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Postby Lunatech » Monday 23 June 2003 6:23:28pm

their bloodline plays an important role in this.

since both tom and harry are both of muggle descent, dumbledore even stated that harry was the one chosen.

but who's to say that neville isn't someone who can also defeat voldemorte...this part is very vague.

would be a nice twist.
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Postby ElvenMist » Monday 23 June 2003 6:27:51pm

interesting... i was thinkng along similar lines. i didn't feel that Dumbledore adequately explained the whole Neville thing. i mean, he could ocme out of nowhere and kill Voldie when he's fighting Harry. and Neville was getting much better at DADA, with the DA and everything. i mean, his skills were improving much more. maybe that's a sign that he will follow his parents and become an auror. i'm not syaing he's perfect yet, but it shows that there's a lot more potential to him than most people thought...
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Postby werebane » Monday 23 June 2003 7:48:06pm

I quote from the book (the prophecy) "The dark lord will mark him as his equal" That means by attacking harry he felt more threatened by him therefore marking him ashs equal. if he would have killed harry, he would have fulfilled the prophecy and been the one to survive.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Tuesday 24 June 2003 6:29:34am

But if he had killed Harry, then he wouldnb't have marked him, there woudl ahve been no power transfer and Harry woudlnt' have been Voldie's equal..., no??

Lunatech: the prophecy became definately about Harry when Voldie marked him with the curse, so now it's only Harry who can kill Voldie... so it can't be Neville...
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Postby Holly Golightly » Tuesday 24 June 2003 6:29:53am

But if he had killed Harry, then he wouldnb't have marked him, there woudl ahve been no power transfer and Harry woudlnt' have been Voldie's equal..., no??

Lunatech: the prophecy became definately about Harry when Voldie marked him with the curse, so now it's only Harry who can kill Voldie... so it can't be Neville...
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Postby Neo » Tuesday 24 June 2003 7:37:37am

I'm sure most people won't understand most of my post, but I'll make my best to explain it.

In PoA we saw that in Jo's world there is destiny, and things that happen can't be change (the explanations is that Buckbeak was alive all the time, in every moment). Okay, since that propecies can be done, just like the second one of Trelawney (when Peter escapes and helps LV return). So the prophecy says, that LD had to mark him as his equal, which is Harry's scar. And exactly becasue of this, Lily died to save Harry (so Harry couldn't die), and because of the prophecy Voldemrt find his way to prevent dead (because if he died as normally it should have happened, then Harry wouldn't have been marked).

Okay, so this seems to hint that Harry will kill Voldemort at the end of the seventh book. Unless once one of them is killed, they can be killed by someone else (which I highly doubt), so from now on anytime we read Harry is mortal danger, but Voldemort is not around he will be safe.

Also I was thiking, what if LD marked both, but only Harry scar is known, maybe Neville got marked before or after, and we do not know (as well as DD) just a thought.
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Postby APWBD » Tuesday 24 June 2003 8:50:28pm

See I was thinking about that too Neo, so I'm glad you brought that up. How do we know that Voldie really chose Harry just because? AFterall, if his DE's saw it fit to kill the Longbottoms, then Voldie must have known about them (and their son). So maybe it was pure luck that Harry was attacked first. Voldie may have been on the way to the Longbottom's house. And the fact that Harry didn't die is probably why he is the one of the prophesy. So if this makes sense, I'm saying that Neville couldn't be the one in the prophecy, because otherwise Voldie would have been able to kill Harry.
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Postby Boycey » Wednesday 25 June 2003 1:26:10pm

From the wording of the phophecy "and either must die and the hands of the other for neither can live while the other survives" can only mean that the one will kill the other and that know one else can kill them, but from what I have scanned of what people I agree with Neo point in away, and I think is neville that has to kill voldemort, I disagree with the point that voldemort might of marked him because that will not explain how he would be an equal to neville, or how in the story neville with get a mark from voldemort without being dead, but I do guess it is possible neville will get marked per say in later books, personally im working on an idea that it might be two phophersy in one, but when I get that thread up and running ill explain more.
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Postby Nothlit » Wednesday 25 June 2003 7:42:30pm

I think people are taking the "mark him as his equal" thing too literally. To mark someone, you don't necessarily have to leave a visible, physical mark on their body. However, at this point, I don't see a whole lot of evidence that Neville is "the one," but I don't think we should assume that just because Harry has a scar, that means he's been marked in the way that the prophecy speaks about...
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Postby werebane » Wednesday 25 June 2003 8:04:52pm

In the book, DD said by Voldemort attacking Harry, and Harry surviving that marked him as an equal.So by harry surviving an attack by Voldemort, harry was marked equal
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Postby Nothlit » Wednesday 25 June 2003 9:57:35pm

But in one of the previous books, I can't remember which one at the moment, Dumbledore said Voldemort couldn't kill Harry because Lily's love gave him some sort of protection. Was he just saying that so he wouldn't have to tell Harry about the prophecy? If it really was something to do with the love of his mother protecting him, then perhaps Harry isn't "the one" because it would mean he didn't survive the attack of his own power.
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Postby werebane » Wednesday 25 June 2003 11:08:11pm

No thats what im saying. the power voldemort is weak against is the power of love. that was harrrys ability; the love from his mother
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Postby techjohn » Thursday 26 June 2003 8:54:00am

Wasn't the prophecy made by Trelawny?

Can she be trusted on this after all the rubbish from the Diviniation classes? :???:
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Postby Nothlit » Thursday 26 June 2003 4:43:10pm

Trelawny was the one who delivered the prophecy, but she didn't come up with it herself. I don't know how to explain that better, really, but she merely recited the prophecy, which already existed on its own. I don't think anybody really "creates" a prophecy.
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Postby Lunatech » Thursday 26 June 2003 5:23:57pm

You guys forget about Peter Pettigrew.

In the legend of "St. Godric and the Hunted Stag," a hunting party is pursuing a particularly beautiful stag, which runs to St. Godric's hermitage for shelter. St. Godric lets the stag in, but the hunting party follows the stag's tracks and cuts through "the well-nigh impenetrable brushwood of thorns and briars" to find St. Godric. They ask St. Godric where the stag is, "but he would not be the betrayer of his guest." This legend parallels the workings of the Fidelius Charm, with St. Godric as the stag's Secret-Keeper. However, unlike Peter Pettigrew, St. Godric does not tell the hunters where to find their prey, and the stag survives.

A lot of things can be derived from this. Voldemorte used the Potter's best friend to find and kill them. This involves quite a bit of planning as the Potters were very well hidden in Godric's Hollow. So Voldemorte definitely marked Harry to be the chosen.
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