5th HP book anticipation stress :(

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5th HP book anticipation stress :(

Postby Lizzy Bennet » Sunday 15 June 2003 7:13:16pm

This may seem an odd topic to some, but I have a feeling some people may relate. :-?

With all the hype surrounding the new book, people saying how soon (or how late! :cry: ) they'll be getting it, wanting to read through it so fast, etc., I almost feel as though the pleasure of a new book and reading it for pure enjoyment purposes has become instead so whacked-out contest/competition that's taking over in some bizarre way. :(

Maybe how I feel seems alien to everyone else, I'm not sure. Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to reading the new book, but at the same time, I don't want to feel stressed out or anxious because I am going to have to wait for it to be delivered on Saturday or feel compelled to zoom through it to 'keep up' with everyone else. To me, that defeats the point of enjoying the book and such. :-?

I hope someone knows how I feel! :) I *may* go to the 'midnight thing' at my local bookstore (even though I do not have a book on hold there) for the novelty of it . . . I'm not sure. :) Mostly, the people I truly feel for are the people who will not get the book on June 21 and especially the people in Germany for whom the book doesn't come out until November! :eek: I really feel for you, and I think that's rather unfair...it's being translated into other languages, so why the long wait in Germany?? :x Anyone have suggestions for stress regarding the anticipation of the new book and not getting caught up in the 'I must get it immediately'/'read it as fast as I can' syndrome? :D

~ Lizzy :double jump:
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Sunday 15 June 2003 7:23:41pm

Oh, no matter how excited I am over this, and no matter how fast I say I'd like to read it, I definitely plan on just sitting down with the book and reading it for comprehension and understanding, not just to say that 'Woohoo! I read mine in 6 hours and 32 minutes flat!'

As for those who do plan on reading it in '6 hours and 32 minutes flat,' just think of how much more you'd get out of the book to just read it at a normal pace. I mean, how much can you really comprehend of a book that you read as fast as you can?

And as for those in Germany (mainly Siana and Willow,) your English is terrific, so I'd think you could probably start with an English copy of the book and work through that. And if you do end up waiting until November, just think of how much more satisfying it'll be to finally read it!
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 16 June 2003 8:11:12am

I think that most of us here are on about the same thing. we want to get the book quiclky to read it, but no one is really going to rush through it... it woudl ruin the whole thing! I olny want to get the book quicker so that I can enjoy the excitement of reading it sooner!!! I probably woudl have gone to a store at midnight, but it looks like that's not an option anyways!

And I do really feel for you both Mistress Siana and Williow... If there was any way that I could help you, you know I would... Unfortunally though, I can't... :(
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Postby Violet » Monday 16 June 2003 11:25:12am

Well for all my claims of boasting, i think i'll just be sat at home leisurely reading it.
i have no desire to read it quicker than anyone else.... :D
i just can't wait till it's out!
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Postby Hermione Weasley » Tuesday 17 June 2003 1:42:14am

I am very excitied to get my book right away, but i am the kind of person that i love to read so no matter how fast or slow i read it it is my pace.i may finish the book within like a month maybe shorter b/c i am traveling from the 23rd of June to like the 17th of July!so i am not gonna be on here everyday :cry: well talk to y'all later
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Postby Holly Golightly » Tuesday 17 June 2003 3:50:06am

Ooh, your going for a break too HW?? I think that I'm going to get rather lonely bumming aroudn this forum all by myself, since nearly everyone seems to be going on summer breaks... and it's winter and no breaks over here... :(
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Tuesday 17 June 2003 1:24:12pm

well, i won't get mine for 2 weeks cause i'll be out of town, but once i do get it i'm going to finish rereading 3 and reread 4 before i start it
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Postby han lin » Tuesday 17 June 2003 1:34:41pm

i really can't wait to get stuck into the book.I'm not going to rush to finish it but once i start reading it, i have aterrible feeling that i wont be able to put it down. i was thinking about rationing myself to a chapter a night and making it last longer but then thought NAAAAH!i
i'm gonna read it and enjoy it. and i think that any threads which tell the ending of the books or what happens should be clearly marked as such. rumours and hteorys are ok because its not fact but it would spoil it a bit if i knew for certain what was going to happen. cya round
*toddles off to post that idea on the suggestions board*
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Postby Hermione Weasley » Tuesday 17 June 2003 7:43:43pm

yea.im gonna come on and leave you guys something before i leave though.
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Tuesday 17 June 2003 8:18:51pm

I may be in a minority here :), but as I thought about it this week, I've come to realize something about this new book that I've always felt and will continue to feel. :circling:

It's just a book. :o

A wonderful book. A book I've waited a while to read. A book I know I will thoroughly enjoy reading. But still . . . just a book. :)

A book, in my opinion, isn't a substitute for love, family, friends, goals, responsibilities, and life. Reading is something I think is a wonderful pasttime and such an invaluable tool (can you imagine what life would be like if you were illiterate as so many people are? :( ), and recreational reading, such as reading this book, should be just that: fun. :grin:

So, though I'll enjoy reading the new book, I'm not going to lock myself up somewhere until I finish it. :-) I'll read it, as and when I can, but I refuse to neglect loved ones or my responsibilities for it. And even as much as I love this Forum (and I really do, and all the people that make it up! :D ), I won't sacrifice *all* my time for posting/reading posts after reading either. :) And you may be thinking, well, who would? But you'd be surprised . . . but I'd be highly surprised if anyone *here* fit that description! :eek: I sense a strong love of Harry Potter here (as well as many interests in other things :D ), but not fanatical, scary obsession! :lol:

Reading is a true gift and joy, especially when the reading is so enjoyable as the Harry Potter series. Having *any* book totally consume you, blotting out the importance and necessity of relating to other people and still living life is quite another--there's passion, and then there's obsession. :eek: And yes, this "don't get so obsessive about reading it takes over your whole life" comes from the mouth of a LIBRARIAN! :D hehehehehe :lol:

Happy reading! :grin:
Lizzy :double jump:

P.S.--Miss Violet High, do enjoy getting your book before me . . . I may be sensible not letting a book take over my priorities, but I'm still *terribly* jealous of you and anyone else who gets it before me! :razz: :lol: hehehehe!
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Postby han lin » Tuesday 17 June 2003 9:26:53pm

i understand totally what you mean.
passion=good. obsession =bad
while its good to get involved and cought up in a story, friends, family and lifes shouldn't be put out. the book will only last so long.

i probbably will read the book at one or two sittings. its not because i am putting everytihng else off, its just i have time to do it. most of my friends will be away and my family anr never in anyway. its cool. reading is a valuable skill and has the power to transport you anywhere. nothing should be at the expanse of friendship or life though.....

ok well what i am trying to say for those people who were totally lost in my mumblings is exactly the same as what lizzy said earlier.
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Postby TDM » Tuesday 17 June 2003 9:41:06pm

i most likely won't be able to get it for awhile after it comes out. i don't really have the money for it now, and my parents say they'll get it for me for my birthday, which isn't until aug 1st...bleh.
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Postby Violet » Tuesday 17 June 2003 11:04:33pm

Basically i'm the kind of person who gets TOTALLY into a book once i start reading it, and cant put it down!
but i have such a busy weekend planned that i feel it'll take me a while to get through it, but i think that just makes it better!
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Postby TMAUndomiel » Tuesday 17 June 2003 11:57:35pm

I dunno about all this hype. All the people wacked out over this are seriously more bizarra than I am (and thats saying a lot) I'm actually rereading the books now so by the time I get my copy Saturday (I pre-ordered mine a couple months ago) I'll be reaquainted with the characters and all so I'll know whats going on

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Postby Hermione Weasley » Wednesday 18 June 2003 8:55:45pm

yea i will finish it really fast b/c i am traveling so i have an excuse to read but im alot like you holly i get into books so i can't do anything else u ntil i finish the book this is why i don't read alot during the school year unless we have like two week break so i can read all i want. I just get into it and my friends think im obsessed but im not its just how i act with seris!I thought to day was like friday!i was jumping up and down and my mom was like why r u so happy?i went the hp book comes out in 10 hours!!My mom went sorry its only Wednesday.I was like NOOOOO!!!! :o
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