What Do YOU Write?

Try your skills at writing. A place for any non-Harry Potter fan fiction or writing of your own. Write your own original fan fics or even a completely original story here.

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What Do YOU Write?

Postby Prisoner of Azkaban » Wednesday 14 January 2009 12:06:50am

As I writer myself, whenever I see something about writing, anywhere, I have to ask "What do you write?"

I write fiction, non-fiction based fiction, and non-fiction.

When I say "non-fiction based fiction" I mean that I write things that are fiction, but based on real things that happened. For example, I wrote a little two page story about Waylon Jennings and Johnny Cash meeting in Heaven for the first time. I also wrote about Waylon meeting The Big Bopper and Buddy Holley in the same story.

The non-fiction I write, is biographies. I've started on the biography of a (now deceased) 94 year old WWII veteren. But I haven't got very far on that at all because everything I've heard jumps around a lot. I plan to someday write Waylon's biography but from his wife and kids' point of view and from the people around him.

So I'm asking, as a member and a writer....

What do YOU write???? ;)
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Re: What Do YOU Write?

Postby *Riley* » Thursday 15 January 2009 8:13:09am

I love writing fantasy and adventure. It kind of spurs from Harry Potter that I write. I mean, I wouldnt of tried my hand at writing if I hadn't read it, I don't think.
Fantasy is such a great topic since you can do anything with it and not be ridiculed, in other words; fiction is a better topic to expore.
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Re: What Do YOU Write?

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Thursday 15 January 2009 9:47:57pm

I agree with Riley, fiction gives you so much more freedom. I enjoy merging realistic fiction and fantasy, making fantasy have a basis for probability, like figuring out the anatomy of any magical creatures, or having the shooting statistics of a fantastical weapon ready at hand. That is, I try.
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Re: What Do YOU Write?

Postby Prisoner of Azkaban » Thursday 15 January 2009 9:59:50pm

Both of you have very valid points about writing, and I love to see that people are writing.

When I write, it is sort of fantasy too. But don't have wizards and wands, capes and cloaks, or even talking animals. What I write fantasy wise is things that will take me out of the world I am living in and help to transport into a better, happier time.

I generally write about farmers. Out in the country with nothing really to be proud of except for the love of your family and listening to the Grand Ole Opry on a little battery-operated wooden radio.
I take a lot from my heroe's pasts and try to wrap it into a believable piece of work. That's just how I write.

I'm very happy to see writers on this forum.. :D
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Re: What Do YOU Write?

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Thursday 15 January 2009 10:13:19pm

I myself like to write more about cities than farms, as they tend to have more action and problems. I enjoy writing about troubled times, I can usually sqeeze more plot out of them. When I do write about happy times, they almost always end up being lauched into problems, or they're about supposed "utopias" that really aren't very nice at all.
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Re: What Do YOU Write?

Postby Prisoner of Azkaban » Thursday 15 January 2009 10:54:18pm

I understand about launching into problems.

My first completed book (not published yet) is full of problems, it's actually about a little boy that is leaving a school (in another place) to go home to take care of his sick grandfather. But on his way, he gets thrown off the train he's on and winds up in a town full of farmers, and a big tall man invites him inside for breakfast, explaining that he knew the boy's grandfather. The man and his family ends up becoming the boy's foster family until all the secrets of the past are told by the mysterious man who invited him in one hot summer day.

I'd try to explain all the problems, but it would take up pages of posts.

All my stories have something go terribly wrong before it goes happily right.
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Re: What Do YOU Write?

Postby Silver Bunny » Friday 16 January 2009 12:26:58am

I prefer to write fantasy adventures. I've tried writing realistic fictions, and they always turn out so...badly. With fantasies, it's easy because you can create your very own world.
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Re: What Do YOU Write?

Postby Prisoner of Azkaban » Friday 16 January 2009 12:43:41am

Silver Bunny,
Please....never EVER say that your writing as bad, no matter what you think of it, there's someone in the world that will enjoy it.
No one is a perfect writer, just keep practicing. Write what you know and what you feel because that is truely what will make people love your writing. I praticularly think my writing isn't very good at all, but I've impressed many, many people with it. I don't know how that was done but I believe that if you sit down and try to wrap what every you're feeling and thinking into something, it'll come out impressing people you've never thought you'd impress before!!

I encorage all of you to KEEP WRITING!!! ;)
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Re: What Do YOU Write?

Postby Silver Bunny » Friday 16 January 2009 1:31:08am

Well in truth, I am always too embarrassed to show my work to anyone, not counting when my dad forces me to show him.
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Re: What Do YOU Write?

Postby DucksRMagical » Friday 16 January 2009 2:09:45am

My writing is all over the place. I've written a variety of genres; although most of my stories have beginnings and no endings. :lol: I've only completed 1 novel that isn't fan fic.

As of right now, my favorite thing to write is fan fiction. I love writing in the Harry Potter world, but creating my own characters and putting them in.

My favorite types of scenes to write are the emotional/angsty type ones. Maybe this is just the psychology major in me. :lol: But I find I can really get into a character's head while writing those types of scenes, especially if I'm doing it in first person.
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Re: What Do YOU Write?

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Friday 16 January 2009 10:03:36pm

Ooo, I love giving my characters psychological problems! That sounds kind of strange, but it really spices up the plot when a character has some real trauma in their past, or some sort of falling out with their family!
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Re: What Do YOU Write?

Postby *Riley* » Saturday 17 January 2009 2:48:51am

I tend to make them orphans, there is so much variety when choosing their fate compared to a child with parents.
My favourite part of writing would have to be naming my characters. I love it! I also enjoy creating new creatures such as 'Boggles' and 'Hooflies'.
My quirkiest name would have to be... Alverdine Silverspoon; I love it so much, I tend to use it in alot of stories, even if the protoganist is male :lol:
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Re: What Do YOU Write?

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Saturday 17 January 2009 4:18:53am

Mine is probably Dauntril Shireson, I pulled it out of nowhere and I just love it!
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Re: What Do YOU Write?

Postby DucksRMagical » Saturday 17 January 2009 4:33:55pm

FawkesthePhoenix wrote:Ooo, I love giving my characters psychological problems! That sounds kind of strange, but it really spices up the plot when a character has some real trauma in their past, or some sort of falling out with their family!

Which is exactly why you should finish reading In Moonlight's Shadow! It's full of trauma, psychological problems, and falling out with family! ;)

I don't really have any strange names in my stories. Most of them are pretty normal.
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Re: What Do YOU Write?

Postby Prisoner of Azkaban » Saturday 17 January 2009 8:36:04pm

I just started writing a little short story about my cousin and his Teddy Bear :D
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