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Postby Neo » Friday 9 May 2003 3:48:34am

that could be a possibilit, and that way he starts to control his "new" powers
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Postby Holly Golightly » Friday 9 May 2003 4:04:16pm

See, I can see something like that happening, but more likely with Ron, not Neville... Neville just seems to me to be way too loyal to Harry to do something like that... :???:
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Postby Neo » Saturday 10 May 2003 5:45:48am

Well maybe he is not going to harm Harry; but he could harm really bad someone of Slytherin and fel guilty about it (he has a good heart)
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Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 10 May 2003 8:03:58am

Hrmm, that sounds very like Neville actually!!!

Anf maybe it's malfoy, and then there is this big thing where Malfoy's dad wants Neville out of school, but then they dont' want to throw him out... And all the Neville's parents friends suppost Nev!

Oh, the possibilities!!! :D
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Postby Mistress Siana » Saturday 10 May 2003 1:58:37pm

Yahoo! That's what I meant! I never believed Neville would join Voldie or something like that...but Malfoy is a possibility...or Snape perhaps...
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Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 10 May 2003 3:30:04pm

Hrmm, I think that neville doing somehting to Snape is just a little too much! Not that you wouldnt' want too, but then in changes from having some kind of fight with another student to attacking a teacher...

He'd just be in too much trouble then, and DD would probably have to expell him if he did something to Snape... :(

but Malfoy is a ddiferent thing all together!!! After all, Draco, Harry and Ron have been throwing spells around at each other for a while now!!!! :D
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Postby Scellanis » Saturday 10 May 2003 6:07:31pm

i doubt neville could do anything to snape...the mere presence of snape turns him to jelly...i cant see that changing no matter what happens to neville
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Postby Mistress Siana » Sunday 11 May 2003 1:29:35am

Was just an idea...I only wrote down what came to my mind. I'd go more for that Malfoy one anyway
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Postby Neo » Sunday 11 May 2003 6:21:55am

Souns more probable.
But I mean maybe he will answer something to Snape the next time he bothers him.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 12 May 2003 7:27:11am

I like that...

I'm thinking that if he gets new controll/powers, then Neville wont' exactly become the bravest of the brave, but he will have moments of standing up for himself! Maybe he will jsut get really angry with Snapeand finally say something back to him during a Potions class!

Anyways, Neville seems to have these little spurts of bravery anwyays... remember when he got into a fight with the Slytherines during a Quiddich match, *I think that Ron and Hermoine were there too...*
I know that standing up to Snape is very different thatn to one of your classmates, but maybe his new found powers will give him the confidence???
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Postby Scellanis » Monday 12 May 2003 12:32:04pm

he can be brave when he wants to protect harry/ron/hermione from something....

in book one he stands up to harry, hermione and ron in an attempt to prevent harry/ron/hermione getting expelled

in the quidditch match i beleive draco was picking on harry or maybe ron, ron makes the first attack, neville hangs around a bit then piles in on top to stop ron getting squished by crabbe and goyle

which book is the quidditch match thing in though...i cannot find it
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 12 May 2003 1:07:15pm

Hrmm, looing, looking, looking...

Still can't seem to find it...

Ooh, finally found it, it' sin the first book, and it starts on P.163. I thought that Ron had started it too, but aparently not.

"You know how I think they choose people for the Griffindor team? said Malfoy loudly a few minuutes later, as Snape awarded Huffelpuff another penalty for no reason at all. "It's people they feel sorry for. See, there's Potter, who's got no parents, then there's the Weasleys, who've got no money - you should be on the team, Longbottom, you've got no brains."

Nevillie screams that he's worth twelve of Malfoy and then yeah!

*actually, it's probably better to grab the book and read it than have me write it out!!! :lol: hehehehe! :lol: *

Neville surely does ahve his moments of bravery! :)
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Postby Scellanis » Monday 12 May 2003 7:05:07pm


yep, Neville is definately brave if his friends require it....i mean...taking on Crabbe and Goyle to aid Neville!!!
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Postby Neo » Tuesday 13 May 2003 5:56:30am

Hopefully this braveness won't have just brief moments in the next books, if Neville is confident enough he will become very powerful (Maybe DD knows this and, and maybe Neville will be made a prefect)
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Postby Holly Golightly » Tuesday 13 May 2003 11:08:20am

I dont' know about that... I can't really see Neville as being the always confidant type... He seems to have too many years of beign afraid and timid to change that so quickly...

Maybe he will just have more/bigger bursts of bravery!!!
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