Elder Wand's Allegiance

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Elder Wand's Allegiance

Postby choki » Thursday 14 August 2008 3:51:27am

Is anyone confused about the whole theory of the Elder Wand's allegiance?
Draco became the true master of the Elder Wand after disarming Dumbledore. A simple trick like that? Or was it more of Wand itself, choosing a new master before Dumbledore dies?

It had survived through the ages, perhaps it was more like the One Ring in LotR, where it is transferred from a person to another simply but inciting them the vast power one could obtain which made wizards fought over for it. And of course, the idea of that was so that the Elder Wand could exist forever.

The wand is not an lifeless object. It had a mind of its own as seen by several instances where
1. Harry's wand recognises Voldemort's wand in GoF,
2. Harry's wand lit on by itself when Harry muttered the spell without the wand on his hand (though it could be that magic can be performed without wand, or the wand itself is responding to his master's call)

So with that, does anyone think the Elder Wand, having a mind of its own, actually chooses the wizard and jump wagon as soon as it can feel its doom coming hence, even a simple spell like Expelliarmus is able to cause the switch in allegiance?
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Re: Elder Wand's Allegiance

Postby salemboy » Thursday 14 August 2008 6:52:02am

I believe that it simply had certain guidelines that needed to be fulfilled, and then it would change it's allegiance. Maybe those guidelines were easy to meet.
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Re: Elder Wand's Allegiance

Postby DucksRMagical » Thursday 14 August 2008 4:36:58pm

Interesting theory. I think the Elder Wand is just always attracted to the stronger wizard. If the wizard with the Elder Wand got disarmed, the Elder Wand would want to go to the wizard who did the disarming. If Draco could disarm Dumbledore with a simple Expelliarmus, then the Elder Wand would think that Draco was the stronger wizard.
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Re: Elder Wand's Allegiance

Postby salemboy » Monday 18 August 2008 4:45:20pm

Bad judgement on the part the wand, eh? But if that was true, wouldn't it have known that DD was weakened and would have been very easily disarmed?
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Re: Elder Wand's Allegiance

Postby magicboy » Saturday 30 August 2008 1:41:56pm

suppose not, the wand is like the wizards soul so when he is disarmed or killed then basicly his sould is gone and tansfered to the wizard that disarmed who ever, so he must of detected that his soul was weak and could disarm him easily but 1 other thing is he could apparated away before and get to keep his wand.
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Re: Elder Wand's Allegiance

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Tuesday 2 September 2008 3:11:26am

i don't think the wand feeling like another appendage thing is quite that litteral. otherwise, couldn't dementors just go around eating unsold wands instead of people's souls? and wouldn't that mean that ron had inherited bill's soul? and that if you're disarmed, you're now souless and the disarmer now has two souls?
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Re: Elder Wand's Allegiance

Postby choki » Tuesday 9 September 2008 4:13:01am

i guess he is saying wand's soul (mind) is diffferent from a human soul?
it is arguable the same way as if plant had soul or not, seeing it is a living thing as well (in our actual world)

The Elder wand, being a gift from death, must be a highly enchanted or bestowed item. And the fact that all the 3 deathly hallows managed to survive through the ages shows how well it can protect itself? perhaps to assure its survival? a human nature in real world

spells could be ricochetted off the Invisibility Cloak
Resurrection Stone worked despite being cursed, embedded with horcrux and destroyed
not to mention, Elder wand was no doubt the most powerful wand in existance

which brings us to another question... do you think will Harry be the last owner of the Elder Wand, putting the legacy of the wand to an end? Or will it switch allegiance once again despite the wand being kept in the tomb, eventually resurfacing in the future?
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Re: Elder Wand's Allegiance

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Tuesday 9 September 2008 9:12:55pm

unless decomposed within harry's grave, i don't think it's possible to destroy the legacy of the elder wand. it would simply pass hands the way voldy took it from dumbles.
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Re: Elder Wand's Allegiance

Postby *Riley* » Wednesday 10 September 2008 7:58:03am

I suppose the wand is like a soul, but not in the actual way that presumes Ron has Bills soul, the offender would have two souls after an attack etc.
I don't think the wand is weak enough to just rot in the ground, it is to powerful for such a feeble death. The pragnotic view would be to destroy it, but could that work, with reducto or another killing curse.
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Re: Elder Wand's Allegiance

Postby salemboy » Wednesday 10 September 2008 10:28:36am

What I don't get is why Harry said that he would just live out his life, and when he dies naturally, the wand will lose power. Why doesn't he just break it?
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Re: Elder Wand's Allegiance

Postby choki » Sunday 21 September 2008 8:55:49am

I guess in a sense the wand is powerful enough to prevent its own destruction. A reducto curse from another wand won't be able to break it? Neither does any physical means of breaking it into half would work.
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Re: Elder Wand's Allegiance

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Saturday 27 September 2008 7:35:34pm

i don't know, i think breaking it in half might work. as far as we know, the elder wand itself is the only wand that can repair a broken one, so surely once broken nothing can make it quite the same again.
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Re: Elder Wand's Allegiance

Postby choki » Friday 3 October 2008 10:16:40am

heehee, how about it being an indestructible object?
no matter how u twist/bend/break, it will remain as intact as ever.
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