Which girl would you like to see Harry be with?

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

Moderators: Nightcrawler, Mint, Simatra, Asphodel, Athena Appleton

Who would you like to see Harry be with?

Hermione Granger, best friend
Ginny Weasley, Ron's sister
Cho Chang, his crush
Luna Lovegood, an unusual Ravenclaw
Parvati Patil, his date for the "Yule Ball"
Someone Not Yet Introduced
No One!
Total votes : 207

Which girl would you like to see Harry be with?

Postby Lizzy Bennet » Thursday 26 June 2003 2:46:24am

Well, all sorts of possible couplings have been discussed, particularly after book 5, and I was curious which coupling you're most in favor of and why. :grin: Please vote then explain on the thread your choice, unless you don't want to! :D I have a feeling this will be an interesting thread indeed as some people have definite ideas of who they want Harry to be with, if anyone! :lol:

I'm going to have to think on this one . . . the same people who would be good with Harry also could potentially be bad for him as well! :o ARRRGGGH! :razz: :lol:
Last edited by Lizzy Bennet on Sunday 29 June 2003 7:58:41pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby APWBD » Thursday 26 June 2003 3:30:19am

I voted for Hermione. Afterall, she's the one who has known Harry the longest, and seeing as I am close to an obnoixious, smarty-aleck girl, i've always had a soft spot for her. However, Ginny came in a close second.
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Postby Kamoku » Thursday 26 June 2003 3:51:44am

Ginny. Luna is really annoying... I don't care if she and Harry are similar, because they have NO chemistry. Hermione would work, if it weren't for Ron. The tension is just great between them. I don't want to see a love triangle there... it's not in the spirit of the books. Ginny finally got a personality this book, and I like it. She and Harry could work.
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Thursday 26 June 2003 3:59:59am

Not. Cho. Chang. I will definitely burn down a house if this happens. Good God, I hate her. :x

Anyway, I guess someone who we don't know yet. My opinion of Ginny was definitely lowered as a result of the book, she just came off as being really one-sided, but not as horrid a person as Cho. We don't know much about Parvata, and anyway, she seemed too girly. Hermione, might be decent, but it's too contrived. And am currently thinking of shipping Luna/Ron, which leaves no room for dear Harry. Aw, c'mon. Luna definitely called Ron 'Ronald.' It's cute people.
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Postby Sara Bumpkin » Thursday 26 June 2003 4:05:55am

I picked Ginny. :) Ginny isn't intimidated by Harry anymore and she has definitely shown that she'll speak her mind to him. Which I think is an important characteristic for any girl that Harry will have a relationship with.

I think Hermione and Ron are a perfect match. Enough said. ;)

I don't think Cho is a good choice for Harry... Well, unless she changes considerably in the next two books. I just don't see Harry having the patience with her, or her really understanding him. I think the only thing between them is a teenage crush... But nothing that could turn into longterm. *shrugs*

As for Luna... I think she could very well have a good friendship with Harry in the future, but I just don't know about a romantic relationship...

Those are just my thoughts on it all. :razz:
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Postby June » Thursday 26 June 2003 5:11:19am

Ginny. But then my choice is based on no other good reason than making Harry closer to the Weasley family, and since Hermione would probably marry Ron, it's just a wish to not separate the three best friends...

Still, Ginny seemed to have come of age in Book 5, and hence I see great possibilities in that...
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My selection...

Postby highsorcerer » Thursday 26 June 2003 8:29:24am

I picked Luna. I think they have a lot in common, and they have mutual respect for each other. That's a pretty good foundation for a lasting relationship.
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Postby choki » Thursday 26 June 2003 11:20:08am

i would like Cho but of course she must change her ways
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Postby Fafnul Black » Thursday 26 June 2003 11:34:35am

Like Choki, I would like to see Cho and Harry together, cause I believe in crushes :oops: Unfortunately, after book 5 I do not think they will stick again, too bad :(

So I voted for a new one, with a new crush to come, at first sight :grin:
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Postby Malachim » Thursday 26 June 2003 12:52:54pm

Well, I picked Hermoine.

Despite the tension it may cause, and I'm almost sure it won't go that way, I still think it would be a great pairing. Could you imagine what those two could do together through life?

Also, I would assume that would have very powerful kids.

With her knowledge and his ability I think they could do some really faboulous things together. I also think she would help him to stay more grounded and help to keep him out of trouble :)
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Postby moony » Thursday 26 June 2003 1:00:24pm

i voted no-one, cause i sort of have a feeling JK is pushing the plot in a more sinister direction. i can't really imagine the books ending with a happy end, like - voldemort dies, ron and hermione end up together, harry and whoever end up together, and everything's lovely and blooming. the way things're going now, i think JK might end the books on a more serious, and a bit pesimistic, note, where happy ending ''love-affairs'' don't really fit in. (i was referring to harry's relatinships.) and i definitely can't see him with cho - seems to me he was pretty put off by her behaviour. or maybe he just outgrew his fascination with that girl, but definitely not.

on the other hand, i think that chances that ron and hermione will end up together, or at least admit they love each other are pretty big - the chemistry between them is quite obvious. and at one point in the book, when hermione is telling harry he shouldn't do something, JK says something like - i can't remember exactly but i think it went like this - 'she turned to ron looking for his support in the same way mrs weasley turns to arthur' :lol:

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Postby Lunatech » Thursday 26 June 2003 3:13:24pm

I believe it's Luna.

Harry and Luna stood together under the mistletoe. Luna pointed up dreamily and Harry quickly jumped. Cho then entered the room in a crying fit and kissed Harry.

I don't recall JKR showing any type forshadowing for Harry's love interest aside from this one. Cho is a little too obvious. They have very little in common. They don't like each others' friends. They show that they can't communicate with each other because of their constant misunderstands. Lastly, Cho is a year older than Harry and won't be at Hogwarts for their 7th year. They will date but I think it's safe to rule this one out. Cho might die in book 6.

Ginny is also a popular candidate, since she's a Gryfindor, a Quidditch player, and let's not forget the second book. I wouldn't rule this out completely. But she doesn't have anything to share with Harry. She neither knows more about any particular subject, or show that Harry would need to rely on her alone on a particular situation. Ginny also seems to have given up on Harry since she's been dating quite a few people. My guess is she's going to re-discover Neville, especially since Neville will be a be showing more of his true potential in the upcomming books.

Hermione and Ron is set in stone.

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Postby Jay » Thursday 26 June 2003 3:59:32pm

Harry and CHO forever!!! jk

Cho gotta be less emotional and more understanding :)
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Postby Rebecca Spinnet » Thursday 26 June 2003 6:22:47pm

I picked ginny but then even from the first book i thought it was perfect Harry and Ginny, Ron and Hermoine so even though i think Ginny is perfect it is most likely he will not end up with someone we know or anyone at all... i don't know i like the surprises as for Luna/Harry i kinda like Luna/Ron though could you imagine Ron taking Luna home to meet Mrs. Weasly :lol:
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Thursday 26 June 2003 9:01:38pm

I had a hard time deciding...and I created this thread! :razz: :lol:

I'd like to see Ron and Hermione give it a go, so Hermione was out. I really don't want Ron and Hermione to date, only to have them break up so she can be with Harry...that just seems like a slap in the face! :x

I was seriously considering Ginny, but honestly, I like her better now that she's over Harry...though, she was good at knocking him into line sometimes, I do agree she seemed a little 'one-note' in book 5, but overall, I like her character better now than when she was obsessed with Harry. And Dean Thomas (though, that may not work out!) is a nice guy. :grin:

So, in the end, I chose Luna. Yes, she's a bit odd, but hear me out. :razz: She, like Ginny and Hermione to a degree, is good at standing up to Harry--making a point with him without him exploding further (like Cho...poor Cho...she needs therapy! :o that's not my being mean-spirited, but serious...she has some issues she needs to resolve...). Additionally, Luna understands Harry based on shared experiences...losing parents, dealing with death first-hand, etc.

But more than that, at the end of the book, when Luna is telling Harry someone took her things and she's putting up a sign to get them back, I fully expected 'angry/self-absorbed Harry' to either not care, pity her, or blow her off entirely. But that's not what he did. He felt sorry for her in an empathetic way, expressed his sympathy, and even offered to help. That was one fo the few (if not the only) glimpse of the Harry I've known in the last four books in OotP! I don't know if it was her situation or her, but something about Luna and who she is got Harry, for a change in book 5, outside of himself, calmed down, and considering someone's feelings--treating them like his equal and knowing that they regard him as their equal. Weird as she might be, I give her kudos for that! :D

~ Lizzy :jump:
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