The Six Wizards

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Re: The Six Wizards

Postby salemboy » Monday 14 September 2009 4:32:06am

I wasn't regretting. My char will stay fast asleep until Buta comes along *Goes to check Fawkes' post.*
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Re: The Six Wizards

Postby choki » Monday 14 September 2009 6:22:52pm

well, i added a possible turn of event with some old thin geezer with a secret that Inu or the 6 wizards are after...
brainstorm ideas anyone?
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Re: The Six Wizards

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Monday 14 September 2009 8:44:21pm

Oooo, what a delicious plot twist, choki! Hmm.... But what could the secret be? An even deeper bonding than Inu wants, perhaps? Or some sort of weapon that will make the Six's killings even more satisfying? Or maybe even just a near-invincible safehouse; I mean, they can't stay at Inu's forever.
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Re: The Six Wizards

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Tuesday 15 September 2009 4:16:17pm

mmm... excellent idea.. I will think about this as I try to recover from the worst cold I 've had in years.....xx
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Re: The Six Wizards

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Tuesday 15 September 2009 11:06:56pm

Ah, no! Colds suck. *Hands Ms.E some pepper-up potion* Get well soon!
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Re: The Six Wizards

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Friday 18 September 2009 1:49:40pm

Thanks Fawkes! Wow.. that's better. I was feeling like death this week.. I'm still a bit shaky from the whole thing. I feel stretched thin... I'm trying to think of the quote.. oh yes! From Lord of the rings. "I feel...stretched thin... like butter over too much bread..... " and i think he says something about getting old and needing a holiday... LOL... that would be me!

by the way.. I don't get notification when you post fawkes? Why is that?

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Re: The Six Wizards

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Friday 18 September 2009 11:39:59pm

Ooo, I've always liked that quote. As to the lack of notification, I haven't the slightest idea, I'm afraid. I'm positive that I haven't been under the invisibility cloak all this time.
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Re: The Six Wizards

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Saturday 19 September 2009 3:03:40pm

hahah... and it turns out, I was notified when u posted.. how funny! oh well.. i must be going mad! Loved your post. Looking fwd to you waking up Damien and Ouki so we can come out and play! yee!!! Poor little six wizards, they never sleep!
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Re: The Six Wizards

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Wednesday 2 December 2009 5:01:14pm

Hey all,

Just thought I'd let u know what I'm on about in RPG. Inu already bound Ouki to him years ago, but he made it so that if she tried to break the spell (or to abandon him), it would kill them both. Back when he did it, he was a bit melodramatic, so ya. But now, the chance of her leaving is startiing to become evident. Inu was never worried before because he had not sensed that she wanted Damien more than him. So anyway, bottom line, she tried to turn her back on him, he realised it, and now he needs more ppl bound to him to protect him from his own spell.

If it's okay... Could Neko come willingly? Then she could really use it and kind of merge with Inu's evilness (sorry.. that's not a word I dont' think...)

then they can get Yuta in some dramatic scene at the ministry... where she is struggling to decide if she will flee, maybe she gets injured and Inu drags her to shelter, only to take the knife and bind her against her will?

Buta could go willingly or be tricked too?

And Damien.. well I think a knife fight trying to get Ouki out of there would be when he is bound. He still needs to fight Inuwhere Inu gets at his mom. And the bind takes a day to take full effect; just enough time for him to turn them in without it causing him excrusiating pain. He falls into that hell when he goes to prison for his agreed term.

It would be a cool thing.. the power behind it.. the melded minds and all htat...

anyway it's midnight.. ouch. I"m babbling..

night night. hope u like! x
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Re: The Six Wizards

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Tuesday 22 December 2009 6:08:13am

Sorry to double post, but I have a general question. How shall we proceed? Or do you want to just go with it and be surprised?
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Re: The Six Wizards

Postby salemboy » Saturday 16 April 2011 3:53:00pm

So, I summarized the events that occur in Sadistic Six and NG2 to a friend, and this was her face the entire time: :o . I didn't realize it until I actual summarized it on paper, but our story is extremely dark and twisted. And after she commented on how freaking messed up it was, hahaha, she said that the plot was awesome. So, yay.
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Re: The Six Wizards

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Saturday 11 June 2011 5:02:50pm

Haha, it is rather morbid, isn't it? I never thought much about it before.
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Re: The Six Wizards

Postby salemboy » Thursday 14 July 2011 7:44:58am

I still want to finish them someday...
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