CHAPTER ONE : Diagon Alley
It was morning and the sun was just setting over the pale blue sky , when a beautiful women with flaming red hair stepped out into the front lawn of their cosy cottage. Just as the woman reached the wonderfully green grass, the back door burst open , and a young boy with jet black hair came running across the lawn,
"I DIDN'T DO IT MUM ! I SWEAR IT WAS ALL ALBUS!" he said rather hysterically, for at that exact moment the door opened once again and a second figure with the exact features of his father ran towards his mum, his green eyes were shining with tears,
"Mum , James tried to feed me nosebleed nougats again!!"
"Both of you inside, your father will be back soon" the woman was actually quite amused but she couldn't show her kids this, she went back inside to see another child sitting at the table , but this time it was Lily , Ginny's youngest child, ginny always thought Lily looked extraordinary like herself.
"Mum, can i come into Diagon Alley?"she asked curiously,
"Yes but we are shopping for James, not you," she replied sternly
Lily ran upstairs and disappeared behind her bedroom door.
"James, are you ready to go,and Albus get down here and clean your mess up!" she shouted,
He slid down the banister and ran outside and jumped in the old Ford Angela.
"Hurry up Lily , Were leaving, Albus dad will be here soon so your going to be alone for awhile but just play with Arnold or something"
She walked out into the gravel covered driveway and got into the car, Lily came zooming out the front door and quickly jumped in the back.
Ten minutes passed and they parked outside a small dingy pub , that was invisible to muggles but not too wizards.
"Morning Mrs.Potter, Good day" Said a hunchback man she noticed was named Tom. She walked to the back of the back where a solid brick wall stood, she rapped the bricks and an arch appeared.
She walked through the archway, with her 2 children following behind her,
"Is that potters wife, you know the famous harry potter ?" people were pointing and staring but Ginny was used to this kind of attention and her children were looking proud as ever. The day passed slowly and even James was getting bored,
"We need to go to the apothecary and we have done" Ginny exclaimed checking James' equipment list.
When they got home, Harry was there and he was playing wizard chess with Albus. They soon all got tired and wandered off to bed, James tossed and turned because tomorrow was his first day at Hogwarts.......
That is the first chapter, if anyone thinks I should keep writing I will but anyone who wishes I stop because I might be tainting there image of Harry Potter please tell me, either way, I can take constructive criticism.