Ravenclaw Team Lineup

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Postby Paul » Thursday 24 April 2003 12:45:32am

Sorry Bren, all the positions are taken at the moment. Shortly before the games begin (which I'm aiming for around late July), I'll organise a check/clear-out to replace the Quidditch places of any inactive members, so you may have a chance then. There may also be second teams or reserves, although that's not finalized yet. One way or another I'm hoping that in due course, everyone who wants to participate can eventually do so - it's just a case of sorting out how it will all fit together at the moment.
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Quidditch teams

Postby Padfoot » Saturday 24 May 2003 8:49:22am

:grin: :grin: please can i be on the ravenclaw Qidditch team???!

Any position will do. PLEASE? :double jump: :)
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Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 24 May 2003 8:57:43am

If your still around Padfoot, you shoud come to the Ravenclaw COmmon Room and vote on the Quiz thread!

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Postby Paul » Saturday 24 May 2003 6:56:06pm

Well, there's bad news and good news, Padfoot, followed by more bad news and more good news. :) The first bad news is that all the Ravenclaw Quidditch places are full - but the good news is that the vote regarding replacement of inactive members Quidditch positions - located at http://broomsticksandowls.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=797 - seems to indicate that about a 4 week inactivity period should be allowed before an inactive member's Quidditch position can be made available to another member. Ermintrude2003 hasn't posted on the board since 3rd January, so her place of Quidditch Chaser is technically available now.

However, the next bad news is that Bren Creevey did ask for a Quidditch place in April. But...Bren hasn't posted for over a month now, so the final bit of good news is...

You're now a Quidditch Chaser for Ravenclaw, Padfoot!
:jump: :drums: :jump:
Last edited by Paul on Sunday 25 May 2003 9:00:53pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Sunday 25 May 2003 8:08:09am


Welcome to the team Padfoot!

:jump: :double jump: :jump: :double jump: :jump: :double jump: :jump: :double jump: :jump: :double jump:
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Postby Jay » Wednesday 25 June 2003 3:37:07am

I want to apply for a position :), preferably seeker :P
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Postby Paul » Wednesday 25 June 2003 9:28:25pm

Hello Jay. :welcome: At the moment all the Ravenclaw places in the main team have been taken I'm afraid, so I've put you as a Reserve for now. :-) When the actual games begin, it's my intention that the Reserves will have the oppportunity of playing in the same number of games as the main team (or as close to the same as can be practically organized). :)
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Postby Rebecca Spinnet » Wednesday 25 June 2003 10:54:57pm

I would love to be on the team but hey being a Reserve is fine with me can i be a reserve too? :D
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Postby Paul » Thursday 26 June 2003 11:48:53pm

Most certainly, Rebecca - congratulations on becoming a Hufflepuff Quidditch Reserve.
:) :jump: :drums: :jump: :)
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Thursday 26 June 2003 11:52:23pm

Hey! :eek: Rebecca's a Ravenclaw! :o LOL :lol: How can she be on the HUFFLEPUFF team (not that there's anything wrong with that! :grin: ). Paul, are you trying to convert us all to Hufflepuffs? First, you tried to make me a Hufflepuff prefect, now Rebecca's going to be a Hufflepuff Quidditch reserve. :razz: :lol: The Hufflepuff House is teeming with members...and insanity...enough! :D

~ Lizzy :jump:
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Postby Rebecca Spinnet » Friday 27 June 2003 1:24:32am

Ha! yeah thankx Lizzy i just came back to check and i did a double take HUFFLEPUFF? say what? hmmm... well i have never really thought about being on a different house team could be interesting... you think they would want me to play :lol: Hey i have an idea!! i can secretly sabotage the Hufflepuff team MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :lol: oh well, i think Ravenclaw would be better Paul :D
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Postby Paul » Friday 27 June 2003 1:52:29am

Ooooooh nooooo - I did it again! lol :lol: I think the Hufflepuffs must have put a spell on me so that I gradually convert the Ravenclaw House into Hufflepuff players and Prefects :eek: I've just remembered that I was trapped in the Hufflepuff Common Room a while ago - I thought they ended up letting me out too easily!!!

Phew, at least I got the right team on the Teams list: http://www.broomsticksandowls.com/forum ... php?t=1087 :) :-)
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Postby __penguin__ » Friday 27 June 2003 4:23:48am

could i be a reserve for the ravenclaw team? preferably for seeker, but anything will do
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Postby Friar Tuck » Monday 7 July 2003 3:07:57am

Hey, could I be a Ravenclaw reserve Chaser? :???:
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Postby Holly Golightly » Sunday 13 July 2003 1:54:05pm

Well, I'd still love to be Keeper, if the Rabid Chocobo doesn't want to come back and play (though I do briefly see him round from time to time!!!)

So if that works out, a Chaser position would open!

Holly ;)
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