The Dark Lord's Daughter

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Re: The Dark Lord's Daughter

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Friday 21 August 2009 4:37:10pm

The sudden burst of light hurt Harry's eyes. He turned away, shielding his face. When he could see the gentle flicker of the candle behind his eyelids, he risked opening his eyes to look. It gave him the creeps, peering across the darkness, trying to make out the figure who was sitting where the candle was. The candle was propped on a table, and the person was sitting on a chair, crossed legged. "Who are you?" he attempted to say, but his voice was so sore. The person stood up, and from the table pulled a jug and some water into view.
Harry tried to make out who it was, but he could not. He saw very long hair, and the person wore a cloak and tall boots, both which met at the thigh. Harry's heart skipped a beat when the pale face of his capture turned to look at him. It was the woman from the platform. Her sleek black hair fell around her shoulders as she leaned to pour the water. She lifted the glass up and walked over to Harry, the light behind her casting her shadow along the walls.
He shuffled, pushing himself against the wall, fumbling for his wand. He cursed quietly when he remembered it was still in the cafe. He thought of Ginny, and Hermione and Ron. They would wonder where he was. They would be searching for him right now. But where was he?
The woman arrived and crouched down. He cowered, pretending to be weak and afraid. She would have a wand, and he was going to get it from her as soon as she tried to use it. It had been a long time since he had taken something by force instead of by wand to wand. He assessed her form, she was petite, a little shorter than him and her limbs and fingers were slender and long. She was very beautiful, but he did not underestimate her, especially given the position of power she had over him. She handed him his water.
“Here. Please drink this.” She pleaded. She sounded sincere about his well being. “ You’ve been out for three hours. They hit you pretty hard. “ She reached forward with her slender hands to touch his bruised and bleeding head, pulled away. Her hand closed into a fist, and she withdrew it.
“You don’t care.” Harry scoffed, and curled up in a ball. He would try to get her to come closer. The woman sighed.
“Please.” She said. “I was only the bait. I am a prisoner too.”
Harry looked up at her. She stood up and took out her wand. “Lumos.” She said, and the room lit up by the light on her wand. It was a small chamber, much like a muggle basement only the walls were made of solid stone. The floor was concrete, and Harry winced when he saw the blood where he was laying. His head pounded. He looked beyond the woman and saw a bed and a kitchenette set up in the corner. The travelling cloak was sprawled across a chair in front of a vanity desk. A mirror faced out toward them, and Harry could see the back of Geneveve reflected in it. The table she had been sitting at was a small kitchen table with two chairs. The candle burned in the middle still, a sad comparison to the light Geneveve was shining out of her wand. He scaled the room to be about 10 feet by 10 feet; a relatively square area. He couldn’t see any doors. He looked up at the ceiling and it was made of stone too. He had no idea, not even a glimpse of a guess where he was.
Geneveve muttered another spell, and the room dimmed slightly as the torches attached to the wall lit up. It once again resembled a dungeon like chamber, causing Harry’s heart to sink. Geneveve knelt down again. “Don’t you remember me, Harry?” she said quietly.
“You’re the witch from the platform. And you are a criminal for being involved in this. This is kidnapping.” Harry scoffed at her, still playing his defenceless card. As he had hoped, she came closer. “
“Look at me.” She said, and Harry peered over his shoulder at her, his arms wrapped around his chest. “I lived in Little Whinging. We were friends, before you went to Hogwarts. “ Harry couldn’t help but drop his mouth open. “What?” he spat. “That’s impossible.”
“Do you remember Mrs. Daphren? “ the moment she spoke this name Harry turned abruptly to face her properly.
“What about her?”’ he asked angrily.
“She is my mother.” Geneveve said simply. Harry stared at her.
Harry paused for a moment. “She was your mother. But..she had a daughter the same age as me.. but she wasn’t allowed to go to school. Some... issue with sunlight. Mrs. Daphren was the school councillor. She ... helped me through some rough times. But she left.... I met her daughter when I was maybe 10 years old...”
Geneveve was kneeling in front of Harry now, very close. He reached out to her face, tilting his head, trying to see the pale little girl he had agreed to play with for the sake of his teacher, who had always been so kind to him. For his own sake too, as he had no friends. She was a kind girl, and so flawless. Her skin was like silk, and her hair, jet black but shorter around her ears. She was his friend, but one day, his teacher left suddenly, with no goodbyes, and Dudley had cruelly led the attack on Harry. He accused him of crushing on Mrs. Daphren, and of making up stories of an imaginary girl. No one else had ever seen her, and the staff at the school had reprimanded Harry for making up stories. He had withdrawn after that, and soon there was a new reason for Dudley and his friends to pick on Harry. He had buried that experience in his mind, until now.
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Re: The Dark Lord's Daughter

Postby hprocks » Saturday 22 August 2009 4:00:05am

good chapter
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Re: The Dark Lord's Daughter

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Saturday 22 August 2009 4:44:39am

Harry peered at Geneveve. "How were you able to stand on the platform, in broad daylight without your skin..." Harry paused as he remembered her demonstrating what would happen if she went outside. She had brought him over to a window in her house. Every single one of them were covered with thick curtains. She pulled the curtain aside, allowing the sunlight to touch the skin on her arm. The skin began to blister and burn. Harry had grabbed her defensively, pushing the curtain back into its place. She had cried, and Harry had said over and over how sorry he was. He had held her there, only 10 years old, and felt for the first time pity for someone other than himself.
"There is a potion my mother organised for me. She has connections in the wizard world. " she sat down next to Harry. "So, I guess you're wondering why you've been brought here?" she smiled, tapping her wand on the floor. Harry, in spite of the shock of the reunion, took this opportunity. He grabbed the wand out of her hand and pointed it at Geneveve's face. Geneveve frowned.
"Put it down, Harry." she said calmly.
"Stupify!" Harry yelled, but the wand did nothing. He had winced, expecting Geneveve to be knocked over, and then while she was distracted he was going to blast the chains off his ankles. But the wand didn't work, not at all. He stared at Geneveve. She stood up, grabbing the wand from his hands.
"I'm not a witch, Harry. This is a trick wand, from that .... Weasley store in Diagon Alley." She called Lumos again, and the wand shone brightly. "But that's about all it can do. It would do that even if I said .. chicken." She walked over to the table and set it down, and the glowing died down. She walked over to Harry now, and looked down at him. "You don't trust me, I understand." she said sweetly. Then she brought her boot up and kicked him in the face. He fell over, his vision impared by the blow. He rolled onto his back, holding his face, fighting nausea and the need to pass out. He felt her step over him and she was suddenly speaking into his ear. Her voice was new, and cruel. "But try to harm me again, and you WILL regret it." Harry was not concerned. He reached up, blinded, and grabbed her hair, throwing her to one side. He lept up, yelling, and grabbed at her legs as she tried to crawl away. He pulled her back and flipped her over, and recieved a right hook. He grabbed at her hands as she swung them, trying to hit him, and finally he was able to sit on her, pinning her to the floor with his own weight. She struggled and then she opened her mouth to scream. Harry had both of his hands full holding her body down, so he pushed his mouth onto hers, smothering the noise. She struggled still, and Harry pulled back, looking into her face. The taste of plums lingered on his lips, and they started to tingle. He shook his head, dazed. She stared at him, silently, her body had gone very still.
"That was too easy." she muttered, and lifted her head up to kiss Harry herself. The plum flavour pushed down his throat, intoxicating, Harry felt his muscles go weak, and he released his hold on her body. She pushed him over so that he was on the floor now, never stopping. She had her eyes open, watching him as she kissed him, and Harry saw her as if she were a dream, a blurry image with nothing else behind it. He was completely sedated. "There. now that's a good boy." she cooed, and left him laying on the floor. The last thing Harry heard before falling asleep was Geneveve commenting on how much she loved potions.
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Re: The Dark Lord's Daughter

Postby salemboy » Saturday 22 August 2009 2:18:51pm

I still can't believe that Harry 1) fell for that, and 2) actually did that to shut her up. He should have socked her in the face and been done with it.
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Re: The Dark Lord's Daughter

Postby hprocks » Sunday 23 August 2009 1:25:56am

good and salemboy is right
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Re: The Dark Lord's Daughter

Postby *Riley* » Sunday 23 August 2009 1:49:13am

More, more, more.
:double jump:
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Re: The Dark Lord's Daughter

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Sunday 23 August 2009 4:15:25am

Hmmm... criticism taken. Perhaps I should have had her kiss him, or at least made the need to keep her quiet a bit more necessary. In earlier drafts, he heard people upstairs, and she had come in a door, so he knew others were around. In this one, there was no need to keep her quiet really. Hmmm.... Edit edit edit.. will play with it in Word.

Thanks for that guys!
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Re: The Dark Lord's Daughter

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Monday 28 September 2009 4:52:17pm

Okay, here is a new entry, starting again from the last post and without the fight bit.

hope u like!


Harry peered at Geneveve. "How were you able to stand on the platform, in broad daylight without your skin..." Harry paused as he remembered her demonstrating what would happen if she went outside.

She had brought him over to a window in her house. Every single one of them were covered with thick curtains. She pulled the curtain aside, allowing the sunlight to touch the skin on her arm. The skin began to blister and burn. Harry had grabbed her defensively, pushing the curtain back into its place. She had cried, and Harry had said over and over how sorry he was. He had held her there, only 10 years old, and felt for the first time pity for someone other than himself.

"There is a potion my mother organised for me. She has connections in the wizard world. " she sat down next to Harry. "So, I guess you're wondering why you've been brought here?" she smiled, tapping her wand on the floor. Harry, in spite of the shock of the reunion, took this opportunity. He grabbed the wand out of her hand and pointed it at Geneveve's face. Geneveve frowned.

"Put it down, Harry." she said calmly.

"Stupify!" Harry yelled, but the wand did nothing. He had winced, expecting Geneveve to be knocked over, and then while she was distracted he was going to blast the chains off his ankles. But the wand didn't work, not at all. He stared at Geneveve. She stood up, grabbing the wand from his hands.

"I'm not a witch, Harry. This is a trick wand, from that .... Weasley store in Diagon Alley." She called Lumos again, and the wand shone brightly. "But that's about all it can do. It would do that even if I said .. chicken." She walked over to the table and set it down, and the glowing died down. She walked over to Harry now, and looked down at him. "You don't trust me, I understand." she said sweetly. Then she brought her boot up and kicked him in the face. He fell over, his vision impared by the blow. He rolled onto his back, holding his face, fighting nausea and the need to pass out. He felt her step over him and she was suddenly speaking into his ear. Her voice was new, and cruel. "But try to harm me again, and you WILL regret it." He could hear her reaching for something and he tried to roll away from her. She reached out and grabbed his hair, forcing him back. She held his face and Harry yelled as her fingers pushed on the gash her boot had made. She pulled the stopper out of a vial with her teeth and poured a peppery liquid down his throat. He coughed and sputtered, and finally she let him go. He rolled onto his front, gasping and choking.

"What did you give me?!" he rasped. He blinked several times, the room was so blurry. He could see her boots there in front of him, and he winced, unable to judge how close she was. He reached out and tried to grab her, but she stepped back. She was so silent, Harry felt like it was all a dream. He sat up, holding his head. The room was spinning, and he was sure it was a muggle drug she had given him. He was unable to counter it magically, with or without his wand. So he put his fingers down his throat.

"Oh no you don't." her voice rang out and echoed several times. Geneveve sat down and grabbed his hands, stopping him from forcing himself to vomit. He was weak; she was holding him easily. She was holding him now, his arms across his chest, and his back against her chest. He stared at the roof now, his senses filled with the smell of lavender, he could see her hair in his perifial vision. He started to shutter. He had never experienced such a terrifying moment in his life. Then her face appeared. She smiled. "Sleep." she said simply, distantly. Harry obeyed, and layed still.

Geneveve layed his head down gently and stood up. She went to her table and wet a cloth. She sat down and started sponging the wound she had made on Harry's head. He was deeply asleep, but he would be hurting when he woke up. She smiled down at him, stroking his hair. She kissed his forhead, right on his scar. "I'm sorry I had to hurt you. " she whispered. "But you're my only way out..."

Just then the sound of a lock unlatching came from behind her, and she stood up abruptly. The room filled with natural light, and Geneveve shielded her eyes. "Mother!" she shrieked. "Close the door!"

"I'm not your mother." the voice said quietly, and the door closed again, keeping the visitor in the room. He stepped into the artificial light and Geneveve stepped back, not recognising him.

"My name is Draco Malfoy. I'm so glad to make your aquaintance. The Dark Lord's daughter. It would seem he has considered everything." The man extended his hand. Geneveve stepped forward hesitantly, but did not shake his hand. "I know of their plans, Geneveve. For your daughter."

"What do you know?" she snapped.

"More than you, I'm sure." Draco smiled. Geneveve frowned.

"Why are you here, Mr. Malfoy?" Geneveve inquired.

"I wanted to see for myself." He pushed past and knelt down beside Harry. Draco took one look at Harry and then glanced back at Geneveve. "He is badly hurt. This will not do. May I?" he asked, taking out his wand.

"I guess..." Geneveve shrugged.

Draco passed his wand over Harry and his wounds started to heal.

"What is this poison you gave him? His imune system is not responding as quickly as it should to this spell." Draco asked over his shoulder.

"I..." Geneveve started to say, and then she stopped. "I think you should know, if you say you know so much. They were the ones who gave it to me... the ones who let you in here."

Draco paused. He thought about the people upstairs, all stupified and lying on the floor. His name and reputation had got him in the door, but as soon as their guard was down, he had managed to curse them. He had seen the abduction and had followed them there. Draco worked undercover for the ministry, in a department that was unknown even to the aurors. Draco was actually the coordinator of this particualr department, and he acknowledged the stupid position he was in. He should have put one of his other opperatives in, but there was no time. He stood up.

"Of course. " he said cooly. "Give me the vial." he put his hand out.

Geneveve looked around and found the empty vial. "It's empty." she said, and passed it to him. He sniffed it, and then tapped his tongue on the top, and spat it out. "Yes, I know what must be done." he concluded, and before Geneveve could respond, he shot a spell at her that made her collapse like a rag doll on the floor.

Draco turned his attention back to Harry. He pulled out of his cloak a vial of purple liquid. He squeezed Harry's mouth, forcing it open, and poured the liquid inside. He plugged Harry's nose and the liquid drained down his throat. Harry sat up violently, choking.

"Ahh!" he yelled, and Draco grabbed his mouth, forcing him to be quiet. Harry looked at Draco and then pulled his hand away. "Malfoy? What are you doing here?" he hissed.

"We need to go, now!" Draco whispered, pointing at Geneveve and at the ceiling. "There are 10 upstairs, all about to wake up. Wizards, and from the look of them, reformed Death Eaters."

"I see." Harry looked over at Geneveve. "Is she...?"

"She sleeps. Let's go!" Draco stood up and went back to the door. He opened it, wand at the ready, and made his way up the stairs. Harry looked over at Geneveve again, hesitated and then fled from the room.
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