Worried about the outcome

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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Postby Wedge » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Yeah! Most of them have to be married... I reckon Harry might get to know the teachers a bit better in the next books, cus people always say war brings people closer together...
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Postby the-rabid-chocobo » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

yeah...harry and snape are gonna become REAL close
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Friday 6 June 2003 8:25:42pm

I know what you mean about a 'sense of dread'. Knowing that someone fairly major is going to die in book 5 (though, I'm naturally curious as to who it is) isn't something I'm looking forward to. :cry:

The tone has changed dramatically for Harry and his friends, and that'll certainly be reflected in the 5th book. Harry will have had all summer to reflect on things, and I think it'll all be on his mind when he goes back. Being 15 (as that isn't an easy age anyway!) will be a challenge right there.

I know there's been talk of romance as well book 5 and beyond and provided J.K. handles it as I believe she will, I won't mind it. It wouldn't surprise me that people would be dating by book 5, but I certainly hope the books don't become all about that, and I don't think that they will. I am concerned that Ron and Hermione may date, break up, and then Hermione might date Harry, causing bad fall-out between Harry and Ron. That's all speculation, but I didn't like it when Harry and Ron weren't friends, anymore than I enjoyed the Hufflepuffs (in book 2) talking about Harry behind his back. Granted, I remember that kind of thing all too well at that age, which, while making it realistic, also brings back some not-so-fond memories. :-?

Part of "dreading" book 5 is as simple as knowing I'll read it pretty quick and there won't be a "book 6" for a LONG time! :( That's sort of silly, but I have a feeling I'll read book 5 several times. Mostly, I'm looking forward to it, but as it will be darker than book 4, while that'll be interesting, I think I'll have my box of tissues by me when I read :-( . . . shoot, I needed them when Cedric was killed in book 4 and all the aftermath after that! :o
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Postby Neo » Monday 9 June 2003 4:24:09am

Well, you certainly should have a lot of boxes,s ince this time the death will be of an important character.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 9 June 2003 8:48:55am

Boy, am I the only person in existance who didnt' cry at the end of GoF??? Books make me sad, but not to crying point... does this jsut make me totally evil and heartless, or wot??? :(
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Tuesday 10 June 2003 1:24:12am

Lol, I didn't cried, but did get all choked up. However, I did cry at the end of CoS. It wasn't my favourite of the books, but it did have an excellent ending. It was one of those happy crys that occur when everything turns out good and seems to just tie in together so neatly. Of all the books, CoS, had the most enjoyable ending. But now that I think of it, they all did. Damn it, it's getting harder and harder to choose which book was the best. Grr...
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Postby Neo » Wednesday 11 June 2003 5:36:02am

Definitely PoA, the ending is the best.

I didn't cry, not even though it was that sad, I mean it was just Diggeroy; but I certainly think the saddest part is at the end of PoA when Harry thinks he will live with Sirius, and suddenly, Peter escpaes, taht is really sad, I mean he was going to be really happy.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Wednesday 11 June 2003 7:07:55am

Yeah... poor little guy... he was finally going to ge away from the dursleys!!!
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Postby Neo » Wednesday 11 June 2003 7:13:27am

Exactly, every I re-read the part when Lupin is going to go out, I would like to be able to stop them so Sirius can be cleared.
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