Question about Dumbledore vs. Voldemort Duel

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Question about Dumbledore vs. Voldemort Duel

Postby Voldemort » Thursday 3 July 2003 9:46:32pm

During the duel, both of them were said to have disappeared and then appeared somewhere else. Is this just Apparating? Is it the way that advanced wizards duel?
Also, did Fawkes die? I wasnt too clear on that.
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Wizard Duel

Postby highsorcerer » Thursday 3 July 2003 10:10:32pm

Dumbledore either used a form of apperating, or used some kind of invisibility / revisibility trick to appear to jump from place to place.

Did Fawkes die? Yes and no. A Phoenix dies and is reborn in the ashes. By swallowing (and thus taking) the A.V. curse for Dumbledore, it died (again), burst into flames, and was reborn from the ashes. So Fawkes is still around, and should be ready for action again in a few months.
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Postby zledm007 » Thursday 3 July 2003 10:36:56pm

i don't think it was either of those things that voldy and DD used to dissapear/reapear. i think it is something new completely, something we haven't heard of yet. i think it may be the same way DD got out of his office when fudge wanted to arrest him. because you know, you can't aparate out of Hogwarts.
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Postby AccioNiffler » Friday 4 July 2003 12:48:07am

zledm007 wrote:i don't think it was either of those things that voldy and DD used to dissapear/reapear. i think it is something new completely, something we haven't heard of yet. i think it may be the same way DD got out of his office when fudge wanted to arrest him. because you know, you can't aparate out of Hogwarts.

I agree with zledm, I think that this was something totally different than apparating. we'll probably learn more about it in the next book or something
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Postby Voldemort » Friday 4 July 2003 2:34:26am

interesting ideas....hopefully Harry will learn how to do that...
one thing i hope for is that JK will tell how some of Dumbledores spells are done, such as when he disappears in OotP, or when he becomes invisible without a cloak in SS
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Postby Lunatech » Friday 4 July 2003 2:52:47am

phineas was right. dumbledore does have style ;)
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Postby zledm007 » Friday 4 July 2003 3:44:51am

very true.

one thing i hope for is that JK will tell how some of Dumbledores spells are done, such as when he disappears in OotP, or when he becomes invisible without a cloak in SS

i most defintiely agree. and i agree w/ the part about harry learning them too. if he is to participate in a final battle w/ lord voldemort, then he needs to know how to do the stuff that voldy can do. (we saw him do the dissapearing thing in the duel as well.) if he doesn't, well then sadly, he doesn't stand a chance.

jkr always seems to throw in something subtle in her books that doesn't seem too increadibly interesting when you forst read it, but as you go on and think back on it you realize that is was something completely new and mysterious. i think in OotP, this is it. i have a feeling that this little trick that DD and voldy pulled off could play a pretty big, not huge, but pretty big role in the future of one harry potter. it's very intriguing.
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Postby vacuum » Wednesday 9 July 2003 1:49:31am

I think that apparating implies a certain lost of control and stealth that is undesirable in a fight.

For one thing, whenever she talks about a person apparate it always seems inexact. Like Fred and George, they can't really control where they land (like on Harry's bed for instance). Also, I believe in GoF, the reason for everyone not just apparating at Quidditch World Cup was because they didnt want people apparating on top of people (or was it off a cliff or maybe on top of a tent??? Not sure).

Also, there is a Pop (a noticeably louder pop in this book) whenever someone apparates. When you are in a fgith and you want to maybe appear behind someone, you don't want to make a sound to give off you position.

Does this make sense? I think there is a new form of appearing/disappearing that was not explicitly discussed. A new form, one more stealthy and controlled. Maybe one that can only be used in smaller spaces, or within a line of sight.
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Postby bobafett_12 » Wednesday 9 July 2003 5:27:23am

definately agree that this was not some kind apparating. apparation was wxplained to be a more dramatic and non-exact process. vaccuum is probably right. :-?
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Wednesday 9 July 2003 5:44:47am

yeah, there is the part about the noises made with apparating, but who says it's new, and it may be somthing that only very powerful wizards like voldemort and dumbledore can do
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Postby Gwared » Wednesday 9 July 2003 10:41:43am

I'm surprised that nobody remembers this part of the book. When Arthur is injured Fawkes (like the house-elves who can also apparate/dissaparate in Hogwarts) goes to Grimmauld Place instantly. When DD leaves he grabs Fawkes, so presumably Fawkes's pheonical magic can transport DD out of Hogwarts directly.

Therfore this sudden transportation is not linked to power but to Fawkes somehow.
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Wednesday 9 July 2003 4:02:08pm

that's right, i think fawkes must have some special power that lets him teleport without apparating, this might come in very useful in later books
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Postby fra-sirius » Wednesday 9 July 2003 4:10:11pm

Gwared wrote:I'm surprised that nobody remembers this part of the book. When Arthur is injured Fawkes (like the house-elves who can also apparate/dissaparate in Hogwarts) goes to Grimmauld Place instantly. When DD leaves he grabs Fawkes, so presumably Fawkes's pheonical magic can transport DD out of Hogwarts directly.

Therfore this sudden transportation is not linked to power but to Fawkes somehow.

that explains how DD apparate and disapparate ... but what about voldie?
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Postby Gwared » Wednesday 9 July 2003 10:30:08pm

Well I was explaining DD's exit from Hogwarts. In the duel I believe them to be apparating and disapparating as per normal.
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Postby bobafett_12 » Wednesday 9 July 2003 11:20:08pm

i dont quite remember, but i dont think that while dd and voldie were dueling that there were any loud popping noises. :o just a thought though.
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