Mr Malfoy and Snape

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

Moderators: Mistress Siana, Q.Araignee, Scarlet Lioness

Postby Blaise Zabini » Saturday 24 May 2003 6:10:29pm

Neo wrote:And yeah love can make you blind, just that if she was clever, after some time she would have leave him, no?

Like was said, Lucius would probably be rather adamant about her leaving. He's the type of guy who would see it as a serious blow to his ego if he was left by his wife. And furthermore, perhaps she's under some enchantment or spell that prevents her from taking any action along the lines of leaving Lucius.
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Postby Mistress Siana » Sunday 25 May 2003 12:38:38pm

Good point about the spell...
Hey, I've just had a the wizarding world, there are other ways to get prestige that marrige, aren't they? Because Snape said he could even brew glory or bottle faim...I certainly wouldn't marry a man I don't love if ways like that existed.
(and maybe even the Malfoys' wealth is fake)
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Postby Holly Golightly » Sunday 25 May 2003 2:34:12pm

I don't know about that... I think that there would be big restrictions of the making and use of such potions, like Snape was talking about with the Veritaserum... Otherwise everyone would be brewing fame, and bottleing gloy, woudnt' they???

I'd say even the recipe for such a potion would be kept confidential...
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Postby Mistress Siana » Sunday 25 May 2003 4:14:13pm

And you think a Malfoy would care?
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Postby Holly Golightly » Sunday 25 May 2003 5:57:20pm

Probably not on the restiction... but I was thinking, maybe it's like the underage wizardry thing... if either someone is making the potion, or using itt, somehow the Minestry knows about it???

And if the recipie is confidential, then how would they get their hands on it without people knowing htat hey have stolen it???
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Sunday 25 May 2003 6:29:29pm

I think that the Malfoy family, or maybe just Lucius, are above the rules of the Ministry. I mean, his house is so rife with evil objects and such and the Ministry seems to turn a blind eye. It's as though they're almost frightened of the Malfoy's power. I highly doubt that they would crack down on him brewing evil potions, or that they would even know if he was.
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Postby Neo » Monday 26 May 2003 4:06:59am

It seems tha Malfoys are over the minitry power, bt still they can't do whatever they want; but if Narcisa married Lucius because he could bottle fame and welath then she can't be very good, no?
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Tuesday 27 May 2003 1:41:23am

Unless his 'bottling of fame' and what not extended so far as to enchant her into loving him.
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Postby Neo » Sunday 1 June 2003 6:14:26am

I don's think so; why would Lucius make a owman that doesn0t wants him to marry him (based that if she doesn't like Lucius she can't be like Lucius, so Lucius wouldn't like her, imagine she loves muggles)
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Tuesday 3 June 2003 12:53:12am

Good point, but I still think it's a viable idea. Maybe just so he could have her a possesion. He seems to be incredibly materialistic. Or maybe she seemed easy to manipulate. I don't know, there are so many possibilities between these two.
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Postby Neo » Tuesday 3 June 2003 4:53:57am

Or maybe she si very rich, that could be
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Postby bludy mery » Wednesday 2 July 2003 10:08:32am

Neo wrote:If Snape was a spy for over a year, then Voldemort should know. And in case not we know Karkarof knows, so probable he will tell him, right?

Karkorof is afraid of Voldemort too... when the sign on his hand turned black he gotten in to a big stress so I guess he isn't quite in touch with him
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