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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Monday 23 June 2003 1:20:11am

For a while, there have been all sorts of 'shippers out there, particularly leading up to the fifth book. I had read that Harry and Cho would date temporarily (and that didn't work out in a big way--I guess it was nice while it lasted :lol:), but neither Ron nor Hermione dated anyone nor did they date each other. In fact, it was Ginny who dated the most--first Michael (who later dated Cho), and then Dean Thomas. :eek: I'm surprised, because I was so sure that Draco, Hermione, and Ron would have dated, and none of them seemed to . . .

What did you lot think of the 'romance aspect' of the 5th books? I thought, on the whole, it was well done . . . nothing too in-your-face, nor did it monopolize the book. In fact, it was a lot less a part of the book than I had expected it to be.

In regards to Ron/Hermione or Harry/Hermione for the next book, I'm not sure where J.K. is going with that, or even if she'll go with either of those pairs. Ginny seems to have gotten over Harry, but there were some instances where Hermione and Harry seemed to click (Cho certainly got jealous over them), but also some times Ron and Hermione had some interaction (especially since they were both prefects). I'm not sure. What do you think? :???:

After all the hoopla over how romance would be in this book, there wasn't a lot, but what there was was well-done (did that make sense?? :razz: ). Looking forward to what you have to say about it! :D

~ Lizzy :jump:
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Monday 23 June 2003 1:42:27am

There was definitely at least one moment in the book to please all the different shippers. But overall, it was handled quite well, enough romance to make it seen realistic but not so much as to suffocate the reader. I was getting abit scared during the whole DA scene when Harry and Cho were left alone together, but nothing was described in detail.

I think the most obvious was the H/Hr and am actually thinking of supporting that. Not as much R/Hr as I thought, which is excellent. As Lizzy said, H/G kind of died, but there were a few moments when it looked as thought she still had some feeling for him, most notably at the end when they were all on the train and Ginny looked away while she was speaking to Harry. Where in the world did Dean Thomas come in?! That was by far the most unexpeced pairing! And thank goodness for the demise of H/C. Good lord, the book made me detest Cho Chang even more than I did before. She definitely emerged as an over-sensitive dram queen. And the H/D shippers got their fill during the Charms OWL, when Draco was looking at Harry and was unable to concentrate on his exam. But what suprised me the most was the portrayal of Lily and James. Will definitely lead way to many theories regarding them.
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Postby Nothlit » Monday 23 June 2003 5:05:25am

In JKR's interview with Katie Couric a couple of days ago, she laughed when Couric brought up the idea of "Harry and Hermione off snogging somewhere," and said something along the lines of, "do you really think so? Not Ron and Hermione?" So I was a little surprised that R/Hr didn't have anything more going on, but it still seems to me, after having re-read all the first four books earlier this week, plus the fifth one this weekend, that there is something subtle between Ron and Hermione that neither of them may have picked up on yet. Or at least, if Hermione has, Ron surely hasn't. I still think there's hope for them yet. As for Harry, at the end of book five, he doesn't really seem to want a close relationship with anybody, considering who's just died, and the burden of the prophecy that he now knows about. It'll be interesting to see what happens with him later on.
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Postby June » Monday 23 June 2003 7:16:51am

All I can say is... I'm gld Cho and Harry didn't click after all... she was cardboard character in Book 4, and in book 5, she's nice enough girl, but certainly not someone who can relate to Harry. Harry had nothing more than a crush for her anyway, and now it's over... he can probably look back at this fiasco and laugh about it when he's an adult.

Ginny seems to have fleshed out nicely in this book however... do any of you think Rowling might be setting up harry nd Ginny as a couple later on? I waas surprised at the number of boyfriends she's going through though it's funny to watch Ron in the overprotective brother mode. =P
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How is this for a possibilty...

Postby highsorcerer » Monday 23 June 2003 10:06:30am

While it seems Cho was Harry's first crush and first botched romance, he may have realized it's not just looks that can be attractive. Now, who do we know that is a bit odd, a bit weird looking, but has shown Harry loyalty and a willingness to fight alongside him if need be? Somebody who isn't pining for a dead boyfriend, but is also in Ravenclaw...

Luna Lovegood!

Think about it; she's a new major character, has believed Harry all along, and has fought along side him. I think she'll blindside his emotions and he'll realize she's something special sometime very soon...
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Postby Lunatech » Monday 23 June 2003 11:01:23am

I agree completely about luna.
My post is on chapter 5 theories. :)
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 23 June 2003 2:51:14pm

Hrmm, I'm not really sure that I like the H/LL idea... :-?

But I am happy over te amount of romance in OOTP... nothing over the top, but enough to remind us that they are 15yr olds!!! I am very glad that we didnt' get details about Harry and Cho in the DA room... I would have been very unimpressed!!!

I"m also glad taht Ginny has gotten over Harry... it gives more space for her character to bloom! I really didnt' like her when she was all obsessed with him... she just irritated me. But now, taht she doesnt' stick her elbow in the butter *hehehe* or whatever every time Harry shows up, she is beguining to become an interesting character!

I kinda get the feeling that with all the loss that Harry has suffered, including the new loss of Sirius, and the knwledge taht he may die *the prophecy remember* he wont' be looking to start up a new relationship with anyone!!!
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Postby Nothlit » Monday 23 June 2003 3:18:32pm

Names tend to be very important in these books...why else would Luna's last name be Lovegood? ;)

It'll be interesting to see what happens with her.
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Postby 2F2Type_R » Monday 23 June 2003 3:26:33pm

i liked the part where the way Hermione looked at Ron reminded Harry of the same way Mrs. Weasley looked at her husband :razz:

*shrugz* that was plenty enough romance for me... heheh

and when Cho Chang gave Harry a *wet* kiss, i liked that~
its refreshing and JK Rowling chose not to describe it, making it totally elusive and memorable

(probably just cuz i'm jealous of the fact that my first kiss was dry.. damn Harry...)
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Postby Lunatech » Monday 23 June 2003 6:03:34pm

yes. also remember she mentioned the lovegoods briefly on GoF during the Quidditch world cup. GoF Chapter 6.

lost parents,
JKR is an author and Luna's father is an Editor for the Quibbler...

lots of JKR's literary tools revolve around the Lovegoods.
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Postby ElvenMist » Monday 23 June 2003 6:11:25pm

hmm. yeah, i was thinking the same thing. and then there's that part when Harry and Luna are talking aboud Sirius and her mum and it goes something about how Harry didn't mind discussing Sirius with her. So I think that hints something. Because other people have seen people die, but Harry just chooses to discuss it with Luna and he feels okay about that. I think it could be a sign... :D
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Postby ambrosius » Monday 23 June 2003 7:14:03pm

Harry and Luna an item? Maybe. I definitely see the major characters pairing off in the upcoming books. Ron and Hermione look like a lock (his jealousy of Viktor Krum certainly betrays his feelings). But I think Harry is more likely to hit it off romantically with Ginny than with Luna. It would solidify Harry's link to the Weasley family and give him the family he's never had. And Ginny herself is showing more spunk and resourcefulness -- qualities Harry would (I think) admire.

Luna does also, of course, but her disjointedness and tendency to attract ridicule will (I think) cause her to pair off with a better match and soulmate -- Neville Longbottom.
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Postby Hermione » Monday 23 June 2003 8:25:18pm

I'm really relieved as to how J.K. Rowling dealt with the romance factor- I should have known better than to be afraid at all!

However. I was disappointed that Cho turned out to be so . . . well, so . . . I don't know, falling apart. I think Cedric's death really traumatized her, which is probably why she's being so I don't know- so weird. But I was hoping for a better Cho. I mean, Harry's been crazy about her forever- but I guess that's natural, he hardly knew her at all. It sort of reminds me of my best friend, who's completely crazy about this girl he barely knows at all. *sigh* But anyway, it was REALLY realistic.

I'm surprised we didn't see anymore romantic tension between Ron and Hermione, though, but I guess after the movies Rowling can't do much with that.

All in all, I was very, very happy with how Rowling dealt with the romance factor.

And I too somewhat hope that Luna and Harry will match up . . .

Next, Rowling needs to find someone for Snape . . . :p
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Postby DrkSphere » Monday 23 June 2003 11:47:52pm

I think Hermione and Ron are practially already married.. the tension between the two of them is just amazing, but neither of them have really had relationships or anything, so it's really funny from the outside, I think anyway.

Ginny just reminds me of your average girl in school who just gets a boyfriend here and there kind of for the fun of it, or just to have.. not really like a massive love interest, but just kind of the "hey look I have a boyfriend!" I really like her character though, she's funny and rather strong willed.

I'd be rahter suprised if Harry and Luna hit it off... They just don't.. I dunno. Something about their dynamics is just, odd.
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Postby Nothlit » Tuesday 24 June 2003 3:37:52am

Yeah, if you haven't noticed that Ron and Hermione are already a couple (despite the fact that neither of them realizes it) then you haven't been reading carefully enough. ;) Ron is constantly jealous of Viktor Krum. There are many, many instances when Hermione is doing something typical of her character, and Ron is said to be staring at her, or watching her, or somesuch. I don't think he's watching out of revulsion. ;) In book 5, the two of them were almost always together, and Hermione said "we" a lot, meaning that she feels she has some right to speak for Ron as well as herself. I'm sure there are other signs, too. Oh yeah, she kisses Ron before his first Quidditch game. Hmm. It's kinda cute, actually. ;)
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