Barry Trotter and the Philosopher's scone

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Barry Trotter and the Philosopher's scone

Postby han lin » Saturday 24 May 2003 10:24:10pm

Has anyone seen this book?
It's a kind of take off on the whole HP phenomenon. As far as I can tell, ( I haven't read very much) it isn't a take off of any particular book, just a jumble about the whole deal.

I have kinda mixed feelings about it at the moment, what do you guys think?
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Postby Mistress Siana » Sunday 25 May 2003 11:44:09am

Hm, I'm sorry, I haven't read the book...maybe you could tell a bit more about it when you've finished it...
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Postby Neo » Monday 26 May 2003 4:17:06am

I would like to read it, but can't fnd any copies.
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Postby Mint » Tuesday 27 May 2003 3:16:22pm

Can't find copies? They are at like all of the bookstores!!!

I just saw bunch of them at Barnes and Noble. They were next to a cash register , in a stand of their own, which was weird.

Anyway, someone who read them (or started reading them) tell us if they are funny.
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Postby han lin » Tuesday 27 May 2003 10:52:00pm

i can't decide,i haven't got the book anymore, i lent it to a friend of mine. dammit
the charicters were ok though, there was Barry, lon, Ermine, lord Valuemart, urrrm Serious, urr
i can;t tthink of anyothers off thwe top of my head
i'll write more about it tomorrow,. coz i gtg
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Postby Holly Golightly » Wednesday 28 May 2003 12:06:12pm

I think that if someone gave me one of the books, I might read it, just for the sake of curiouslty,

BUT, :x I certainly wouldnt' support such a partheic attempt to make money by copying someone else's ideas by purchasing the books... :x

No offence meant to anyone who did... just my thinking... :)
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Postby han lin » Wednesday 28 May 2003 6:34:06pm

i do agree in principal ( i was given the book)
but i have to say that i find shameless parodys (when done well) very funny
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Postby MikeT » Friday 30 May 2003 3:57:44pm

I don't have a copy of the philosopher's scone.

But I do have a copy of the Shameless parody!

Its really funny, I has loads of bad language in.

They have just released a sequal called "Barry Trotter and the Unessacary Sequal" (sp.)

Well, It actually comes on the 4th September 2003
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Postby Mint » Friday 30 May 2003 4:26:18pm

hehe Im gonna check it out. Barry Trotter and unnessasary sequel -Sounds funny.
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Postby Broken Machine » Friday 30 May 2003 6:43:28pm

I saw something similar to that on . I forget the title but I remember what the second one was called. Barry Trotter and the sequal no one was waiting for. It has some pages you can view to get the gist of what the parody is and how it goes about poking fun at Harry Potter stuff. It got all good reviews though. There was another one called Bored of the Rings. I think it might have been done by the same person. Its kind of shameless and undignified for someone to tag onto the heat of a successful franchise by twisting the plot with potty humor and public opinioned dialouge just for the sake of making a few bucks. If only I didn't have that silly little thing called a conscience I would write a book called Harry and Barry Trotter and the Chamber of Commerce or something stupid like that. Boy would I be rich at someone elses expense and hard work.
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Postby Paul » Saturday 31 May 2003 3:03:08pm

Couldn't have put it better, Broken Machine. I can't believe that someone can get away with stuff like that in the USA by calling it "parody", whereas the Tanya Grotter books by Dmitry Yemets were thankfully stopped in Holland after court action. As far as my own views are concerned, the USA should treat the Barry Trotter books in the same way.
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Postby Neo » Sunday 1 June 2003 6:37:48am

I'm not sure I agree; I mean it doesn't harm anyone, and making parodies shouldn't be illegal (though maybe permion to the auther should be ask)
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Postby han lin » Sunday 1 June 2003 8:09:30pm

i don't think parodys should be illegal, i think books that try to copy the originals shouldn't be allowed. parodys which are just there to take thie mickey are ok.

for instance on TV almost every christmans french and saunders to a parody film or sketch. they've done lord of the rings and also titanic and no offence is meant by them at all.

auther's permission should be sought though i think
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Postby Mistress Siana » Sunday 1 June 2003 9:21:00pm

I love parodies, forbidding them would be a shame, as long as it isn't any senseless copy merely used to make money out of it...maybe it should be guaranteed that the author of the original story benefits of the profit of a parody...
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Postby han lin » Monday 2 June 2003 5:19:05pm

for a minute there i thought i was the only person who enjoyed parodys
good idea that the auther should be seen to benifit from it though
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