Potter's Parents' Profession

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Potter's Parents' Profession

Postby SourRing » Friday 13 June 2003 5:28:56am

I dunno if anyone had posted about this already. But it just got me thinking that MAY BE one of Harry's parents was a DADA teacher at Hogwarts?

I dunno why, but I read the Chamber of Secrets yesterday and Hagrid said DADA teachers didn't last. At the time, the only DADA teacher that we know of was Quirrell. That means there were other DADA teachers before that didn't last...

Since James and Lily died. May be one of them use to be Hogwarts' DADA teacher?? Probably James. Maybe that's why Voldie wanted to kill him??

Just a thought :-)
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Postby Mint » Friday 13 June 2003 1:25:51pm

You know, I see what you are saying - but I honestly don't think so.

I may be wrong but I don't think they worked in general.....did they? (James inherited so much money and they were preoccupied with Voldie )we really don't have much info on Harry's parents.....I hope we gonna find out more in upcomming book. :-?
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Postby Violet » Friday 13 June 2003 1:36:12pm

i can't imagine them not working, but i dont think that either of them taught at hogwarts, it would have probably already been mentioned if they did. i mean it's the kind of thing that hermione would have known dont you think?
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Postby Mint » Friday 13 June 2003 3:25:58pm

yeah, I can totally see Hermoine as a teacher.

Why don't you think they were not working? Look they had plenty of Money that James inherited and then Voldie happen :) And I think they were probably preoccupied with stopping him from getting more and more powerful.
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Postby Neo » Saturday 14 June 2003 5:17:52am

Because if they are fughting against Voldemort, then they would be called aurors.
I think they were Unspeakbles, and that's why Hagrid have never mention about James and Lily work to Harry.
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Postby Hermione Weasley » Saturday 14 June 2003 5:20:53am

neo what are unspeakables??i have never heard theat term before
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Postby Neo » Saturday 14 June 2003 5:28:51am

Yes you have, but your memory seems to be like Mints' (I'm joking, it is just that Mint's memory is terrible)

Well, I can't explain you what unseakables are, becaus we simply do not know they work for the Department of Mysteries. Mr. Weasly mentions about them during the camp in the quidditch cup
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Postby Hermione Weasley » Saturday 14 June 2003 5:34:52am

oh ok.i will have to reread that section to figure it out well good night everyone!i have to get some sleep i have been up for like 19 hours and im tired :typing:
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Postby Neo » Saturday 14 June 2003 6:19:45am

Okay, I could use some sleep too now that you mention it.
The part of the uspeakables isn't very long, just half a page.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 14 June 2003 12:13:02pm

Good point that they might ahve been unspeakables... because things mentioned like that from Mr Weasley about htem usually play bigger further on in the books!!!

I thought that James and Lily somehow got that money, from something or another, not that James inherited it???

Also Neo, I though Aurors weren't people who just generally fought against Voldie, but dark wizard catchers??? :???:
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Postby han lin » Saturday 14 June 2003 2:48:30pm

aurors usually do fight against dark wizards i tihnk, but then that would mean voldi and his supporters so i guess you are both right.

i can well imagine james and lily being unspeakables they must have discovered or donesomething that really rattled voldi for him to put them on his most wanted list. (he's busy wizard he cant execute all the wizarda at the minestry)
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Sunday 15 June 2003 5:15:37pm

I like the idea of them being Aurors. Dumbledore has cited them as being loyal followers in the fight against LV, so it would make sense for them to be related to the Auror profession. I think that their being Unspeakables is also a possibility, since what we know of James and Lily is full of so much mystery. I mean, Harry is fifteen, I would think that someone, somewhere would have mentioned something about his parents, unless what they did was kept secret by law, ne?
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Postby Hermione Weasley » Sunday 15 June 2003 5:33:56pm

i don't think they were aurors someone would have told them if they were aurors like fellow aurors.when harry met moody if his parents were aurors wouldn't he have said something to harry about it??
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Sunday 15 June 2003 6:32:56pm

See what I mean about no one ever mentioning anything to Harry about his parents?! One would think that it'd come up at some point or another but it hasn't. And damn Harry not asking enought questions! If he was a bit more inquisitive about his past, we'd have all of our problems solved! :D
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Monday 16 June 2003 1:58:50am

i think that they were aurors, but i don't know, i thought that it was accepted fact, but i know that it is not mentioned anywhere in the book
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