well, serious people. That sounded harsh, but you get what I mean, ne?
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Saturday 5 July 2003 12:06:26am

Blaise Zabini wrote:Ooh, the Lexicon rocks my HP world. So, so much.

As you said, Lizzy, I definitely think that the order was a 'motley' crew of people. From Diggle to Dumbledore to Mrs. Weasley to Snape, there were so many differences between all of them that it was highly ironic that they'd united for a common cause!

Furthermore, I'm really looking forward to seeing how they respond to the loss of Sirius. Actually, how all of the characters respond to it. We've seen a bit of Harry's initial reaction, but other than that, no one seemed to mention it.

And as for the Weasley's it'd seem natural for Percy to reunite with his family (whether because of his own guilt or because of his ambition) and thus, probably do some work for the order. But I'm not sure I'd really like to see the twins jion up as well. I mean, the two have their place in the book, and for them to join the order and make a constant joke of it (which is fine in some instances, don't get me wrong,) wouldn't fit with everything else. I'd rather tham continue with the joke shop and leave the more serious affairs to the more...well, serious people. That sounded harsh, but you get what I mean, ne?

I got what you meant. :D I see the twins and their storylines as much-needed 'comic relief' which would take away from the serious storylines and characters of the book, if JKR tried to merge the two. I like the idea of the twins having their joke shop and doing that thing, possibly interacting with the Hogwarts students as they head back to school. :grin:

I hadn't thought about the Order's reaction to Sirius's death, but now that you mention it, that will really be interesting to read. They've known him a good deal longer than Harry, and for those who remember the first Order, it's all a matter of time (so I believe) before a picture of the new Order (like the picture of the old Order that Mad-Eye had) is a reminder of who was lost in the fight against Voldemort. :cry:

~ Lizzy :jump:
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Saturday 5 July 2003 12:25:54am

Yeah, I'm interested to see how Mrs. Weasley deals with it. She and Sirius had a definite strife going betwen them throughout the book, and I'm wondering how she'll deal with the whole thing. It was her, right? Good God, I finished the book no more than two weeks ago and am already forgetting the details! But anyway, like Lizzy said, a lot of the Order have ties to Sirius that date back farther than Harry. And though Harry may be the most attached to him, it'll still be interesting how it's handled. Oh, and Remikins, too. It's probably him that knew Sirius the longest, so he'd naturally be devastated by it all. Grr, why must we have been left with such an unexplained ending?!
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