Important question about the plot

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Important question about the plot

Postby kotfk » Sunday 29 June 2003 2:46:07am

At the end of the 4th book, Voldemort is revived by taking Harry Potter's blood, which means the protection Harry had in his blood against Voldemort is now useless because Voldemort could touch Harry without hurting himself.

But in the 5th book, Dumbledore explained to Harry that he has been sending him to live with the Dursley's for the last 15 years because he has been protected by their blood.

Well now that Voldemort has Harry's blood, what's the point of continuing to send Harry to the Dursleys? And why didn't Dumbledore address this?

Anyone know the answer? I've been trying to think about it, but I still don't get it.... :???:
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Postby Nothlit » Sunday 29 June 2003 4:22:28am

Yeah, that doesn't really make sense to me either. The only possible explanation I can think of is that the protection Harry has at the Dursleys' is more of that cheesy "bond of blood" thing, more than anything to do with the physical blood itself. ;)
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Postby Holly Golightly » Sunday 29 June 2003 6:06:26am

OOH, but with the blood thing, something just occured to me! You know how DD kinda got a bit excited when Harry said that Voldie had taken some of his blood, love bond, etc?

Well, then in Bk5, we find out that Voldie cant's stand to posess Harry because of how he loves etc... so maybe this blood will hurt him somehow that we havent' heard about yet because of his mothers love bond which resides in it??? Maybe that was why DD was excited? Voldie's blood is causeing him pain???

Could happen!!! :???:
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Postby June » Sunday 29 June 2003 8:29:26am

Oh good question, kotfk... I was wondering that too. If now Voldemort can touch Harry without getting hurt, then it would make sense to say that Lily's protection is no longer in function...?

Just a theory... perhaps, the ancient magic that Dumbledore put in action that connected to Lily's protection is a different thing from the magic that saved Harry from Voldemort's Avada Kedavra curse? It may be connected but it's different in the way the magic was set? Lily's sacrifice kept Harry safe, but that's only a personal protection spell that ensures Voldemort cannot hurt Harry personally, but Dumbledore added on to it (he said that he evoked an ancient magic which Voldemort thought was beneath him and hence was his weakness...) and it became a different spell that ensured Harry's protection as long as he stayed at Lily's sister house... What do you think?
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Postby kotfk » Sunday 29 June 2003 4:34:43pm

hmm now that I think about it, I think I can come up with somewhat of an explanation....

Lily died to save Harry, which means Harry was saved by her love that was in her blood, which also resides in Petunia's blood, since they're sisters. The "ancient magic" evoked by Dumbledore was his reliance on Petunia's blood to protect Harry. This is what Dumbledore said in the book. So I think that the magic that saved Harry and now protects him in the Dursleys isn't exactly magic-but love-which is like an "ancient magic" that Voldemort hates, and underestimated.

Then in the 4th book, Voldemort took Harry's blood, believing that he would be immune to it now. But maybe Dumbledore had that "look of triumph" in his eyes because since Harry has love in his blood, which is Voldemort's weakness, it may backfire on him and end up hurting him, since Dumbledore says Voldemort always underestimates love.

That would be my explanation...what do you all think now?
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Postby gecko » Sunday 29 June 2003 4:42:09pm

Sounds pretty good to me. That blood he used for himself is going to break him up when he and Harry are going to duel or fight. Harry is protected by the love-magic in it, and he is hurt by it.
Still it's odd that the most powerful Dark Wizard doesn't think of such things himself. You'd think that after the mistake he made in attacking Harry as a baby when he had his mum's protection, he'd have learned of it..
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Postby 2F2Type_R » Sunday 29 June 2003 5:58:33pm

hmm... i've been thinking about Harry having nightmares of himself syncronising with Voldemort himself— when in previous books he onli saw Voldie do things from a third-person view...

would the "blood of the foe" running through Voldie's veins have any connection to Harry *being* voldie when sub-conscious?? [o_O]
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Postby kotfk » Monday 30 June 2003 1:42:05am

great point, 2Fast2Type-R, I think you're right. voldemort's new blood must have strengthened their connection through the scar-that's why Harry's scar hurt more this book and he was able to see more.
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Postby Cho Chang » Monday 30 June 2003 2:10:42am

2Fast2Type-R wrote:would the "blood of the foe" running through Voldie's veins have any connection to Harry *being* voldie when sub-conscious?? [o_O]

very good point. I was thinking about this while i was reading the previous posts. and to me, it kind of make sense. By Taking Harry's blood, Voldemort creates a stronger connection between himeself and harry. And i agree with you that it might be the reason why Harry could see what happens through the first person view.
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Postby Eol » Saturday 23 August 2003 1:55:08pm

We've all seen how Voldy hurts Harry's scar when he's especially happy, angry or even close. Perhaps now that Harry's blood is in Voldy's veins, he can cause Voldy pain by feeling these things as well, or when he's feeling love. :???:
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Postby highsorcerer » Saturday 23 August 2003 2:12:21pm

Oh, I agree. The love sacrifice of Lily gave Harry protection. So when Voldemort took Harry's blood for the strength of the protection, he overlooked the fact it was love-blood.

Voldemort also underestimates the power of Harry's friends. Just because the Dursley's don't love him, it doesn't mean others do. The Weasley's (except maybe Percy) love him, and the Order of the Phoenix gave a serious warning to the Dursley's about not mistreating him, with the full power to back it up.

Voldemort in book 4 and his death eaters in book 5 also made the mistake that Harry and friends were more powerful than they seemed by age. Both treated him and his friends were not worthy opponents, but found out they were wrong.
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Postby pinky p » Friday 29 August 2003 5:04:00pm

that doesn't make sense to me at all!

hmm... interesting, very interesting...

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