Careers for Hermoine and Ron

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Careers for Hermoine and Ron

Postby highsorcerer » Sunday 29 June 2003 2:12:44am

I think Hermoine's career choice is pretty obvious (working in the department for regulation of magical creatures; advocate for elft / centaur / goblin rights). I'm less sure about Ron. I'm not sure he'll make it as an Auror (though the idea has ran through his head after the fake Moody said Harry and Hermoine might be good aurors; he was clealry jealous of the talent seen in them). Anybody have any ideas what Ron would be good at?
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Postby Shadow Knight » Sunday 29 June 2003 2:14:14am

i think hell go in buisness w/ the twins
Shadow Knight

Postby Holly Golightly » Sunday 29 June 2003 3:09:03am

Yeahh, I'm not sure about Ron either...I dont' think that he will make the grades to become an Auror, I think that he will miss out, or he won't pass the tests or something... but somehow I just dont' see him being smart enough... :( *Poor Ron*

As for joining the twins, I doubt that too... after all, if they need someone else, Lee Jordan is always around, and he is a much better pratical joker than Ron is... *ohhh, poor Ron yet again!!!*

I can see him ending up working in the Minestry though, probably not with his Dad in the Muggle Artefacts section, and I dont' think that he will get the grades to become a healer either... but something there... :-?

Ah wells, he'll find something worthy of him! Maybe he will exceed at Quiddich, and play for the Chudley Cannons!!! I can still see him being Quiddich Captin and Head Boy, like he saw in the Mirror of Erised, after all, he's made the first steps, on the team, and prefect! :D
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Postby June » Sunday 29 June 2003 9:00:08am

Actually, that's what I thought too. ^_^ Rowling is always emphasising that Ron is a great fan of Chudley Canons, and so maybe in the end, he'll be signed on by them? I think he'll be very happy if so. As for being an Auror... he seems interested, but I don't know if he's got the talent for it...

And Hermione... i thought she'll probably be in the Ministry too... and fighting for all the rights of non or half-human creatures. :grin:
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Postby techjohn » Sunday 29 June 2003 9:49:17am

In the words of JKR:

I get asked the question if I'm ever going to write a book about H when
he's grown up quite a lot and I always say that you have to wait and see
whether he survives to be a grown up

Maybe Ron & Hermione won't survive either? :???: :(

Quote from: - Royal Albert Hall
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Postby choki » Sunday 29 June 2003 10:27:21am

Ron will probably be a keeper for Chudley Cannons n he will be against The Tornados...haha

If the book is gonna end up with heros dying...i will be MAD :mad:
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Postby HuffleDuck » Sunday 29 June 2003 3:44:59pm

:-? Ron might wanna play Qudditch International, like what Wood does... That's probably is his career in the future, or an Auror. That makes me wonder too. JK doesn't write others' career and just Harry..

:grin: :grin: The Weasly twins are just getting better.. They are so adorable....

:grin: :grin: Anybody ever thought that their inventions might come in handy in the future? The extendable ear is useful.. Some of their inventions might be helpful for the future to come..

:lol: :razz: Fred & George Rock!!! :grin: :grin:
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Postby Enchanter » Monday 30 June 2003 7:55:46pm

i think that hermione will work at th MoM and go on to become the minister. I think harry will become an Auror and ron will go over to the dark side and get killed or imprisioned by harry
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Postby Hermione Weasley » Monday 30 June 2003 9:30:13pm

I think ron will work in MoM just not in any of the places your talking about i think he will work in the games and sports section of the minstry or he will end up playing qudditch(s/p).
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Postby gecko » Monday 30 June 2003 9:31:01pm

Ron to the dark side? After fighting Voldemort and the dark arts for 5 consecutive years now? Slim chance I think. Why do you think that'll happen? Because he's jealous of Harry?..I just can't imagine it to happen.
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Postby Enchanter » Monday 30 June 2003 10:27:32pm

i believe ron will goto the dark side because he is jealous of harry. Ron has always seemed like he would be easy to lure and he is also easy to intimidate. ron also is always talking about how poor he is. being poor seems to really bother him. if he thought he could make a lot of money by working with voldemort i think he would work with him and betray harry.
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Postby gecko » Monday 30 June 2003 10:43:10pm

Those are good points, yet Ron has also seen that George and Fred are making a lot of money with their shop. So making money doesn't mean that he has to go to the dark side. He could help them in their shop, or perhaps become a professional wizard-chess-player : )
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Postby Hermione Weasley » Monday 7 July 2003 7:50:58am

I don't think ron will be persuaded to join the dark side something like that was done in CoS and yes she didn't have control over herself its still kinda the same thing in a way
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Monday 7 July 2003 5:45:46pm

i think that hemione will either work with the halfbreeds/magical creatures or be an auror, which i think harry will also be, and i think ron will play quidditch, or work in the ministry, and the bit about harry not surviving, i don't think that he will die, JKR wouldn't give away that big of a plot feature this early
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Postby Professor » Monday 7 July 2003 10:46:44pm

I don't see Ron playing Quidditch professionally. Nor do I think he will resort to joining the twins. As for Ron being an auror -- well, I don't think anyone would have picked him for prefect either (mediocre student and along with Harry and Hermione, habitual rule-breaker), but Ron is full of surprises. I can only see him in the MoM if he can have Ludo Bagman's old post!
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