The Sound At Midnight

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The Sound At Midnight

Postby hprocks » Wednesday 28 January 2009 4:09:55pm

Author's Note: Please note that i don't own harry potter.
Please let me know what you think

The Sound At Midnight

It was a peaceful night at Grimminald place.


That woke up a man but, it wasn't a ordinary man.
This man was Harry Potter. And Harry Potter was a wizard and a good wizard at that .

He was fully qualified wizard.

Harry was confused about that noise.

He only new that noise can be only made by appeariation.

Harry quickly got his wantd and was off.

Then he heard a voise the was vagly famliar to him.

He ran to a shadow of a door so he won't be seen.

Then he heard the voise agian it sounded like a female voise.

The vioce was saying"Come on we got to tell Harry what happened at the Ministry he is the only one that

can fix it"

Harry was shocked when he heard his name.

He was quickly thinking what could be wrong?

Then he heard a knock at the door .

He stood frozen there not knowing how powerful this person was.

He quickly had to do something fast!
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Re: The Sound At Midnight

Postby hprocks » Saturday 31 January 2009 2:51:29am

here you go everyone the next chapter
i hope you like

Chapter: Who was the Voice

Harry finally thought of a spell.
He would have to be quick about and surprising to make it work.

On the count of three he thought

Closer and closer they got. the more nervious harry got


He jumped out on the attackers who were completely caught off gaurd.

Before the attackers had time to run he was frozen still and fell to the floor stiff as a board.

Then Harry bent down to unhood the attackers who were mumbling.

When he unhooded the attackers he was shocked by who they were.

They were Ron and Hermione but how did he make sure it was them?

Then he thought back to a book.

"Oh yeah! How could i forget that spell. " Harry thought

It was the wizards finger print spell. the wizards finger print spell reveals the attacker even if they are using polyjuice potion!

Harry ran and got some parchment. then harry got one finger from the male attacker.He then waved his wand and said
'Digitulus Scripsi' at the finger and pushed the parchment to the finger.
then he pointed his wand at the parchment and said Acclaro.

Harry did the same with the female attacker.

Harry was shocked on what he discovered who they were.
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Re: The Sound At Midnight

Postby DucksRMagical » Friday 6 February 2009 6:10:19pm

Good chapter. :) I must say that I like how you put the wizard's finger print in. ;) Tis a cool feeling when people use your own made up spells in their fan fics.

There's a few spelling/grammar issues, but I like the plot! The cliffhanger was nice.
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Re: The Sound At Midnight

Postby hprocks » Saturday 7 February 2009 3:17:14pm

thanks im working on chapter 3
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Re: The Sound At Midnight

Postby hprocks » Monday 16 February 2009 5:27:22pm

Chapter 3:Ron & Hermione

It took Harry a few minutes of who they were.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

They actually were Ron and Hermione.

"RRRon HHHermione why are you tiring to break into my house?" asked Harry

" We need you urgently at the ministry, Harry." said Ron

" There was a mass break out in Azkaban and the top high sucurity prisoners got away!" said Hermione

"Why didn't you just send a patronas and tell me tat way other than braking into my house?" asked Harry

"We never thought of that actually " they both said

Harry was thinking hard on a plan
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Re: The Sound At Midnight

Postby DucksRMagical » Monday 16 February 2009 7:42:09pm

Good chapter. I like how Ron & Hermione didn't think to send a patronus. :lol: A few spelling errors, but good. :)
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Re: The Sound At Midnight

Postby hprocks » Tuesday 17 February 2009 6:14:42pm

thanks i am working on chapter four right now :grin:

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Re: The Sound At Midnight

Postby hprocks » Monday 9 March 2009 1:56:22pm

thanks duckie

Chapter 4: the plan

"ok, i got it" said harry

didn't we put tracking devises on the top prisoners? he asked

yes but what does that have to do with the break out? ask ron

it has to do with everything! harry said

we use the tracking devises and we can track them down, even
some might be animagus the collars adjust auto matically
no matter what! he said

ron, hermione go to azkaban and get those tracking devises
trackers and meet me back here in 3 min. said harry

And with a crack they were gone

harry ran to his room and got dressed and grabbed his
firebolt 200.

he was back where ron and hermione left with 1 minute to spare.

CRACK ron and hermione were back with the trackers.

They had their brooms with them, too

with in minutes they got the trackers divided and were out flying looking for the mass murders
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Re: The Sound At Midnight

Postby hprocks » Sunday 22 March 2009 4:28:28pm

here is chapter 5

CHapter5: The Hide Out

HArry was flying around when the tracker went off like crazy.

What the.... said Harry

Then he started looking all over when he went to the right it went off more.

Follow me said harry

But what if it is a trap! said Hermione

Hermione we are aurors for goodness sake! said Ron

We are fully aquiped snd know a hunreds of spells! said harry

Come on! I think I found one! said Harry anisiosly

They flowen into the clouds so they can stay covered.

they did find one prisoner come on lets go get him said Ron

No he will scatter and we don't know if he has a wand! said harry
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Re: The Sound At Midnight

Postby DucksRMagical » Sunday 22 March 2009 7:29:07pm

Good chapters. I'm interested to see where this plot is going. A few spelling/grammar errors, but those are fixable. :)
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Re: The Sound At Midnight

Postby hprocks » Saturday 16 May 2009 11:55:21pm

Thanks, Duckie!

[b][/b]Chapter 6: The Wand

"There is a spell for that Hermione!" said Harry

"It is very simple spell that i thpught you would never forget!" said Ron

Hermione blushed with emmarbissment.

"Here it goes"said Harry

"Wandus revelus" said Harry while waving his wand in a figure eight pattern.

"Don't forget it, Hermione"said Harry

"Welllll"said Ron impatiently

"Is there a wand or not???"saidRon bouncing up and down on his broom making it shake

"Ron!, stop beso ancious and no there seems not to be not" said Harry angerily

"Harry your temper remember!"said Hermione

"Alright, wait for my que and then dive down and tackle him" said Harry

TO BE CONTINUED....... [b][/b]
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Re: The Sound At Midnight

Postby hprocks » Friday 17 July 2009 3:08:55am

Thanks everyone for reading sorry for the wait heres the next chapter

Chapter 7: The Catch And Reveal

"One...." Said Harry


"THREE!!!" Bellowed Harry

All at the same time HArry, Ron, and Hermione all dived down on thier brooms to corner the mass murderer. They Harry, Ron, and Hermione made a triangle around the villian and one shouted "Stupefy", "Locomotor Mortis", and someone casted the jelly leg jinx.

"Great Job Guys! That was perfect" said Harry

"If we can do that for all that we find it should be reletivly easy."announced Harry

" Incarcerous" said Hermione

"Good thinking Dear."said Ron

"Now lets see who we have caught before we bring his back to Azkaban. and check him for anything will you ron?" Asked Harry

"Well, well Lucuis been a bad boy agian in excaping have we? ASked Ron with a Temper rising by the minute.

"Looks like the Dementors willbe having a little treat then?!" said Ron

" Oh i knew i would be long till you caught me. Save the rest of the cr*p i know the drill" Said Lucuis

Ok guys this is whats going to happen." said Harry

"Ron and i will take MR. Master Dorkenburger here back to Azkaban, and Hermione you will keep searching..."

"But, Harry how are we goig to find Each other once you drop off Mr. Cr*pHead to Azkaban" Interrupted Hermione

"Simple, Agian, Hermione! Patronases remember? That you Can Camunicaite through Partonases! I swear it is like you are a Muggle and not a Witch!" exagerated Harry

To Be Continued...
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Re: The Sound At Midnight

Postby hprocks » Tuesday 18 August 2009 2:49:43pm

thanks duckie for all ur help and everything

Chapter 8: The Problem

Hermione blushed in her own humiliation.

"And your supposed to be the smart one Hermione" said Harry
Ron laughed

"Your right harry I am supposed to be the smart one i dont know what has gotten into me" said Hermione

"ok, hern=mione take our brooms and sucure them tightly to your broom...Ron and I are going to apperite this prisoner back to his cell ."

and out some more locks on so he wont escape. thought Harry

The Nincapoop he shouldn't be aloud his hercare prouduct that will teach him! Thought Ron

"Ok" Said Harry
"OK" said Ron and Hermione together

"ok, on the count of three we will do side-along-apperiation" said Harry



then there was a crack and they were gone

When Harry and Ron got there they thought they might as well do a head count to make sure that there were only nine missing and there was.

TO BE CONTINUED.................
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