Clues in OotP Covers

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Clues in OotP Covers

Postby 2F2Type_R » Saturday 22 March 2003 3:28:50pm

the American cover shows Harry turning around to face sum1 (wand ready) in a room surrounded by doors and floating candles... is he still @ Hogwarts??

both the Bloomsbury covers show a large phoenix above a blanket of flames, eye candy or is Fawkes a raving pyscho when dumbledore isn't watching?
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Postby Scellanis » Saturday 22 March 2003 3:51:04pm

erm...pheonixes are associated with flames...because they burst into flames and are reborn from the ashes...that will most likely be the reason for pheonix with flames....
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Postby Hermione » Wednesday 26 March 2003 3:58:21pm

And why can't there be a room surrounded by doors and filled with floating candles at Hogwarts? Remember, Hogwarts is incredibly big. I bet that there are dozens of rooms that we haven't encountered yet.

And what Sonkem said about the phoenix.
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Postby 2F2Type_R » Wednesday 26 March 2003 5:08:04pm

hmm... i didn't think i had to be that obvious

harry potter covers alway show climatic/important scenes in the books

PS: Harry boarding train for Hogwarts
CoS: Harry and Ron in the flying car
PoA: Sirius on Buckbeak
GoF: Harry against the dragon

well, soree bout that
guess i should have mentioned em
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Postby Hermione » Wednesday 26 March 2003 8:47:26pm

You already were being obvious- I think the covers are supposed to give clues :grin:, but I was just reacting to this:

the American cover shows Harry turning around to face sum1 (wand ready) in a room surrounded by doors and floating candles... is he still @ Hogwarts??

While I agree that it's a clue of some sort, I don't think it has to mean that he's not at Hogwarts.
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Wednesday 26 March 2003 11:15:44pm

yes, rooms disapear and reapear at Hogwarts as well
Remember Dumbledore and his room of Chamber Pots that he couldn't find again in the fourth book
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Postby Beccaroo » Thursday 27 March 2003 3:26:16pm

OOoooooh how exciting! I can't wait. It's meant to be quite a big book aswell isn't it?

Hoorah! :grin:
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Friday 28 March 2003 12:45:55am

yeah, i think 896 pages, i can't wait
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Postby Neo » Friday 18 April 2003 12:41:13am

Maybe it is the room Jo has already talked about. The one with powers Harry hasn't discovered yet.
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Postby MikeT » Friday 18 April 2003 11:13:39am

I'm not too sure on this:

but I think it might be the prefects bathroom....I cannot remember who said this, whether it was here or somewhere else, but i think it is there!
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Postby Broken Machine » Sunday 20 April 2003 4:28:31am

I hope that it's not a room in the Hogwarts castle. Hogwarts is great and everything but I think the first two books sort of took away from each other because Harry faced Voldemort twice within the castle on the lower level in some heavily gaurded room. No Voldemort in book three and then the re-birth of which took Harry far away from the castle with a portkey was one thing that added suspense. Hopefully he, Ron, and Hermione will find mischief and adventure further from Hogwarts. Even Hogsmeade would be great. It is the spot for the headquarters of the Goblin Rebellions. So here's hoping. And no one give me some schmuk about this not being a time for the three of them to be to far from teachers and friends because they have to be the most rule breaking students of the age.
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Postby Neo » Monday 21 April 2003 5:36:21am

How many circular rooms do we know?
I wonder if by any chance this room is exactly where Harry Potter sleeps, the idea came when I was re-reading book 2, chapter 5 at the last page it mentions the room is circular,
Also Jo said in an interview that she would go directly to an specific room in Hogwarts, which Harry still does not know the magic powers it has.
Can the cover be showing the secret magic this rooms has, maybe the dorm of Harry has doors to different worlds, or something like that. That would be very cool.
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Postby Hermione » Monday 21 April 2003 1:26:12pm

12321 wrote:yes, rooms disapear and reapear at Hogwarts as well
Remember Dumbledore and his room of Chamber Pots that he couldn't find again in the fourth book

12321- I think Dumbledore was joking when he said that. If I remember correctly, Karkaroff was being a little . . . mm, stuck-up, so Dumbledore was probably poking fun at him . . . :grin:
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Postby Holly Golightly » Tuesday 6 May 2003 5:08:53pm

I dont' know! I mean, even DD'd jokes always seem to have that nugget of truth to them...
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Postby Neo » Wednesday 7 May 2003 2:57:24am

Yeah that's true (I wonder if the socks will have to do more in the next books)
But if DD didn't knoew about that room, he should have at least seen it very well, and he never mentions anything special about it.
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