What Do YOU Write?

Try your skills at writing. A place for any non-Harry Potter fan fiction or writing of your own. Write your own original fan fics or even a completely original story here.

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Re: What Do YOU Write?

Postby *Riley* » Sunday 18 January 2009 1:29:22am

Prisoner of Azkaban wrote:I just started writing a little short story about my cousin and his Teddy Bear :D

Aw, cute! :razz:
You know Prisoner of Azkaban, you could be big one day. I haven't really heard of anyone who writes like you do, and about the same genre. With me, it's a fight 'till the end because fantasy is very popular.

Ohhh, guys! I've got an update on Chris Wheat! :grin:
( For anyone who doesn't know, Chris Wheat is a famous author who is good friends with my uncle )
I'm going to meet Chris at my uncle's house sometime this week; he has read some of my writing and thinks it's great and he said he may be able to hook me up with a deal, I'm so excited *Faint*
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Re: What Do YOU Write?

Postby Prisoner of Azkaban » Sunday 18 January 2009 1:45:22am

*Riley* wrote:
Prisoner of Azkaban wrote:I just started writing a little short story about my cousin and his Teddy Bear :D

Aw, cute! :razz:
You know Prisoner of Azkaban, you could be big one day. I haven't really heard of anyone who writes like you do, and about the same genre. With me, it's a fight 'till the end because fantasy is very popular.

Ohhh, guys! I've got an update on Chris Wheat! :grin:
( For anyone who doesn't know, Chris Wheat is a famous author who is good friends with my uncle )
I'm going to meet Chris at my uncle's house sometime this week; he has read some of my writing and thinks it's great and he said he may be able to hook me up with a deal, I'm so excited *Faint*

You have no idea how many times I've been told about "getting big". I guess the purpose of my writing is to help people understand the strife of the farmers. Rather than letting people think that southerners, farmers etc (no offence here) are toothless hillbillies with no education. That's not who these folks were, and I've learned from the best that these people were NOT like that. I've mentioned many times about writing about Waylon Jennings. The reason is not only that I admire him greatly, but he was about as southern and countryboy as you could get. Living in a two bedroom house that occupied twelve people, going barefoot most of the year because his family couldn't afford shoes, and picking cotton by day, dreaming of escaping at night. He was dirt poor as a kid and had the floor to prove it! I try to make people understand that in my writing.

Also that he was just an all around Good Guy. I had a lot of arguements on a forum I was on in the past, them saying that there is no possible way he could be all that "great" because he was on drugs for 21 years. In the truth of the matter, it really didn't affect who he really was, just kept him up all hours of the day and eventually gave him so many health problems that he died. But he always loved his wife, and never cheated on her. He loved his kids, and devoted the time they needed to be with him. He loved kids in general, probably mostly because he was a great big kid himself.

I hope your Uncle's friend gets you in the buisness, the world needs more writers. ;)

Here's that poem I wrote about my cousin and his Bear : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FA2SqJuj ... annel_page
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Re: What Do YOU Write?

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Sunday 18 January 2009 7:13:14pm

*Riley* wrote:
Prisoner of Azkaban wrote:I just started writing a little short story about my cousin and his Teddy Bear :D

Aw, cute! :razz:
You know Prisoner of Azkaban, you could be big one day. I haven't really heard of anyone who writes like you do, and about the same genre. With me, it's a fight 'till the end because fantasy is very popular.

Ohhh, guys! I've got an update on Chris Wheat! :grin:
( For anyone who doesn't know, Chris Wheat is a famous author who is good friends with my uncle )
I'm going to meet Chris at my uncle's house sometime this week; he has read some of my writing and thinks it's great and he said he may be able to hook me up with a deal, I'm so excited *Faint*

That's amazing, Riley! The best of luck for getting published!
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Re: What Do YOU Write?

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Tuesday 20 January 2009 12:53:49am

FawkesthePhoenix wrote:
*Riley* wrote:
Prisoner of Azkaban wrote:I just started writing a little short story about my cousin and his Teddy Bear :D

Aw, cute! :razz:
You know Prisoner of Azkaban, you could be big one day. I haven't really heard of anyone who writes like you do, and about the same genre. With me, it's a fight 'till the end because fantasy is very popular.

Ohhh, guys! I've got an update on Chris Wheat! :grin:
( For anyone who doesn't know, Chris Wheat is a famous author who is good friends with my uncle )
I'm going to meet Chris at my uncle's house sometime this week; he has read some of my writing and thinks it's great and he said he may be able to hook me up with a deal, I'm so excited *Faint*

That's amazing, Riley! The best of luck for getting published!

I think we can come to expect great things from our Dear Riley!

I expect an autographed first editon of your first book!

Oh... and as for me... I write poetry because it's quick, and short stories for the same reason.... :) and I love to RP! and I'm feel very inferior around all you amazing writers but I also feeled priviledged to be in your company............:)
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Re: What Do YOU Write?

Postby Prisoner of Azkaban » Tuesday 20 January 2009 1:12:30am

Please don't feel inferior. I started this thread to try to learn from all the wonderful writers here, we all have different styles and techniques for writing, just the same as we all have thoughts, ideas and feelings.

I think the main key to any good writing is feeling and emotion if you can't make the character believable, by telling his or her story with the feelings they were feeling and the emotions they were emoting, then I you might get the reader confused or bored.
When I sit down and write, I have to be in the same room or place with that character (fictional of course) and I have to feel what they are feeling. Hear what they're saying, see what they're seeing. I do that all the time, I close my eyes and picture the scene, it's all like a movie for me.

For an example of the feeling and emotion writing, I'll post this little excerpt of my newest project.

Late that night, he got up from his bed and walked through the hallway, as he entered the living room, he saw his Daddy sitting at the old wooden table, Marla was quietly sleeping in her bassinette beside where he sat.
There were no lights on, it should’ve been dark as night in that dining room. But in the middle of the table, there was a small lit candle. The dining room was also the kitchen, and the little light shined dimly on the walls.

He thought for a few minutes that that little candle’s flame represented his father’s hope that his wife would be okay. This was their sixth child after all.

His Dad was smoking; there was a little red light of glowing tobacco on the end of that white cigarette. He entered the room quietly and heard Marla silently cooing in her sleep, and then he saw that pack of Salems by his father’s other hand that rested contently on the table.
“Dad?” he asked and received no answer.
He quietly pulled out the chair and sat across from him, as he sat he noticed that his father didn’t even notice he was there. He was staring right through him.
The wind bellowed and howled outside, it rammed and fought against the house, sounding like it were going to lift it right off the ground and carry it far away.
It saddened him that his father didn’t even see him there, that he was so immersed in his own world that he stared right through him. He was upset but he understood, his father was going through a very rough patch.
As he got up to leave, he heard his Daddy cough, it sounded like he called his name at the same time.

Carl swung around and looked at him, he was leaning back in his chair, gently patting his knee. He saw the hurt in his father’s eyes, the worry, the longing just to know that everything was going to be okay. He shuddered and moved towards him, he crawled on his father’s lap and rested his head on his Daddy’s chest.
His father’s arms were strong and warm, and he liked it when his father would encircle his arms around him, he did this now and Carl felt upset, there was sadness in his father that was strong enough that he could feel.

His Daddy was worried.

© Kaitie Lutz, 2009


Now to me, this has a lot of feeling to it, because I was standing in that little farmhouse with Carl and his Daddy and little sister, not in reality but in mind, heart, and soul.
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Re: What Do YOU Write?

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Tuesday 20 January 2009 2:46:27am

For me, in order to be successful with writing, I need music. Whether it's simply in my head or actually playing, it always has to be there. That excerpt is quite good, I can really visualize the scene. Here's some of my writing, it's part of Chapter 1 to a story I like to call my RNFOC; Random Novel Full Of cr*p. I write it when I want, how I want, and I don't hesitate to cross things out. It's written the way I would want to read it, and I have no time limits.

"Wait," Tril burst out. "Promotion?"
"Yes," Commander Kall confirmed. "Promotion. It will--"
"But what about Richard?" Tirl asked, overwhelmed and sure that there must be some mistake, "He's been here for 5 years!"
"Port is the best <darn> paper-pusher we've had in a good ong while, we're not moving anyone so competant anytime soon. you have the raw talant and temperament we need to get the job done."
"We have everything we need to get the job done!" Doorsen insisted, slamming his fist down onto the table. "We have no need for--"
"The fact that you are arguing this," Commander Kall interjected calmly, "Only proves our point. Shireson has teh attitude to keep her head, follow orders, and use what she has been given." Tril blushed a deep scarlet. Kall continued, "I'm sure it would benefit you to deflate your head a bit with her common sense. You're going to need all the sensible minds you can get for this mission"
"And what is this mission?" Tril asked curiously.
"Finding and detaining Paul Heartman's killers." Kall answered bluntly.
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Re: What Do YOU Write?

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Tuesday 20 January 2009 4:41:55pm

I like your idea for the random novel, how excellent! No pressure, just pouring thoughts and ideas! And the emotions thing is so important.. you have to feel it to believe it. I get very worried about that though. I think I feel too much. I did an acting class where I was told to pretend to be me in a scenario, and it frightened me how real it was, and who I turned out to be in the end. (I was targeted as being someone who would snitch!!!!) But in order to write well, we do have to have some form of climbing inside the characters head and a way to help us focus, relax and write.

I would share some of my work with you but.... the last time I wrote something was on paper! I need to get it onto the puter! Aren't you all afraid of loosing your work? But hey.. it's much faster and easier to edit on here.

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Re: What Do YOU Write?

Postby DucksRMagical » Tuesday 20 January 2009 7:44:21pm

Every so often I save my stories onto a USB key, so they'll be backed up. But I'm not really worried about losing them. I have a Mac, so it's not likely that I'll be hit with a virus or that my computer will randomly erase everything. I've also posted my stories here and on a fan fiction site, so they're in multiple places.

I don't write on paper because I type faster than I write and it's easier to edit. But the main reason is because I cannot read my own writing. :lol: :oops:
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Re: What Do YOU Write?

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Tuesday 20 January 2009 9:07:41pm

Distortia wrote:I would share some of my work with you but.... the last time I wrote something was on paper! I need to get it onto the puter! Aren't you all afraid of loosing your work? But hey.. it's much faster and easier to edit on here.

My RNFOC is on paper, it comforts me to be able to write wherever I go. My handwriting's atrocious, especially when it's dark and I have to write without looking, but I can read it well enough.
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Re: What Do YOU Write?

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Wednesday 21 January 2009 12:17:36am

I find my hand cramps up when I write now! Typing has taken over the world! I have to write huge essays for uni and it's like.. ow ow ow!!!! Cramp!!! Plus I have to learn to write neatly because I'm going to be teacher! hahah.. it's not like I can just type a 'well done' on someone's work. Maybe I should get a stamp? kidding! no writing should be done more often because it shows that it is someones true work and not just cut and pasted. That's how I used to do essays, just cut and paste information and change it to my own words, then reference the source. But now that they know we can do that, they jsut make the essay word requirement bigger... arggggg.....

Oh! And I'm keeping a journal this year!!!! have kept a page each day since new years! woo hoo!!!! I have never been able to do that, I'm sooooooooooo proud! And it's WRITTEN too! someday I would like to get my own blog going, but right now it's just my status on Facebook that gets my time.. and my journal.

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Re: What Do YOU Write?

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Thursday 22 January 2009 3:40:12am

I keep a journal of my favorite poems, written by myself and others, which is all handwritten. Some were written down by me, and some were written down by the person who gave it to me. She's my best friend, and she actually handwrote "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe in it!
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Re: What Do YOU Write?

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Thursday 22 January 2009 1:22:10pm

Oh that is so cool!!! I just ADORE poetry, and it doesn't get enough love now a days! Lyrics too.. love em! My Nanny (mom's mom) loves poetry and just 2 days ago her brother passed away, he was 2 years younger than her (so sad) but he could recite any poem or lyric you could think of by heard. She said... "I wish I could have bottled his memory". I am forever begging her to write down her memoires. It's so amazing talking to her. The things she's done and the places she's been and the hell she's been through. She used to be a taxi drive! And she was a carpenter too! (She's like , 5 feet tall!)

Hey I thought it might be fun to start a thread where we quote our favorite passages from books we've read. I know reading helps me come up with neat ways to describe things. I was reading Robin Hobbs "Ship of Magic Book One - The Liveship Traders" and I thought this sounded awesome! ....... "Nevertheless, Kennit retained his customary sardonic smile, not allowing his face to betray his thoughts. It was a carefully rehearsed languid grace of a hunting cat."

Keep on writing everyone... oh I WISH I had kept the poems I've written instead of passing them off. Must resolve to keep a book from now on...
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Re: What Do YOU Write?

Postby DucksRMagical » Friday 23 January 2009 1:56:16am

I've tried keeping a diary in the past, but I've never managed to do it for more than a couple days straight. I do have a blog that I update regularly, though. I just like typing things so much better. Plus, people comment on my blog which is definitely an incentive to write it.

My blog! Click!

I'm horrible at writing poetry. I'm taking creative writing this semester, though, and will have to write poetry during it.
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Re: What Do YOU Write?

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Friday 23 January 2009 2:00:36am

I have a blog, too, but I don't post much....

My blog! Clickie, you know you want to!

I do keep a random diary-type-thing that I write in sometimes. It's never about my day-to-day life, though, usually it's just musing about life and death.

Oooo, can I join your creative writing class?
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Re: What Do YOU Write?

Postby *Riley* » Sunday 25 January 2009 7:26:39am

I am setting up a blog... shall post the details soon ;)
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