Harry Potter vs. Twilght ***SPOILERS***

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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Re: Harry Potter vs. Twilght ***SPOILERS***

Postby hprocks » Friday 3 April 2009 4:11:46pm

no i am looking because my friend doesn't have that one and i really want to read it it must be one of the most inporant books there is
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Re: Harry Potter vs. Twilght ***SPOILERS***

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Saturday 4 April 2009 1:03:09am

Darn. and here I am stuck in New Moon.. which I found a bit of a drag until I got to the middle. ARG! People are right when they say these books are romances! Give me blood and guts! lol

I think hprocks, that you should organise to just buy the series... a good set to own.. or so I've heard! (STILL reading)
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Re: Harry Potter vs. Twilght ***SPOILERS***

Postby hprocks » Saturday 4 April 2009 7:48:49pm

true but they cost alot and i have nothing in my pockets but paper so im broke emphasis on broke :( :typing:
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Re: Harry Potter vs. Twilght ***SPOILERS***

Postby DucksRMagical » Saturday 4 April 2009 8:35:06pm

Head to your local library. ;) They'll probably have them.
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Re: Harry Potter vs. Twilght ***SPOILERS***

Postby hprocks » Sunday 5 April 2009 2:34:21am

ok, if they don't have them i'll ask for them for easter
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Re: Harry Potter vs. Twilght ***SPOILERS***

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Monday 6 April 2009 4:45:20am

there's a good little bookworm! using your library! We all don't do it enough.. rely WAY too much on the internet.

(no offense about the 'bookworm' comment I hope)

and I've decided.. .HARRY POTTER rocks way over Twilight series. I like it, but HP dances circles around it... :)
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Re: Harry Potter vs. Twilght ***SPOILERS***

Postby hprocks » Tuesday 7 April 2009 12:53:33am

ther you go
harry potter has more books than twilight and do you know if she will ever publish midnight sun?? :???:

i really hopes she does :typing: :jump:
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Re: Harry Potter vs. Twilght ***SPOILERS***

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Tuesday 7 April 2009 2:15:07pm

I've heard from a reliable source that she won't be releasing Midnight Sun because of the leak. Anyone else heard that?
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Re: Harry Potter vs. Twilght ***SPOILERS***

Postby hprocks » Thursday 9 April 2009 12:24:40am

if she doesn't i will be sad i like her books :-(
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Re: Harry Potter vs. Twilght ***SPOILERS***

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Thursday 9 April 2009 1:09:36am

Yeah, it said on her website that she wasn't going to publish it because of the leakage. Personally, I don't think Stephenie should let that stop her.
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Re: Harry Potter vs. Twilght ***SPOILERS***

Postby hprocks » Friday 10 April 2009 12:45:03am

i know see souldn't let one little bump in the road stop her all authors have that, right?
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Re: Harry Potter vs. Twilght ***SPOILERS***

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Friday 10 April 2009 2:54:52am

Yes.. I think she should still release it. I know everyone would still buy it. I mean, who needs a printed web copy when you could have the real thing???? I hear it finishes (the leaked copy) in the meadow. I mean... it's not FAIR that we should be left hanging like that! But I can understand that she's ticked off about it. I would be. I would hunt them down and ... well.. maybe she should get JK on board to help her find the source that ripped her off!

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Re: Harry Potter vs. Twilght ***SPOILERS***

Postby hprocks » Friday 10 April 2009 4:10:11pm

niice and you are right
she should join jk rowling and find who did this but i acually think she all ready know who did it to her
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Re: Harry Potter vs. Twilght ***SPOILERS***

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Sunday 12 April 2009 4:21:33am

Distortia wrote: I hear it finishes (the leaked copy) in the meadow. I mean... it's not FAIR that we should be left hanging like that!

Actually, in the copy posted on her website following the leak (after she announced that it would not be published) it ends right before the meadow, serving to tick me off immensely, as that was the part I was most looking forward to. :err:
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Re: Harry Potter vs. Twilght ***SPOILERS***

Postby hprocks » Wednesday 15 April 2009 7:58:03pm

that gives something away that im reading thanks im only on chapter 5
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