Unofficial James potter books By George Norman Lippert

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James Potter and the Hall of Elder's Crossing

Postby DucksRMagical » Tuesday 11 December 2007 4:35:40pm

Anyone else been reading this fan fic? If so what do you think of it? I think it's pretty good. Some parts of it confuse me, but overall I like it.
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Postby Phoenix15 » Wednesday 19 December 2007 11:15:09pm

its not really working for me. I like have to download it and then it won't work
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Postby DucksRMagical » Thursday 20 December 2007 3:28:11am

Yeah, you have to download the chapters. Do you have a pdf reader, like Adobe Acrobat reader? You'll need one of them. Are you able to get to the part of the site that lets you click on the chapters to download?
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Postby Phoenix15 » Friday 28 December 2007 1:31:26am

Yeah i get to the part where you can download the chapters, but i cant really doenload them correctly I guess
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Postby DucksRMagical » Friday 28 December 2007 1:36:25am

What happens when you click on them? Does it ask you 'what do you want to do with the file'? If it does, click 'open' and it should download and open.

If it doesn't ask you that, you might not have Adobe Acrobat or another pdf file reader. In which case, you'll have to download one.
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Unofficial James potter books By George Norman Lippert

Postby magicboy » Monday 18 August 2008 1:14:59pm

He we have 2 unofficial james potter books, a different set of adventures for the son of the great harry potter. 1.James Potter and the Hall of Elders' Crossing( out now,, the link to download it)
2.James Potter and the Curse of the Gatekeeper( out soon)
this book is not a sequal its a continuation

hope you all think its cool, its my first topic
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Re: Unofficial James potter books By George Norman Lippert

Postby DucksRMagical » Tuesday 19 August 2008 3:08:13am

I love JP & the Hall of Elder's Crossing! :grin: It's an excellent fan fic and I'm looking forward to the sequel.
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Re: Unofficial James potter books By George Norman Lippert

Postby magicboy » Tuesday 19 August 2008 12:43:00pm

its a shame he did not get permission from j;k rowling first though, but still i love it, it has a different feel to it and atleast its not a continous book as in it leading up to a big final like the harry potter series, but if he gets permission from her to release it then i think others will like it and maybe a film or a animated film which we should like.
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Re: Unofficial James potter books By George Norman Lippert

Postby DucksRMagical » Tuesday 19 August 2008 2:34:17pm

Well, he does not need her permission to write fan fic. He only needs her permission to publish it, which she will not give. If she let him publish his fan fic, then she'd have to let everyone try and get their fan fic published. Because although his fan fic has a cool website and it got a lot of Internet publicity, it's still just fan fic.

JKR has no plans on letting people publish their fan fic, which makes sense. Harry Potter was her idea, so other people shouldn't make money off of it. As a fan fic writer, I understand this and agree with it. I'm perfectly content just to write for the fun of it. My reason for writing fan fic is so that I can further my HP obsession. ;)
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Re: Unofficial James potter books By George Norman Lippert

Postby *Riley* » Saturday 23 August 2008 5:13:50am

I love the introduction video "Jarry" to "James" :lol:
The website looks great, he must be very time full to do that all! Not to mention smart! I did not want to download the book onto this laptop, so I'll do it on my other computer later.
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Re: Unofficial James potter books By George Norman Lippert

Postby magicboy » Saturday 23 August 2008 3:23:31pm

i have got it and i find it cool
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Re: Unofficial James potter books By George Norman Lippert

Postby DucksRMagical » Saturday 13 September 2008 12:38:57am

I have merged two different topics about the James Potter books. :)

James Potter and the Curse of the Gatekeeper is now out! Follow this link to the chapters.

I have read through chapter 5 so far and it is very good. So far I'm liking it even more than JP&HEC. :grin:
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Re: Unofficial James potter books By George Norman Lippert

Postby magicboy » Sunday 14 September 2008 5:09:53pm

i find it very cool book, i hope the next book is good aswel.
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