Pfft. To me, Harry Potter are two completely different entities that cannot compare. Twilight is like a bag of potatoe crisps; Harry Potter is a hearty meal.
by DucksRMagical » Wednesday 24 December 2008 3:10:32am
Harry Potter all the way. I like Twilight, but it's not a series I would reread over and over again like Harry Potter. I have been a proud HP fan for nearly 10 years. During that time, I have read each book numerous times.
thanks, some of my freinds read the twilght and just wanted to see what all of you think, like i said before i have been a hp fanfor nearly 3 years this summer and im staying that way. oh by the way did you know that one of the hp characters from the gof plays a character in the twilight movie merry christmas hprocks
Has anyone here read The Host, Stephenie Meyer's brave attempt at science fiction? It was basically the twilight books condensed into one volume with a different setting and character names.
by Silver Bunny » Friday 16 January 2009 12:18:47am
Yep, I did read it. In my opinion, The Host was much better than Twilight because Wanda actually kinda likeable. I'm sorry, but I don't like Bella at all because she's hopeless.
I completely agree, and one of my friends goes insane whenever I say so, but Bella is a terrible character, a classic "damsel in distress" that I cannot stand. Wanda was pretty cool, until she went Bella and started up the sacrificial thinking and losing her common sense. Then my liking for her went down a bit. Melanie's much cooler.