Malfoy children

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

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Malfoy children

Postby Mistress Siana » Monday 5 May 2003 9:35:04am

I've wondered if Draco has any brothers or sisters or if he is an only child. has it ever been mentioned in the books?
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Postby Scellanis » Monday 5 May 2003 11:49:25am

well there was only draco with his parents at the quidditch world cup...though i suppose they could have had a baby sitter for a younger child.....but draco always gives the impression of only child to me....hes rather spoilt (the broomsticks to get him on the quidditch team for example) and also he likes to be center of attention doesnt he, he likes to be the best...i think that would be another only child trait because being an only child hes used to that and then he meets others who are better and hes suddenly not the best anymore....and hes never mentioned any brothers or sisters and neither have any of the weasleys.....
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 5 May 2003 3:35:38pm

I totally agree with Sonkem!
No hint of siblings has ever been mentioned anywhere, and Draco totally seems to have the spolit brat, only child mentality!

*PS, hope no only childern here take that personally!!!* :)
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Postby Scellanis » Monday 5 May 2003 5:22:27pm

lol, i purposely avoided saying that incase i upset anyone and then you go ahead and say it for
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Postby Mistress Siana » Monday 5 May 2003 8:49:51pm

I had the same impression...but on the other hand, a spoilt child is not necessarily an only child (I am an only child, btw). The Malfoys are a very rich and whealthy family, enough to have more than one spoilt child, if you know what I mean. But I still don't think it's very likely. I was just wondering...
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Postby Neo » Tuesday 6 May 2003 4:30:43am

well Lucius is the age of Mr. Weasly (moreless), so maybe he could have an onlder brother which nobody knows in this moment. I mean I wonder if Draco knows about Bill Weasley for example.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Tuesday 6 May 2003 6:48:45am

Yeah,but while there are alot of similarities between only child spoilt kids and spoilt kids with bros and sisters, there are still diferences in their personalities. Like, with siblings, they end to be more competative, and Draco doesnt' seem to have that, except with quiddich, but everyone is competative with quiddich. But with his marks for example, he doesnt' seem to ahve that competative things going for him, which makes me think that he's an only child!

PS, I dont' think that all only children are spoilt! I know people who are only children, and you'd never tell!!! :D :D :D
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Postby Neo » Wednesday 7 May 2003 3:58:23am

well certainly it seems that as a spoiled child Draco doesn't think he needs good grades, and if he has a bigger brother (the age of Bill), he wouldn0t have the chance to compete with him, therefore his bad notes aren't a proof of being the only child.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Wednesday 7 May 2003 10:56:10am

Not necessarily ture. Remember Ron, both Charlie and Bill are out of school, and they were on the quiddich team and head boy respectively. When Ron looks in the Mirror or Erised, he sees himself in both of those positions, feeling that as such he will ahve won the 'competition' he as going with them in his own mind. Make sense?
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Postby Scellanis » Wednesday 7 May 2003 4:06:18pm

yes, ron definately competes with all his older brothers....whether they have left school or not they have still set targets he feels he has to beat since he is younger than sure if draco had an older sibling hed be doing the same sort of thing or boasting if he beat them....
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Postby Holly Golightly » Wednesday 7 May 2003 4:33:50pm

Woo-Hoo, Sonkem, you understand what I meant!!!

I always have this feeling that I'm just typing stuff, and no one can really understand it, because the stuff that I type really doesnt' make any sense to anyone but me... *which is because I am mainly insane... :-?
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Postby Neo » Thursday 8 May 2003 5:45:05am

You are not insane, you are just a little werid (just like everybody around here, ;) ); but I mean Ron as a lot of brothers that's why he competes with them, if he had only one it would be different. And maybe Draco competes with his older brother's achievement in Hogwarts but we just don't know about it.
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Postby Mistress Siana » Thursday 8 May 2003 1:06:48pm

There's one reason for which I don't think that Draco would necessarily compete with a possible sibling: he has a very dominant father, one that would even overshadow a brother's achievements, however good they might be. We've more than once seen that Lucius is his ever-present role model.I think his attention is more important for Draco than anything else, and Lucius is hard to satisfy. Remember in the first book, when he seemed almost afraid that he could possibly end up in Hufflepuff?
So I think that whatever he or an elder brother might have achieved, it will be more difficult to hold his ground against Lucius.
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Postby Neo » Friday 9 May 2003 3:50:55am

That's a good point, Draco always thinks about his father, no one else. But still it would be very strange if Draco has a sibling.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 10 May 2003 3:56:06pm

I agree, I would be very shocked!
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