Least Favorite NEW Character After Reading Book 5 (spoilers)

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

Moderators: Mistress Siana, Q.Araignee, Scarlet Lioness

Who is your least fave new HP character?

Cho, Ravenclaw
Umbridge, "The High Inquisitor"
Fudge, the "Minstry of Magic"
Bellatrix, "Murderess of Sirius/Death-Eater"
Zacharias, Ravenclaw
Kreacher, the House Elf
Grawp, Hagrid's Brother
Luna, Ravenclaw
Magorian, the Centaur
Marietta, Cho's Friend
Other New Character (please post name on the thread)
Total votes : 130

Least Favorite NEW Character After Reading Book 5 (spoilers)

Postby Lizzy Bennet » Wednesday 25 June 2003 11:35:03pm

I thought it'd be interesting to see who our least favorite NEW characters are after having read book 5 (since there we so many unlikeables! :lol: ) . . . I can't list everyone, so there will be an 'other' choice, but feel free to elaborate on your least favorite on this thread especially if I did not list them! :grin: Why are they your least favorite--who really got on your nerves? I know it'll be a hard choice, but for the poll, you can only vote for one . . . however, you can list several least faves on this thread! :grin: Looking forward to the results! :D

*** When I say new, I mean someone either completely new to the series or someone who hasn't really had a prominent role, but has a bigger role in this book! ***
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Postby Cho Chang » Wednesday 25 June 2003 11:53:41pm

Umbridge. I hate her. She is so annoying. with her "hem, hem" i loved the part where Mcgonagall was offering the throat pills things.

i specially hated Umbridge where she keeps on amending the law. it was annoying.
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Postby highsorcerer » Thursday 26 June 2003 12:34:17am

Mrs. Lestrange takes the cake. Umbridge was a horrible woman, but her mistake was thinking the ends justify the means. She used horrible means to try and swing Hogwarts into lock-step with the MoM (and in particular, her attempts to discredit Harry Potter), but she apparently was always trying to squash what she thought was an attempt to divide the wizarding world.

Bellatrix, however, is totally evil. Not only was she responsible for Frank and Alice Longbottom, she tried to inflict the same fate on Neville, killed Sirius, and wanted to deal out more pain and death to Harry. It was nice to see that after she underestimated Harry and treated him like a child, Harry was able to get under her skin, both by taunting her about failing Voldemort's mission (I'm sure Harry throughly enjoyed thinking about what was likely to happen to her once she had to admit failure to him), and then hitting her with the Crucious Curse. I rather think she was shocked when she realized she wasn't dealing with a child or student, but a full-fledged wizard. She underestimated him tremendously.

In the end, it would be nice to see Neville get to take her down. I think he's earned the right to do it due to the blood connection (what she did to his parents). Just like Harry will take down the big guy, not only for what he did to his parents, but because it's right.
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Re: Bellatrix

Postby Lizzy Bennet » Thursday 26 June 2003 12:51:17am

highsorcerer wrote:Mrs. Lestrange takes the cake. Umbridge was a horrible woman, but her mistake was thinking the ends justify the means. She used horrible means to try and swing Hogwarts into lock-step with the MoM (and in particular, her attempts to discredit Harry Potter), but she apparently was always trying to squash what she thought was an attempt to divide the wizarding world.

Bellatrix, however, is totally evil. Not only was she responsible for Frank and Alice Longbottom, she tried to inflict the same fate on Neville, killed Sirius, and wanted to deal out more pain and death to Harry. It was nice to see that after she underestimated Harry and treated him like a child, Harry was able to get under her skin, both by taunting her about failing Voldemort's mission (I'm sure Harry throughly enjoyed thinking about what was likely to happen to her once she had to admit failure to him), and then hitting her with the Crucious Curse. I rather think she was shocked when she realized she wasn't dealing with a child or student, but a full-fledged wizard. She underestimated him tremendously.

In the end, it would be nice to see Neville get to take her down. I think he's earned the right to do it due to the blood connection (what she did to his parents). Just like Harry will take down the big guy, not only for what he did to his parents, but because it's right.

Wow, Highsorcerer, you took the words right out of my mouth! :eek: :grin: I only have a little to add to that. I totally agree about Umbridge, and I, too, voted for Bellatrix as my least fave for all the reasons you mentioned. Kreacher annoyed me, but then House Elves have been manipulated before, and honestly, he seemed to hate Sirius as much as everyone else in Sirius's family hated Sirius (that's just sad, and a whole other topic entirely! :x ).

Certain other characters annoyed me (like Cho, for instance), and like you said (and I agree) Highsorcerer, even as much as Umbridge repulsed (with that horrible detention punishment! :o ) and annoyed me (her little coughs, changing rules at the Ministry, acting all simpering, and totally trashing the professors and students, thinking entirely *too* much of herself, etc.), she wasn't out and out evil and heartless like ol' Bella. :evil: Like you said, Highsorcerer, "she takes the cake" . . . I hope, like you said, Neville gets to do her in with Harry watching, admiringly, on! :mad:
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Postby Fafnul Black » Thursday 26 June 2003 9:59:07am

I would say Luna, not because she is loathable or evil, simply because for me her character is introduced out of nowhere and does not really add to the story. It is more like "oh, let's put a weird girl with big eyes". Future books will tell, but multiplying fancy characters usually does not multiply the interest, and certainly not the clarity ...

OK, I might change my mind, after all Fleur was introduced much the same way, "let's put a nice babe with blond hair", and I'd say it turned out fine :grin:
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Postby techjohn » Friday 27 June 2003 3:41:48pm

I had to decide between Bellatrix Lestrange and Umbridge, but voted for Umbridge. Although Lestrange is a really horrible character and killed Sirius, and so on, I really did fing Umbridge much more irritating because of the stuff she did.
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Postby Charis » Friday 27 June 2003 11:45:09pm

Bellatrix Lestrange, of course. completely evil. I must say...i rather liked umbridge. not because i thought she was good, or anything, she just made it more interesting. some of my favorite scenes would not have existed if it weren't for umbridge. she also could be rather comical, at times...though in a sinister way. i did not find she was annoying or irritating, just bad. bad as in close to evil, bad.[/i]
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Postby molli » Saturday 28 June 2003 12:48:07am

most definitely bellatrix... she is just utterly evil.
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Postby Lunatech » Saturday 28 June 2003 2:47:24am

grawp wins this one for me.

where on earth did that come from?!
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Postby werebane » Saturday 28 June 2003 2:49:00am

i dunno why, but idont like luna
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Saturday 28 June 2003 3:01:36am

Cho. Bloody. Chang.

She may not be the most evil, but is definitely one of the most annoying character in the entire series. She was so overly-dramatic, over-sensitive, and just plain idiotic. Honestly, everything was about her and only her. She turned Cedric's death into her own problems and toyed with Harry for her own benefit. Good God, she needs to be the next to die...:x

Oh, and Bellatrix just may be the coolest HP name around. :D
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Postby Charis » Saturday 28 June 2003 3:23:19am

i duno....nymphadora was pretty cool. :D
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Postby HuffleDuck » Saturday 28 June 2003 9:55:12pm

:lol:Yeah Umbridge is really annoying with her stupid new law...But have to admitted, without her there won't be much fun either :grin:
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Saturday 28 June 2003 10:03:21pm

Friendsforever wrote::lol:Yeah Umbridge is really annoying with her stupid new law...But have to admitted, without her there won't be much fun either :grin:

Good point, Friendsforever :)...much as I wanted to strangle her :razz: , she kept you reading with what outrageous/horrible thing she'd do next! :eek: I was cheering anytime anyone "got her back", especially Professor McGonagall! :lol: LOL!
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Sunday 29 June 2003 1:38:08am

Lol, Professor McGonnagall was terrific in the book! I never, ever suspected that she'd be one to break rules or go against authority, but her interactions with Umbridge were great!
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