beatle and bard

A place to discuss the eminent collection of Wizarding children's fairy tales including Professor Albus Dumbledore's very own personal notes.

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beatle and bard

Postby hprocks » Friday 28 November 2008 4:35:10am

what do u guy think it is going to be about
cause i have no idea

hprocks :typing: :popcorn:
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Re: beatle and bard

Postby *Riley* » Friday 28 November 2008 11:22:21am

Okay, first things first;
It is BEEDLE The Bard, not Beetle.
Second, it has already been mentioned Beedle The Bard is a series of short stories, one of which is of the Deathly Hallows.
Third, please be more descriptive, it tends to annoy people when you write a mere sentence or break it down to several ingorant words.
Sorry for being so snappish, but you should know by know those three things.
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Re: beedle and bard

Postby hprocks » Friday 28 November 2008 2:56:47pm

thanks alot for that advise. ill try my best to do those. its just that i was tired lastnight when i wrote it. it was like 11:30 so i was pretty tired and i hadnt been on all that day.

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Re: beatle and bard

Postby salemboy » Thursday 4 December 2008 9:41:51am

Like Riley has said, in a not so kind way-Just kidding-, Tales of Beedle the Bard is compiliation wizarding childrens' stories, much like cinderella and snow white to us. Honestly, I've been awaiting Babbity Rabbity and the Cackling Stump. Honestly, I intend to read it all the day I get it.
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Re: beatle and bard

Postby hprocks » Wednesday 19 August 2009 2:46:54pm

that is cool. i perssonally like the tale of the three brothers the best.
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Re: beatle and bard

Postby salemboy » Wednesday 19 August 2009 2:51:00pm

Kind of late reply, no? :-?
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Re: beatle and bard

Postby hprocks » Wednesday 19 August 2009 2:52:30pm

i was just checking some un awnseredpost that i barley check
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