Hrmm, I don't know about that... the kid is certainly devious, but he definately enjoys telling people that he doesn't like then... Like Hermoine for exapmle, he manages to call her a mudblood at every available oppurtunity...
WOW, it's raining here again!!! *hrmm, dont' know why I wrote that, just felt like it!!
But yeah, back to topic, I think that Draco would really despise Snape if he found out that he had changed sides, even more than his feelings of disgust for Hermoine... think about it, he would be been with voldie, and as draco would see it, reveled in the glory of being a DE, and then thrown it all in to go and help that mudblood loving fool Albus Dumbledore stop the rightful leader of the world, Voldie! And, he woudl also be helping out Harry, who Draco also really despises...
Nah, I just cant' see him faking it... He's too confident for something like that...
*according to the world of me, that is!!