Snape related to Harry?

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Snape related to Harry?

Postby jodelientje » Thursday 15 May 2003 11:29:35pm

Lilly Potter's maiden name was Evans. If you spell this backwards, you get Snave. :o Farfetched maybe, but could this be a clue? :-)
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Friday 16 May 2003 2:13:36am

i don't think so, because snape was in love with lily, and that would just be weird
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Postby Neo » Friday 16 May 2003 5:23:50am

We don't know about Snape being in love with Lily.

And Dursley are the only relatives Harry has, Snape would be the last one to have a chance.
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Postby azn wizard » Friday 16 May 2003 6:51:59am

if snape wuz in love wit lily...the it could make the plot more confusing or more clear...
1. if snape liked lilly but lily married james, then thatz why snape hated james and therefore jame's son harry
2. but if snape loved lily and harry is lily's son, then wouldn't snape feel love for harry since lily is dead?
3. or snape is closed minded and blames harry for lily's death, allowing him to add more hate to harry
4. maybe death of lily cauzed snape to turn to the light?

still, i dun think snape is related to lily...her maiden name spelled backwards is snave, not snape, therefore not the same thing...
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Postby Holly Golightly » Friday 16 May 2003 5:32:51pm

I cant' possibly see how Snape would be related to Harry... I think that one is just too far fetched and improbable... *hrmm, please dont' take me totally disagreeing with your theory personally jodelientje... :( *

But, I do think that Snape might ahve been in love with Lily... and I like your first point azn. I did think that point 4 was probable too, but then reaslied this... I seem to recall DD sayinghtat Snape was spy for while, and killing James and Lily was the last thing he planned to do... so wouldnt' that kinds put Snape changing sides and being a spy before Voldie decided to off James and Lily???

*have I gone off topic again??? :oops: *
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Postby jodelientje » Saturday 17 May 2003 12:17:25am

No offense taken of course :D I just thought the whole Snape - Snave thing was funny... Thought I'd try it out here
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Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 17 May 2003 5:21:06am

I'm glad then jodelientje! :grin:

I really hope that no one ever takes anything that I write as being mean/nasty... I am usually either joking or just saying what is on my brain att hat exact point in time... But none of my posts are ever meant to be delivered in a harsh or cutting way...
*just thought I'd say that* :D
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Postby Neo » Saturday 17 May 2003 6:57:59am

Okay Holly, that message was off topic (just kidding)

And yeah, Holly is right Snape changed sides one year before tha fall of Voldemort, so the death of Lily wasn't the reason for his decision; in that case it could be the born of Harry (I don't how or why, and this off topic; unless Snape is harry's dad which I don't think so)
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Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 17 May 2003 8:28:51am

New info anyone??? :D
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Postby Mistress Siana » Saturday 17 May 2003 9:01:50am

I've read that theory somewhere...I think it came up because if you rearrange the letters of the name SEVERUS SNAPE, you get PERSEUS EVANS. But I've heard as well that JKR has confirmed that Snape wasn't in love with Lily...and I really really hope this is true! I wouldn't like that idea at all
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Sunday 18 May 2003 4:52:14pm

maybe, i don't know, i just don't think that snape could be related to Harry, it just doesn't seem plausibe, and the thing about lily dying making snape come back to being good, when lily died voldemort disapeared, making snape spying useless for the time being, so he would have had to have come back and be spying earlier
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Postby Broken Machine » Sunday 18 May 2003 5:45:33pm

Since Snape felt indebt to James Potter, and we don't really know when James died, it could have been the demise of James that brought Snape over to the good side. The fact that Snape attempts to save Harry during the Quiditch Match could just be J.K. confirming that despite Snapes efforts to do good even after becoming a spy to repay James, he was truelly a good person that could see no harm come to anyone. Thus proving what team he is on.

Just a theory thought.
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Postby Scellanis » Sunday 18 May 2003 7:06:25pm

we know exactly when james died....he died the night lily died and harry survived the curse....

if harry stays around dementors too long he hears james aswell as lily and also james came out of voldemort's wand after lily......its stated so many times that voldemort killed james then went for harry but lily sacrificed herself instead
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Postby Broken Machine » Monday 19 May 2003 2:40:24am

If it's so positive that James was killed the night that Lilly was killed then why does Lupin look so suprised when Harry tells him he can hear his fathers voice when the dementors mess up his head.

"Lilly, take Harry and go! It's him! Go! Run! I'll hold him off-" The sounds of someone stumbling from a room- a door bursting open- a cackle of high pitched laughter-

"Harry!Harry...wake up...."
Lupin was tapping hard on Harry's face. This time it was a minute before Harry understood why he was lying on a dusty classroom floor.
"I heard my dad", Harry mumbled. "That's the first time I've ever heard him- he tried to take on Voldemort himself, to give mu mum time to run for it...."
Harry suddenly realized that there were tears on his face mingling with the sweat. He bent his face as low as possible, wiping them off on his robes, pretending to tie his shoelace, so that Lupin wouldn't see.

- "You heard James?" said Lupin in a strange voice.-

Why would LUpin be shocked to hear that Harry heard his fathers voice the night his mother was murdered. Again I assume that James was the last person that Voldemort had murdered before Lilly but not on the same night. Perhaps Lupin was informed by serious of the Potters whereabouts and Lupin was the man in the house that night. His only weakness being that he turns into a werewold could have been the demise of his attempt to put a stop to Voldemort. Does anyone recall if there is any mention of the moon on that night?
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 19 May 2003 4:50:12am

Maybe his voice was strange with sympathy/empathy, or maybe he didnt' expect that Harry would be able to see that long of a memory from the dementor...
But on re-reading, I do agree that the whole dementor scene is very suspicious... Harry never sees james there, only hears a new, man's voice, and we aren't exactly told that the man died...

Also, why doesnt' Harry hear Voldie saying "Avada Kedavra"? when Voldie kills harry's mum *in his dementor forced memory*, it probably would ahve been drouned out my Lily's scream...
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