Snape and Lily?

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Snape and Lily?

Postby ElvenMist » Monday 23 June 2003 6:40:47pm

I was thinking about how the chapter where Harry goes back in the Pensieve is entitled "Snape's Worst Memory". Sure, I'll admit that it was a bad memory, but was it really his worst? Why would JKR have called it that, though? Snape never really comes out and says it was his worst, but the title implies that. So I was thinkgin that perhaps Snape was attracted to Lily. This, combined with his bad relationship with James and the others would lead to a worst memory. Because, notice how Lily comes up and yells at James for poking fun at Snape. Sure, Snape does reply by calling her a mudblood, but isn't it a key emotion of someone who likes someone who they're afraid to say something about, to be mean to them so no one ever figures it out. Because if Snape liked a "mudblood" it would have a bad effect on his status if anyone found out. So he tries to hide his emotions by insulting Lily. I mean, it all seems to make sense. And that would add to making it his worst memory since Lily immediately retorts abotu how she was sorry she'd stood up for him and wouldn't do it again. That shows that Snape's comment had hurt her, and it would be his worst, since he hadn't meant to but was just trying to protect himself.
Okay, I feel like I'm rambling now. Btu what do you all think?
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Postby Lunatech » Monday 23 June 2003 7:03:00pm

i read this chapter twice to be sure if i missed anything. anyway from what i gathered, it seems a little vague. i'm not so sure if snape had spite towards james because of lily. it can definitely go that way though but to me JKR doesn't seem to revolve her story around love too much. i think james was just smart, quick, and popular. traits that every introvert would hate in a person.
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Postby Hermione » Monday 23 June 2003 8:34:58pm

I'm kind of the impression that Snape would develop something for Lily after the event. However, I don't know about before . . . it could be, though . . . all I know is, I definitely am more sympathetic to Snape than I was before.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Tuesday 24 June 2003 6:35:14am

I do think that Snape did have feelings for Lily at that time... and I think that there were many things that contributed to Snape loathing of James, the Lily thing just beign one of them, later on aswell, because as we saw, she really wasnt' that fond of James at that stage!!!

And about the worst memory thing, this is how I saw it... Snape knew that Harry woudl be able to see things from in his mind, like he did at one stage, so he wanted to get all his memories of his school times with James, expecially the ones where he came off worse, out of his mind and into the Pensive so that Harry wouldnt' see them... (didn't work though, did it ;) ) I don't think that that was necessarily the worst one...
He probably woud have taken out other things that he didn't want Harry to know, like about his times with Voldie as a DE, and what made him go spy for DD...

Anyways, that's what I thought! :D
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Postby Neo » Tuesday 24 June 2003 7:21:02am

I think it was the worst because (the title of the chapter is a great hint) not every day you turned showing your underwear, and remember at the end James saying who would like to see them off, so who knows, maybe the memory didn't end there.
I think Snape didn't like Lily, I mean is like Draco feeling something for Hermione.
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Postby Deedra Malfoy » Tuesday 24 June 2003 5:58:27pm

I thought about, what if harry is snape's illigitement child, and the striking resemblence to james was a wakey coincidence? I am doubting myself as i write this.

Hey, just so everyones aware, i almost started crying for snape when harry was in his mind and saw his dad and mum carrying on. I really felt terrible. I almost cried when he got flipped upside down, too. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Postby HuffleDuck » Wednesday 25 June 2003 7:23:46am

:-? Hmm i agreed with some... And i do think Snape have thing for Lily, JK didn't say no or yes but simply says that she can't give the details out on one of her interview when Pax asked her. SO it's probably things bewteen Snape and Lily.. James is so arrogant, and so cool 8) ... I liked.. I was so glad that he wasnt a perfect angel.. THat would ruining it... I hope the next book is longer and more of Jame's, Sirius's, Lupin's and Lily's past.. i Love to read more about their past then Haryy's present day.. 8) :grin:
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Postby Boycey » Wednesday 25 June 2003 12:36:28pm

I think that we can't be 100% sure weather snape has worse memorys or not, I mean it was only the name of the chapter and not actual fact, plus in the end of the day it was still a horrible memory to have anyway, but to you point on the thread about Snape liking Lily, I also got this impression too, and I think when we find out more about Snapes past im sure that Lily will be mentioned, I mean the reason Snape went to the death eaters in the first place could of been in revenge of James winning lilys heart, and could be another reason for extra hatered of Harry. I have always thought that Love could cload you vision, Thats why ive always thought that Ron could turn if Harry and Hermonie got together, and if im right and snape did goto the death eaters on the princeable, then im even more worried for Ron if those two did get together, This maybe why im soooo against a Harry, Hermonie relationship.
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Postby powerpetal » Friday 27 June 2003 4:06:32pm

I think your right, it would crush Ron and completly ruin the friendship of all. And we all saw what happened when Ron and Harry argued last time.

In reguards to Lily and Snape, i think the point about snape calling lily a mudblood was to cover his own back. I think this has something to do with Lily's eyes. I feel absurd saying it but snape and lily may have got together? :eek: But maybe it is just JKR prooving from the begining that this is not a case of Snape being Harry's father or Voldermort being his grandfather etc. I feel JKR would have avoiuded that at ALL costs!X
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I don't know...

Postby highsorcerer » Friday 27 June 2003 8:05:53pm

Granted, Snape is far from perfect, but he's also not as evil as he's been made out. The real trouble I see with him ever wanting Lily is that Snape is obviously a Slytherin, and according to the new Sorting Hat song, Slytherins are only selected for being pure-blooded. Lily, being a "mudblood" is extremely unlikely to have been sorted into that house.

Snape's background is not exactly clean (Sirius told Ron, Hermoine, and Harry that he came into Hogwarts knowing more curses than most 7th year students). He went on to become a Death Eater, though at some point he got cold feet and switched sides, becoming a spy. He stuck his nose into business that wasn't his (Lupin's secret), and always was trying to curse James. On the other hand, James was obviously an arrogant show-off who didn't mind bullying Snape with jinxes. And while he didn't like Snape, and picked on him, he drew the line at letting him get bit by Lupin in werewolf state.
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Postby Hermione » Friday 27 June 2003 8:24:45pm

I think Harry being Snape's illigitimate son is a little too far-fetched, but knowing J.K. Rowling, anything's possible.

A part of me wants to say that Snape would never go for Lily, since he was in Slytherin and I think most Slytherins value pure blood. But then, he did turn on Lord Voldemort, so maybe he disagrees with the pure blood thing also . . . maybe he turned on Lord Voldemort for Lily's sake . . . hmm . . .
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Postby werebane » Saturday 28 June 2003 2:33:57am

I think he turned b/c he is not stupid
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Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 28 June 2003 2:16:55pm

I jsut had a thought...

Okies, so James and Snape cursed and jinxed etc eachother quite often, so why would that have made the scene Snape's worse memory... maybe it was something else that happened that made it his worst...

Maybe he did have a thing for Lily, and took out his irritation for his situation and his embarrasment on being 'saved' by her by calling her a mudblood. So, maybe it was her reaction to this that made it Snape's worst memory...

What could be worse than being a guy, with a crush on some girl, not only being embarrased infront of her, but being futher embarrased by having her save you from further harrasment, then, in a fit of anger, call her something that makes her turn on your forevermore??? After all, she did end by calling him Snivellus... hardly complementary... :(

Poor Snape... but then, he should learn not to insult people like that too! ;)
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Postby werebane » Saturday 28 June 2003 2:19:59pm

Specially when james turns snape upside down while shes watching
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Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 28 June 2003 3:18:14pm

Excactly, but how harsh would it have been for Snape (if he did lie her) for Lily to have turned on him!!!
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