The Death (total spoiler)- I'm feeling let-down.

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The Death (total spoiler)- I'm feeling let-down.

Postby English » Saturday 21 June 2003 2:56:39am

Well, we have been tricked. We are told that this book contains a "shocking death" of a loved character, and so we all rush out to buy it.

And what do we get- the death of Sirius! He only appears at the end of the third book, and he is mentioned in the 4th only in letters!! Ok, he is an IMPORTANT person, but hardly a main character.

And we have to wait until page 700 to find this out. I of course "cheated" and read ahead- I hope the story is good enough, anyway.
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Re: The Death (total spoiler)- I'm feeling let-down.

Postby bludy mery » Saturday 21 June 2003 6:18:15pm

English wrote:Well, we have been tricked. We are told that this book contains a "shocking death" of a loved character, and so we all rush out to buy it.

And what do we get- the death of Sirius! He only appears at the end of the third book, and he is mentioned in the 4th only in letters!! Ok, he is an IMPORTANT person, but hardly a main character.

And we have to wait until page 700 to find this out. I of course "cheated" and read ahead- I hope the story is good enough, anyway.

sirius!!!!!!!!why!!! god dammit!!!!!!!! this ***** will do every thing for money!!!!!!!! :mad:
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Postby Holly Golightly » Sunday 22 June 2003 2:09:41am

I was wuite let down by the fact that it was Sirius aswell... I didnt' expect to find out till the end of the book anyways thouugh, but I didnt' cheat!!! ;)

I was kinda convinced that it was Mr Weasley though, after Harry bit him! :D *and then unfort someone came visited, so I was left to ponder while they were over... I found out he lived after they left!!!*

It was just so quick and unexpected though... too sudden to make me really saddened by it... I was much sadder when I thought that it was Mr W... :(

Oh wells though... :-?
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Postby DrkSphere » Sunday 22 June 2003 7:30:32am

Holly Golightly wrote:I was wuite let down by the fact that it was Sirius aswell... I didnt' expect to find out till the end of the book anyways thouugh, but I didnt' cheat!!! ;)

I was kinda convinced that it was Mr Weasley though, after Harry bit him! :D *and then unfort someone came visited, so I was left to ponder while they were over... I found out he lived after they left!!!*

It was just so quick and unexpected though... too sudden to make me really saddened by it... I was much sadder when I thought that it was Mr W... :(

Oh wells though... :-?

Personally I thought it was exceptionally well done. I would have been rather upset if the death had been some long, drawn out, "Harry... come closer... the light is fading in my eyes... I just wanted to tell you.. how much... I... love you...." or anything like that. Death comes without warning, without preparedness.. and I thought it was brilliant.

Amazingly upsetting for me, however. As the book went on, I started to like him more and more, feeling his frustration and everything, and then, when he finally was able to do what he wanted to do, save Harry's life... just like that he died.

Well, those are my thoughts, anyway.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Sunday 22 June 2003 7:40:09am

Oh, I'mnot saying that I wanted the big sappy death or anything, I just woudl have been alot more sd if for example, Mrs Weasley rocked up at 12 Grimmwald Place and said that Mr Weasley had died... that would have been really bad, since Harry woudl still ahve thought that he did it, etc etc...

Sirius was kind of strange through the story though... I mean, I felt sympathy for him, having to remain in that house that he completely hated, all by himself, sorry, with only Kreatcher for company... :cry:

But at the same time, he acted very childish about the whole thing... :-? Getting all surley and snapping at people? That kind of irritated me a bit... Just made you want to slap him and say 'Grow up' :roll:

I mean, yes, you would would expect him to be unhappy, and feeling left out, but I didnt' think that he would take those feelings out on the likes of Mrs Weasley and other members of the Order??? Very immature.
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Postby bludy mery » Sunday 22 June 2003 7:52:05am

Holly Golightly wrote:Oh, I'mnot saying that I wanted the big sappy death or anything, I just woudl have been alot more sd if for example, Mrs Weasley rocked up at 12 Grimmwald Place and said that Mr Weasley had died... that would have been really bad, since Harry woudl still ahve thought that he did it, etc etc...

Sirius was kind of strange through the story though... I mean, I felt sympathy for him, having to remain in that house that he completely hated, all by himself, sorry, with only Kreatcher for company... :cry:

But at the same time, he acted very childish about the whole thing... :-? Getting all surley and snapping at people? That kind of irritated me a bit... Just made you want to slap him and say 'Grow up' :roll:

I mean, yes, you would would expect him to be unhappy, and feeling left out, but I didnt' think that he would take those feelings out on the likes of Mrs Weasley and other members of the Order??? Very immature.

do you know why Ron will be the keeper??? what could be the reasons for that I mean Harry is much better than Ron... isn't he???
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Postby Holly Golightly » Sunday 22 June 2003 8:00:42am

Uhhh... Harry is already on the team, as the seeker... he has been since first year?

Also, Scholastic released a summary, which Blaise Zambini (I'm pretty sure) posted here in the Theories section quite a while ago... *called Theories - Based on the Summary (or something very similar) *

It said stuff like the DADA teacher will have a personality like poisoned honey, there will be a vicious, disgrunteled house elf, Ron will be the Griffindor Keeper, and that Harry has dreams abouta single door at the end of an empty hallway... (also, these things are only written from my memory, not direct quotes!!! The one int he theories section is a quoted properly though! ;) )

Hrmm, also Bludy Mery, have you read OOTP yet? Because if you keep readingposts in here, you are almost definately going to come across people saying things that are for fact in OOTP... I would have just then, but I am getting te drift that maybe you havent' read it yet??? :-?
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Postby bludy mery » Sunday 22 June 2003 11:19:01am

Holly Golightly wrote:Uhhh... Harry is already on the team, as the seeker... he has been since first year?

Also, Scholastic released a summary, which Blaise Zambini (I'm pretty sure) posted here in the Theories section quite a while ago... *called Theories - Based on the Summary (or something very similar) *

It said stuff like the DADA teacher will have a personality like poisoned honey, there will be a vicious, disgrunteled house elf, Ron will be the Griffindor Keeper, and that Harry has dreams abouta single door at the end of an empty hallway... (also, these things are only written from my memory, not direct quotes!!! The one int he theories section is a quoted properly though! ;) )

Hrmm, also Bludy Mery, have you read OOTP yet? Because if you keep readingposts in here, you are almost definately going to come across people saying things that are for fact in OOTP... I would have just then, but I am getting te drift that maybe you havent' read it yet??? :-?

um... no I just got here by mastake... and read many things that spoild and it makes me curios (or however you write it)
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Postby Claire » Sunday 22 June 2003 3:58:26pm

gah... I'm never choosing a favorite character again. Every time I choose one, they always die. I swear, my favorite authors think, hmmm, Claire is going to read this book, I think this will be her favorite character, so I'd better kill them off.

And I most definetly was very upset with the death of Sirius, I think that we really got to know his personality enough to call him a main character through books 3 to 5, and that his death was a little too short, but that might be because I tend to skim through some parts if I think that something really exciting is going to happen.
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Postby Claire » Sunday 22 June 2003 4:05:29pm

gah... I'm never choosing a favorite character again. Every time I choose one, they always die. I swear, my favorite authors think, hmmm, Claire is going to read this book, I think this will be her favorite character, so I'd better kill them off.

And I most definetly was very upset with the death of Sirius, I think that we really got to know his personality enough to call him a main character through books 3 to 5, and that his death was a little too short, but that might be because I tend to skim through some parts if I think that something really exciting is going to happen.
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Postby DrkSphere » Sunday 22 June 2003 5:32:49pm

I don't think I'll ever understand how people can 'skim' through books... If I catch myself looking ahead I force myself to go back and read a paragraph or a page again... even the tiniest little bit can make a huge difference. I dunno, I could really see the death clearly in my head... and it was just.. so well done. Also, I don't think that this is the end of Sirius' name or influence in the next 2 books. I'm sure there will be lots of talking about him... he may even pop up as a spirit in the way that Harry's parents did (well not exactly those circumstances) or something.. maybe speak to Harry in his dreams...

He kind of reminds me of Mercutio, of anyone here's a Shakespeare fan.. especially with the fight scene with him and Mrs. Insanity. (I forgot her name, lol)
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Postby Rebecca Spinnet » Sunday 22 June 2003 6:45:06pm

ARGH!!!! i really can't believe she killed Sirius! Doesn't it seem like she really doesn't want harry to have any type of father figure??oh well i was mad. But you know what REALLY made me mad was the fact that someone told me he was going to die before i got there i thought if i finished the book yesterday that no one could spoil it for me! but of course some girl goes "is that the 5th book?" "did you know Sirius dies?" SHEESH oh well. The worst part about the whole thing though is now we have to wait for the next one......
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Postby English » Sunday 22 June 2003 7:35:22pm

Well, I didn't want to wait- I don't like surprises really. The whole book is pretty much geared up to " a death " but I don't think they should ahve used the fact that someone dies just to sell a few more books, eh?
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Sunday 22 June 2003 9:23:04pm

I'm not exactly sure I understand fully what happened to Sirius . . .

It said he was hit with a curse . . . I'm presuming Lastrange did 'Avada Kedavra' on him? But if that's so, what was that bit about him falling into the veil? I'm really not being thick here . . . I just don't understand what exactly happened to Sirius (other than I know he's dead and knew that at the time). Would someone please explain? :-?

As for Sirius being the one who died, he wasn't who I expected. I had long thought it would be Hagrid or Mrs. Weasley (and, for part of the book, though it would be Hagrid or Mr. Weasley), but then I started feeling it really could be Neville (and really dreaded that, as he's a character I have a 'soft spot' for), but Sirius and Lupin did come to mind. I knew someone was bound to die in that confrontation at the end, but as I mentioned above, I got confuzzled when Sirius died . . . I wasn't exactly sure what happened to him or how he 'disappeared' after he died . . . :???:

Still, I think it's a sad death . . . flawed as Sirius might have been, he was someone who really cared about Harry and that Harry felt very close to. As another poster said, it seems sad that yet another person Harry considered to be 'family' was taken from him, and of all people, by the same horrible woman who harmed Neville's parents. I wouldn't say I was 'let down' by Sirius's death--seeing as I wasn't looking forward to ANY death--and it's doubly hard for Harry as it isn't just who died but that Harry walked right into Voldemort's trap, indirectly leading to Sirius's death. I wasn't shocked like I was when Cedric died, but nevertheless, quite sad, especially as I kept reading. Even if I didn't like all the things or ways Sirius acted, he did love Harry, and he was someone who so closely connected Harry back to his parents. :cry:
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Postby Lily » Sunday 22 June 2003 10:46:20pm

Sirius really annoyed me too with his childishness, especially when he made that snide comment to Harry from the fireplace.

Regarding his death, here is how I saw it but I could be wrong. I thought the woman he was dueling with hit him with some unspecified curse which killed him. The falling through the archway veil was just a way of signifying dying/crossing over.

I thought it was pretty nicely done. I didn't feel as upset as I thought I would because he had annoyed me so much earlier with his surliness.
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