by Holly Golightly » Sunday 25 May 2003 8:37:38am
Blaise, were you talking about Fudge that doesnt' seem to be fond of Harry, becuase he was, untill he read that article by Rita Skeeter... Remember, Harry said that he treated him like a uncle or something...>?
Also, I dont' think that Fudge is actually a DE, just an informant. And I dont' think that Voldie told his DE's about all his informants... which would explain why Snape didnt' know about Peter *note, if he did, then Snape would have known that Sirius was innosent* And Peter was passing info to Voldie ages before the Potters were killed, so if Voldie did tell him DE's who the informants were, Snape should have known...
Voldie would have been kinds stupid to trust all him info to everyone of his DE's... and stuff like informants, I dont' think that he would have told anyone, even the high-up DE's...