voldmorts family

What would have happened if The Sorting Hat had insisted on sorting Harry into Slytherin? Or what if Harry had become friends with Draco Malfoy instead of Ron during their first journey on the Hogwarts Express? Wander into alternative Harry Potter universes here.

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voldmorts family

Postby sorcerer83 » Tuesday 11 July 2006 5:51:35pm

this is my first what if post i think!...

ok i saw that on another thread just as an exmaple - someone said -
if vold had a wife...

i know its a very frightening consept, but what if he did? and kids?
what would his wife be like - bab (=brainless and beautiful) or evil genious? how would his kids be? where would they learn?
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Postby Rory Pridinham » Wednesday 12 July 2006 6:32:54pm

Good questions . . .

His wife would probably something like a female Wormtail - remember, Voldemort doesn't like the idea of someone as powerful or 'smart' as him in his social circles.

As for his kids, they'd probably be like little Malfoys, however they would be taught the dark arts at home away from the mudbloods of Hogwarts, etc. Can you imagine if his kids went running around a school saying they were Voldemorts kids? The mass panic? The screams? The homicide planning?

Anyway, that's what I think. Any other suggestions?
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Postby sorcerer83 » Wednesday 12 July 2006 10:33:45pm

actually i imagined his wife more like lucious - no not manly - but quite smart, quite successful, quite evil, but mostly knows how to associate her self in this case to the "right" people with out bothering them or alarming them but still to get what she wants from them

the kids i imagine like volds uncles - only less morons; very evil - i mean insensitive and uncaring, very bright and smart and good at magic and espcially dark arts

and if not so - dead and barried under the familys house and never brought up
or maybe they would be brought up but not discussionwise, only to take a bone to revive or strengthen or what ever their father
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Re: voldmorts family

Postby FortisUmbra » Saturday 21 November 2009 7:24:28pm

Voldmort was never ever have a wife. he did not love anyone in the world and was not attached to anyone. he would have no reason to have a wife. no logical reason, no emotional reason, no evil reason, no propaganda like reason, no reason of anykind it is compleatly imposible.
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Re: voldmorts family

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Sunday 22 November 2009 3:59:43pm

Hee hee... I love the idea that secretly Voldy had a woman on the side. But truth be told, he was so self centered and thought he was going to live forever that he probably didn't think he needed to father an heir. So there's my What if? What if Voldy had a daughter? To find out more, go to Role Play Game, Next Generation 2... where his grand-daughter is going to school with Harry and Ron's children! Ah... I just love playing out all the what if's! xx
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Re: voldmorts family

Postby salemboy » Monday 23 November 2009 9:53:43am

Yes... Although Geneve wasn't originally intended to be the focal point of the story, she sure has become it, and it's great to be RP'ing about her with Damien.

And speaking of What If's, if you happen to be reading The Six Wizards, head on over to the Fan Fic section to see a what if I think I'll particularly like to play out.
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Re: voldmorts family

Postby *Riley* » Friday 11 December 2009 12:39:53am

If Voldemort ever had a wife, I thought it would have been Bellatrix (even though she is/was married.) If they were married, Voldemort wouldn't love her, but he would be proud because of her 'power'. I'm sure Bellatrix would LOVE that honor ;)
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