On-the-spot Poetry

Try your skills at writing. A place for any non-Harry Potter fan fiction or writing of your own. Write your own original fan fics or even a completely original story here.

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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Friday 29 December 2006 11:48:18pm

It's been a while, dear friends.
We're doing an excercise in creative writing at the beginning of every class. You come up with a title such as 'things I adore' or 'things that upset me' and just make lists. They turn out to be awesome poems sometimes.

Things I want to tell you ((but cant.))

I miss the real you.
I wish you'd spend more time at home.
You can't drown your sorrows in booze.

It wouldn't hurt to say I love you,
Yelling solves nothing,
and Hugs don't bring the plague.

Smoking smells. . .

I can't stand the looks you give me.
They make me want it.
Then again, you haven't cared enough to notice
That I even have an it. to deal with.

Thanks for everything. (not.)
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Monday 26 February 2007 12:51:15am

I here a voice in the wind calling my name
I ache to join it
I yearn to join it
Yet everytime I come closer
It moves farther, and farther, away
Will I ever meet it
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Postby Simatra » Friday 2 March 2007 4:48:43pm

I hope in my peom
there's oridginality,
So look inside
and tell me what you see.
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Sunday 4 March 2007 6:54:13pm

Was that your poem
Why yes, there was
Because you spelled with a d
Don't you see
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Saturday 7 April 2007 10:08:35pm

I don't know what I'm doing
I don't know what I've done
To deserve all this booing
To deserve no more fun

I don't know what I'm having
I don't know what I had
I don't know what I'm gathering
Is it bad, was it bad?

I don't know what I'm seeing
I don't know what I've seen
I guess the time is not for being
So very tall and leen

I don't know I'm hearing
I don't know what I've heard
I guess the time is not for cheering
Nor for the singing of a bird

I don't know what I'm smelling
I don't know what I've smelled
Why is it that the rich are selling
All the people who have rebelled?

Why is it that we treat our fellow man
As if they're not men at all?
Can't we understand that we
Are the people we're meant to be?
How short we are, how tall we'll be
We don't have a choice
How much we weigh, old we are or even the tone of our voice?

So don't you see?
I have to be me
Despite everything I see.
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Postby Simatra » Sunday 8 April 2007 9:06:12pm

that's on the spot?
What a hotshot!
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Monday 16 April 2007 8:06:48pm

thank you, wahoo!

here is another to share with each other.

A world without laughter
A world wothout glee
A world with but one chapter,
That world is not for me

A world without flowers
A world without hope
A place where everyone cowers,
That is not for me, nope

A world without flowers,
laughter, hope, glee
That place where everyone cowers,
What would that world be?

A very sad world indeed.
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Sunday 22 April 2007 8:23:12pm

If we were all but grains of sand
Scattered throughout every land
Would we still find things to discriminate?
Is that but human fate?
If I could have but one wish
It would be of the hope that everyone will read this.
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Re: On-the-spot Poetry

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Monday 19 January 2009 7:47:54pm

Heart to heart and
Eye to eye
Bringing reprimand
On the sly
In the sky
Is secret's youth
The clouds above
Are this truth's proof
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Re: On-the-spot Poetry

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Tuesday 20 January 2009 12:50:34am

I wonder where the origins of this place are now
I wonder how they are and if they will return somehow
I stand upon the hill and I look out to the sea
And I wonder where they are, in which land or which country
The place behind me is in ruins, there is no going back
My town has been destroyed when it was under attack
I've left my own footprint on the sand, below it was another
And deep below that I am sure that there are many others
So now it's up to us and those who come new to this land
To carry on the threads of words that flow from mind to hand.

hmm... I like this!
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Re: On-the-spot Poetry

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Tuesday 20 January 2009 2:26:41am

Wow, gee, I never knew you were so good at poetry!

My brain is fried
From listening to one song
Until twas like I died
And kept doing the dance wrong
I can't stand anymore rhymes
So I bet this poem is bad
These are not the times
For poetry-- Makes me sad
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Re: On-the-spot Poetry

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Tuesday 20 January 2009 4:03:45pm

Poetry is a briliant way to express yourself!

I sit here at this messy desk
My face is pale, my hair a mess
My son is crying in his room
I hope he'll fall asleep real soon
I must be strong and let him cry
It sucks, I think I'd rather die
Than let him suffer or complain
But I know he's only angry, and not in pain.

Argggg babies are so much WORK. But I love them so! I'm picturing where i was when I was 13.... on the phone! Eating icecream by the gallon! Watching tv till 2am..... now ...... up til 2am eating to replace the empty feeling of I have from being tired and avoiding the phone in fear I might chew someones head off or say something stupid because I'm so.......... darned........... tired............... thanks for listening! hahahahahahahahah ....... sigh.
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