Harry Potter and the outcasts of Hogwarts

Are you a budding writer? If you have any ideas for Harry potter plots, share them here. Who knows, JK Rowling may take a look and use your ideas in her next book!

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Harry Potter and the outcasts of Hogwarts

Postby wonderwizard » Saturday 4 October 2008 1:15:46pm

Funny Harry Potter youtube video:) Does anyone have any idea how they did it?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ncvOw-r ... h_response
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Re: Harry Potter and the outcasts of Hogwarts

Postby *Riley* » Sunday 5 October 2008 10:42:28am

Do you really think this is the correct place to post it ?
This is a writing category.
Plus, links to other websites are boring.
Setting the rules aside, to answer your question, it would be done through alot of editing and a green screen most likely.
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