Severus Snape

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Postby Scellanis » Tuesday 6 May 2003 5:04:50pm

Neo wrote:Maybe he dies saving Harry, and that way he dies in peace because the Potters were now the ones that own him one, and not him to them. (Just a thought)

ok...did i get it right Neo.....sorry couldnt move the post, cant figure out how to do that, quoting it will have to
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Postby Mistress Siana » Tuesday 6 May 2003 11:07:13pm

about 120 years in the future, Harry passes away peacefully. Darkness everywhere, and then, suddenly, at the end of a tunnel, there is light...and...something else...a silhoutte...finally, Harry realizes...oh my god!'s SNAPE!

Snape: "Well, some of us don't think it's necessary to watch their backs, now do they, Potter? For your information, you would have spent the last 12 decades as a ghost I've I hadn't saved your see, Potter, fame isn't everything!"


But Neo, I think that theory is plausible. Redemed characters always die saving the hero...
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Postby Neo » Wednesday 7 May 2003 3:52:28am

Thanks Sonkem, that's just good enough (my idea is shown, and that's the idea)

Well I know that about him dying peaceful because he saved Harry sounds like a cheap Hollywood film, but the idea of Snape saving Harry isn't that weird, I mean it seems Snape hates Harry, but if he hadn't got any good feelings for him why he keeps bothering the boy, it wpuld be simper to ignore him, no?
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Postby Holly Golightly » Wednesday 7 May 2003 12:21:59pm

Very true there Neo, Snape could just igrnoe harry, couldnt' he?

I think that he genuinely doesn't want Harry to die, or bad things to happen to Harry, buthtat harry just gets on his nerves. I would say that there were things that he really hated about James, and that everytime Snape looks at harry, he just sees these things.

Or, maybe he sees guilt, because I would guess that it was Snape who told DD about Voldie wanting to kill the Potters,and that they still died ane Snape feels somehow responsible. So he sees this guilt when looking at Harry, and thus takes it out on him... make any sense???
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Postby Mistress Siana » Wednesday 7 May 2003 1:47:29pm

Holly, I think the idea about Snape feeling somewhat guilty really makes sense. Snape doesn't only go out on Harry, he also behaves the same way when he deals with Neville, whose parents were tortured by Snape's former friends. Apart from Hermione, all students he really seems to detest have in their pasts suffered from something that could partly be seen as his fault. So maybe his apparent hate is in fact a projection of his self contempt.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Wednesday 7 May 2003 2:03:44pm

I never made the Neville connection! Awesome job Mistress Siana! And he doesnt' really seem to pick on Hermoine or Ron as much as Harry and neville, does he??? I mean, he's still nasty, but nothing to the extent of Harry and Neville...
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Postby Mistress Siana » Wednesday 7 May 2003 2:08:58pm

Thanks Holly! I'm glad somebody thought of the same thing
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Postby Holly Golightly » Wednesday 7 May 2003 2:17:18pm

Woo-Hoo! This theory sounds like a goer!
You never know, maybe we'll even be reading Hp and find out that it's true!!! Wouldn't that just be awesome??? :grin: :grin:
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Postby Mistress Siana » Wednesday 7 May 2003 6:48:32pm

Personally, I'm almost convinced of that one... :D
But I'd die to how that would be presented in the books...I mean, it's very unlikely for Snape to just go and tell Harry "I'm sorry for all that I did, you know, I was just projecting my self contempt on you..."
pleeeeeeeeease Jo!! release book 5!!!! and 6 god, I#m going insane!!
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Postby Holly Golightly » Thursday 8 May 2003 4:15:48am

Actually yeah, that woudl be kinda scary soap-operaish, wouldn't it? :-?

Hrmm, JK is a genuis, she'll find a way! :grin:
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Postby Neo » Thursday 8 May 2003 4:45:27am

Hey, it's a great theory; and the reason Snape bothers Hermione is because she has the answer to everything, so that like he can not say Harry he is wrong, because Hermione says the correct answer before. (I made myself clear? I'm not sure)
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Postby Mistress Siana » Thursday 8 May 2003 4:56:09pm

Maybe, he unconciously thinks that he deserves the hatred he gets for his behaviour...
We should re-name this thred to 'psychoanalysis' ...hehe
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Postby Neo » Friday 9 May 2003 3:46:14am

lol, that wouldn't be a bad idea.
And maybe he acts like that to be hated.
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Postby Mistress Siana » Friday 9 May 2003 12:22:29pm

That almost makes sense...just imagine the kids somehow found out about his past as a DE..they'd most certainly say "Ha! I've always known that, them Death Eaters are all the same!"
So whatever somebody may tell them, they'll always connect 'Death Eaters' with somebody they hate, which could at least prevent some of them from turning sides. And maybe that's what snape intents to do...
But in my opinion that would be MUCH too noble for a Slytherin,hm?
At least I think that he really enjoys being nasty.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Friday 9 May 2003 4:15:51pm

I like your ideas too Mistress Siana, but then your right, I do think that it's way too noble a thing for Snape to be doing! Soomuch self-sacrafice going on there!!!

Do you really think that Snape thinks of himself as being nasty? I cant' see that... He'd probably see himself more as just being a strict teacher who wont' take cr*p from his students, and is just very leniant on people from his own house, which he probably isnt' even aware taht he does! Think of your teachers from school.... they probably think that they treat all students the same, without showing any favoritism, but then they all have their litte teachers pets!

anyways, :razz:
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